Peyton Reed Refutes Inaccurate Reports That He Hated ANT-MAN's Yellowjacket

Peyton Reed Refutes Inaccurate Reports That He Hated ANT-MAN's Yellowjacket

While doing press for Ant-Man and The Wasp, there were several reports that director Peyton Reed remarked that he disliked the first Ant-Man movie's villain, Corey Stoll's Darren Cross aka Yellowjacket.

By MarkJulian - Jul 03, 2018 11:07 AM EST
While speaking to io9 to promote his Ant-Man sequel, director Peyton Reed compared Corey Stoll's Yellowjacket to Hannah John-Kamen's Ghost. He remarked that Yellowjacket was a "vestige" from a bygone era of the MCU's history, where the villain would oftentimes be a doppelganger of the hero (see Iron Monger and Abomination).

The specific quote in question was, "The villain in [Ant-Man] felt like a bit of a vestige from the era in which that project was started, [which was] around the time of Iron Man one, where you have an antagonist who has a similar power set [as the hero]. I was hell bent on doing something different."

In the statement above, Reed is referencing the lengthy time Ant-Man spent in development (at one point, it was going to be the second MCU film released) and the fact that the project was originally spearheaded by Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish.

Shortly after that interview went live, headlines around the internet started popping up which purported that Reed had stated that he hated Yellowjacket.

Earlier today, Reed took to Twitter to clarify.

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MUTO123 - 7/3/2018, 11:45 AM
I was actually about to post the original story that claimed he hated it in the comment section on another article, until I actually read what he said and thought "That doesn't really sound like hatred to me".
bkmeijer2 - 7/3/2018, 11:48 AM
@MUTO123 - I don't really get how people read this as hatred on Reed's part. It's only disagreement on one aspect of the movie
bkmeijer2 - 7/3/2018, 11:47 AM
I still think Ant-Man is the most enjoyable origin story in the MCU. Even if the villain had the same power set as the hero
gulducati - 7/3/2018, 11:48 AM
Apparently Peyton Reed didn't get the memo that you can't say anything about anything anymore.
MarkV - 7/3/2018, 6:44 PM
@gulducati - This is my favorite post ever.
MotherGooseUPus - 7/3/2018, 11:51 AM
this is not hatred. its an opinion and i actually liked yellowjacket... mostly cuz the design was amazing

L0RDbuckethead - 7/3/2018, 11:52 AM
@MotherGooseUPus - Definitely one of the best-looking costumes across the entire MCU. No doubt.
bornlikethis - 7/3/2018, 1:17 PM
@MotherGooseUPus - agreed! didn't see too much wrong with him. I enjoyed him more than Ronan and Malekith.....
L0RDbuckethead - 7/3/2018, 11:51 AM
Props to Reed for coming in and making a good HEIST film after Edgar Wright's messy exit. I'm really glad to have a director like him overseeing one of the more down-to-earth and 'comical' (in a good way) MCU films. Plus, after Yes, Man, I knew he'd be a great fit for the MCU.

Can't wait to see AMatW, seeing it Thursday night!
EskimoJ - 7/3/2018, 1:38 PM
@L0RDbuckethead - 😂 Don't you start.
Pantherpool - 7/3/2018, 11:58 AM
OT-ish: Ant-Man and the Wasp opening weekend now tracking for $75-100M or more domestic; $50-70M overseas without UK, China and a bunch of other big markets.
Kumkani - 7/3/2018, 11:59 AM
I liked Yellowjacket until that final battle. He just felt a bit cartoonish especially with that dialogue. But his design was really great.
Nebula - 7/3/2018, 12:04 PM
Nah, Yellowjacket sucked.
Nebula - 7/3/2018, 12:05 PM
Apart from the costume - which is always the caveat that must be brought up.
blackandyellow - 7/3/2018, 12:04 PM
The trope of a hero fighting an evil version of himself has been around a long time and it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Iron Man vs Iron Monger
Cap vs Red Skull
Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket
Spider-Man vs Venom
Strange vs whoever Mads Mikkelsen played
Superman vs Zod
Aquaman vs Orm
Shazam vs Black Adam
Hulk vs Abomination
Giant Man Vs Goliath
Iron Fist vs Steel Serpent
etc, etc, etc.
DrReedRichards - 7/3/2018, 12:05 PM
The Yellowjacket costume and Corey Stoll were amazing.

That is all.
RageDriver2401 - 7/3/2018, 12:06 PM
The suit design looked pretty cool TBH.
GhostDog - 7/3/2018, 12:06 PM
Yellowjacket is one of the COOLEST CBM villains design/aesthetic wise.

Ya know what, had they pushed the mental breakdown/psychosis of the character more, he could've heen something. That crazy angle would've seperated him from the "evil tycoon, same powers as hero" cliche.

I always envisioned Cross as someone who fiendishly got high off of the Pym Particles to the point where it started to warp his mind.

This prob sounds dumb, but my roommate and I did a fanfic of sorts (we usually discuss what we do with cbms if we had the reigns) where Cross perfected the Pym Particles on his own early on and he has a Thomas Crown Affair thing going on where he's a rich guy who gets a high off of commiting crimes and all sorts of debauchery with the tech and suit. He starts by just planning the crimes with an army of henchmen doing the dirty work in yellowjacket suits but soon he gets in on the fun. Toss in his addiction to the particles and he starts to "change"

The Thomas Crown shit adds a different heist flavor. Then you got Lang pitting his theivery skills agaisnt Cross. Maybe Lang has to beat Cross and his crew to a score.

Spock0Clock - 7/3/2018, 12:29 PM
@BlackBeltJones - Interesting take (even though I have a simmering hatred for the Thomas Crown Affair).

The Pym Particle Madness angle always bugged me. In the film itself, it's both over-explained and under-explained. We never really get a sense of Cross before/without the particles, so we don't really know what they do. And I think they say that Hank has effectively fixed the problem somehow before Scott ever got exposed.

In the comics, too. It's just a convenient excuse when it's needed, and ignored when it's not.

I'd love for there to be some actual consequences or exploration of that, since it evokes the old school chemistry of the 18th and 19th century when scientists were genuinely putting their bodies on the line to explore the unknown. But Marvel Studios in particular doesn't seem to have the stomach for that kind of stuff.
GhostDog - 7/3/2018, 12:39 PM
@Spock0Clock - "I'd love for there to be some actual consequences or exploration of that, since it evokes the old school chemistry of the 18th and 19th century when scientists were genuinely putting their bodies on the line to explore the unknown."

This is what I desired. I envisioned Cross, in trying to replicate Pym's work, encountering the same issues Pym encountered when he first created the serum. Warped Psychosis and the like. Experimentation on one self. The consequences.

I like the Thomas Crown Affair. At least the idea of it. Original film far exceeds the 90s remake. Even so, its purely style over substance but isn't that what we love about heist films? My pops is a huge McQueen fan so I grew up on his films.
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