Since her very first cinematic appearance back in
Iron Man 2; Natasha Romanoff has undergone quite the makeover - and not just physically, but mentally too. The character last appeard in
Captain America: Civil War (or
Thor: Ragnarok if you want to be pedantic) which set the Marvel Cinematic Universe's heroes against each other in ideological battle of two seperate teams: Iron Man's or Captain America's.
Ultimately, Romanoff sided with Captain America and his rebellious band of Avengers. Since then she's been on the run alongside them, and actress Scarlett Johansson explains (in a recent interview with
Entertainment Weekly) how that has caused Romanoff to become even more calloused:
I think it’s been a dark time. I wouldn’t say that my character has been particularly hopeful, but I think she’s hardened even more than she probably was before.
It seems that one of the only people Natasha truly trusts is Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) who explains how the events of Civil War and the interval time between it and Infinity War has only strengthened their bond:
It’s always felt like Natasha uses her cynicism as a defense mechanism. She weaponizes it for survival. I think Steve is a little newly calloused in the ways of the world. But Natasha is always going to be a couple steps ahead of him in terms of experience and knowledge. They’ve leaned on each other for different reasons. It’s reinforced the friendship.
As mentioned above; Black Widow isn't just changing mentally, but physically as well, sporting a brand new look. Her iconic red hair dyed blonde and her black outfit now partially green. She'll also be wielding two eletrified batons which can combine together into a staff.
What do you think about Black Widow's mental and physical changes in Avengers: Infinity War? What about how her overall character has transformed throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe?