Attack on Titan ranks as the third most popular series dubbed by Funimation, with the horror, action, and intricate story appealing to manga and anime fans. While the series initially began back in 2013, it is currently set to premiere its final season in less than a week.
On December 7th, fans of Attack on Titan's English dub will be thrilled to dig into the last remaining episodes and discover how all of the story's arcs end. We set up exclusive chats with the voice actresses and actors who portray the most popular characters in the series, including Eren, Armin, Hange, and Mikasa.
Over the next week, we will be sharing our interviews with voice actor Bryce Papenbrook (My Hero Academia), Josh Grelle (Yuri on Ice), Jessica Calvello (Cyanide & Happiness), and Trina Nishimura (Soul Eater). In this piece, we explore Mikasa's character arc with the woman who voices her and has done so for the past eight years.
"As far as Mikasa's character arc, I think that the most surprising thing to me is how she's grown emotionally. She went through a very traumatic upbringing from her roots, and some really awful things happened to her. And if that had happened to me personally, I don't know that I would have the bandwidth to grow as quickly as she has emotionally and be as loving and caring as she is.
She is such a great fighter and so determined in a lot of ways. People frequently mistake that strength in her as something that means that that's all she is, but she has grown in so many ways. In the first couple of seasons, she cares about her core family unit, Armin and Eren's adopted family unit. But she has also grown into this really caring human for all of humanity, and granted Eren and Armin are definitely still number one; it's been really amazing to watch her grow emotionally and mature emotionally throughout the show."
Hear our full interview with Mikasa voice actress Trina Nishimura, including Hange voice actress Jessica Calvello via the podcast player below, along with the trailer and synopsis for Attack on Titan's final season.
*This interview has been edited for clarity.*
With Eren and company now at the shoreline and the threat of Marley looming, what’s next for the Scouts and their quest to unravel the mysteries of the Titans, humanity, and more? Well, we’ll just have to find out when Attack on Titan Final Season comes to Funimation.
The final season of Attack on Titan is set to premiere on December 7th.