LOKI And ANT-MAN 3 Star Jonathan Majors Sets Acting Comeback With Supernatural Thriller MERCILESS

LOKI And ANT-MAN 3 Star Jonathan Majors Sets Acting Comeback With Supernatural Thriller MERCILESS

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA Was One Of Marvel's Most Expensive Movies Ever Reveals New Report
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ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA Was One Of Marvel's Most Expensive Movies Ever Reveals New Report

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SorceresSupreme - 1/10/2023, 12:06 PM
i hate how they basically spoil that they both are going to get stuck on the quantum realm and how it all comes down to ant-man kind of sacrificing himself so save the others. it would be cool if ant-man died but that obviously won't happen
DocSpock - 1/10/2023, 12:07 PM

Totally jazzed for this.

Just promise me all this multiverse/variants nonsense will be over after Secret Wars.

Try and imagine infinite Gustos. The mind can only take so much.

bobevanz - 1/10/2023, 12:19 PM
A guy who shrinks vs a sentient being, you know who wins lol
DoubleD - 1/10/2023, 12:20 PM
Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania so much WINNING for Marvel Studios :)

SteelGunZ - 1/10/2023, 12:20 PM
Not super-hyped for this movie BUT definitely gonna see it!
Origame - 1/10/2023, 12:21 PM
How can you tell its a slow news day? When we get 7 most epic moments in a trailer.

Also, the worst kept secret will always be maguire and garfield in no way home
DoubleD - 1/10/2023, 12:30 PM
@Origame - I have a great idea instead of posting the same complaint over and over and over again post something new?

DoubleD - 1/10/2023, 12:39 PM
@Origame -
Origame - 1/10/2023, 12:40 PM
@DoubleD - I have an idea. Maybe Josh can learn a lesson so we won't have to make the same complaint over and over again.

I'm hardly the only one to bring this up.

Are you saying you like this bs?
Origame - 1/10/2023, 12:41 PM
@DoubleD - dude, have some patience. It's been 9 minutes, and I'm at work.

You remember what work is? It's that thing your mom does during the day while you jerk off in the basement.
DoubleD - 1/10/2023, 12:56 PM
@Origame - CBM Username: Origame Member Since: 10/23/2016 and posted ZERO articles. Put Up or

Origame - 1/10/2023, 3:11 PM
@DoubleD - classic deflection of criticism. Guess you can't complain your car won't work because you never built one.
Origame - 1/10/2023, 3:29 PM
@DoubleD - also, since you seem to think 9 minutes is too long to wait for a reply. It's been 18 minutes since you replied.

SATW42 - 1/10/2023, 3:57 PM
@Origame - jerk off in your moms basement? That’s where we’re at now huh?
Origame - 1/10/2023, 4:09 PM
@SATW42 - ikr? Can't believe this guy.
DoubleD - 1/10/2023, 4:40 PM
@Origame - 9 minutes? You been on this site for 7 YEARS and NEVER posted a single article.

Origame - 1/10/2023, 5:26 PM
@DoubleD - ...so? You can't wait 9 minutes for a reply.
incredibleTalk - 1/10/2023, 7:51 PM
@Origame - Come on guys....

Origame - 1/10/2023, 9:10 PM
@incredibleTalk - don't look at me. I missed the memo where people were defending Wilding bs articles.
artofwilldeonne - 1/10/2023, 12:23 PM
Kang last a power source even DEEPER in the quantum realm. He needs someone to go down there and and retrieve it.

On this level its how and where the variants are created. That's why Ant-man splits so much down there.

Kang doesnt want to do go back down there because he'll split and have to fight himself as he's done in the past. He'd whether just kill all the easy ant-mans than fight endless more Kang's again.

Antman does that for him? hell move him back in time to spend with his child.

Interesting concept if only a guess.

Things go crazy and we get a Marvels Incursion (GoTG3 has nothing to do with any of this outside of Gamora being displaced-which brings her back into the fold as Requiem)
Strange Three comes out sooner to deal with this idea.

How Thunderbolts or New World order are tied? who knows.
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