More news, it looks like Akira Toriyama and Ayumi Hamasaki have teamed up to create a new cover for her single, the DBE theme song "Rule".
This would be drawn by Akira Toriyama. It's Ayumi wearing Goku's gi. Japanese sites say the following;
Singer Ayumi Hamasaki (30) has sang the themesong for the American movie "DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION" called "Rule / Sparkle" which will be released on Feb 25th 2009. Akira Toriyama also made a sketch of Ayumi, for a limited CD and DVD. It appeared to be the first time for Toriyama to draw a "real person".
Akira Toriyama thinks it's a shame that a lot of fans are not fond of the movie.
BUT I SURE ARE GREAT AKIRA!!!! (Despite how many objections I get for liking what I see of the movie)
^ _ ^