In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Scarlet Witch gained her powers after being experimented on by Baron Von Strucker. As you'll no doubt recall, he used the Infinity Stone which now resides on the forehead of The Vision to make her and Quicksilver powerful enough to take on Earth's Mightiest Heroes and that was a major departure from the comics where the twins are the children of Magneto.
Now, with the X-Men set to arrive in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to the deal between Disney and Fox, what are the chances Wanda's origin story could be retconned to make her a mutant?
According to Avengers: Infinity War star Elizabeth Olsen, it's not something she sees as being on the table for her character down the line. "I don't think so because we've gone so far to create a non X-Men universe backstory for my character. And now it's the reason I'm connected to Vision, because the stone in his head is the stone that gave me my powers. So we really leap into the stones."
Marvel could, of course, find another way to delve into the relationship between Magneto and his children but it wouldn't be too surprising if Kevin Feige shelves the villain for a while given how much screentime he's received over the years. That's something Olsen remains open to! "So I don't think so, however, if there were a Michael Fassbender being my daddy crossover I would say, 'Yes please,'" Olsen jokingly added. "I would love to work with Fassbender." What do you guys think?