The Venture Bros. is an American animated television series airing as part of Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. It chronicles the adventures of two dopey yet well-meaning teenage boys, Hank and Dean Venture; their emotionally insecure, ethically challenged super-scientist father Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture; the family bodyguard, secret agent Brock Samson; and the family's arch-nemesis, The Monarch.
The fourth season is here, clone free!
Show creator Jackson Publick (a pseudonym of Christopher McCulloch) was one of the main writers for the Saturday morning animated series The Tick. Ben Edlund, creator of The Tick, has co-written two episodes of The Venture Bros. and written one full episode, "¡Viva los Muertos!". Patrick Warburton, who played the Tick in the short-lived Fox Broadcasting Tick live-action TV series, provides the voice of Brock Samson, need i say more?
The characters of The Venture Bros. are largely either re-imaginings of the characters from Jonny Quest, comic book superheroes and supervillains; or of other famous figures from popular culture. Hank (voiced by Christopher McCulloch) and Dean Venture (voiced by Michael Sinterniklaas) are the titular fraternal twin brothers of the show. Hank is the more adventurous and Dean the more timid and bookish of the two.
Dr. Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture (voiced by James Urbaniak) runs Venture Industries. Dr. Venture assumes the occupation of a "super-scientist", and certainly has the knowledge to back up these claims, but his actual competence and credentials in the field are questionable. Brock Samson (voiced by Patrick Warburton) is the muscular, hyper-masculine bodyguard to the Venture family. He is an Office of Secret Intelligence agent with a frequently used license to kill. Dr. Venture's deceased father, Dr. Jonas Venture (voiced by Paul Boocock), developed a loyal and rather emotional robot named H.E.L.P.eR. (listed in episode credits as voiced by "Soul-Bot") that accompanies and assists the Ventures. Many thanks to Wikipedia.
Anyway here is the cool new pictures:
LEEE777 - Venture Bros. is a very funny and good animated show from Cartoon Network, anyone at CBM who hasn't seen it should check it out and all the rest that have should check out season 4, look's the best season yet! Remember it's on Adult Swim, not one for the kiddies and anything with Parick Warburton (The Tick) in is a masterpiece. Spooooon! ; D