300 & G.I. JOE Writer To Tackle Live-Action ROBOTECH Movie
There have been several attempts to bring the classic anime to the screen back in 2013 under Nic Mathieu, but now WB have brought a new writer on board, and are said to be eyeing a new director too.
A live-action Robotech adaptation has actually been in and out of development at Warner Bros. since 2007, and has seen a host of writers and producers come and go. Now, Deadline report that the latest group to take a crack at bringing it to the screen are Warner Bros-based Hollywood Gang producers Gianni Nunnari and Mark Canton, who have hired G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra scribe Michael Gordon to write the script, and are apparently looking at Andy Muschietti (Mama, Shadow of the Colossus) to direct. Robotech is a much loved, incredibly influential property which started out as an 85-episode science fiction anime TV series back in 1985, and has since spawned numerous spin-offs, books, comics, toys -- you name it. If you want an idea of the premise, go watch Pacific Rim! But in case you don't want to put yourself through that again, just think giant robots VS. giant aliens with a bit of Star Wars thrown in for good measure. There's a lot of potential for an awesome new franchise here, but obviously there's also a lot of potential for another neon mess. Would you like to (finally) see a Robotech movie? Sound off below.