Jeremy Renner Says Bond He Shares With AVENGERS Stars Is "Not Just For Instagram; We F*ckin’ Hate That Sh*t”

Jeremy Renner Says Bond He Shares With AVENGERS Stars Is "Not Just For Instagram; We F*ckin’ Hate That Sh*t”

In a new interview, Jeremy Renner speaks about the close bond he has formed with his Marvel Cinematic Universe co-stars over the years, making it clear that it's not all "just for Instagram."

By MarkCassidy - Jun 28, 2024 12:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Avengers

Jeremy Renner has made a full recovery from the serious accident on New Year's Day near his home in Northern Nevada which almost ended his life last year. The actor recently returned to work, filming scenes for the third season of crime drama Mayor of Kingstown - but will we see him back in the MCU as Clint Barton at some point?

Renner recently said that he was "ready" to return, but it sounds like it might take the right story for him to fully commit to taking up Hawkeye's bow and arrow again.

"Maybe if enough time goes by, right? I think it kind of has at this point, but also what is the point of the narrative [and] the story?" he told the Happy Sad Confused podcast. "These are beloved characters. We did spend 23 films together essentially as a collective. What is the reason? What is the story? Do you have to do more after that? How do you ever resolve this?"

"When is it ever gonna feel like, 'Everyone gets their little bow, nobody died, it feels great!' What happens here?" he continued. "I've got feelings about it. I think everybody does. I think the guys that died have feelings about it."

Speaking of his Avengers co-stars, Renner made it very clear that they all share a very close bond in real life, and their relationship isn't something that's been manufactured for the purposes of promoting their movies.

“Oh, f*ck yeah, it’s a real thing—it’s not just for Instagram. We [frick]in’ hate that shit,” he tells Men's Health. “No, we have a family chat and have for a long time. When you work with people—look, we all went through a culturally significant experience together. And there’s divorces and marriages and babies; a lot of stuff happened in these 12 years. In the films, we look like we’re at a costume party, and there’s ridiculous props and we’re doing these ridiculous things, but it’s also beautiful because we’re all connected. There’s a brotherhood or sisterhood or whatever the heck you want to call it. I just call it love. I love every one of them. I’d rather go to jail with Downey than go do something amazing by myself. I’d rather get in a car crash with Evans.”

Other MCU actors have shared similar sentiments, and despite the likes of Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) being killed off, many fans are eager to see the OG Earth's Mightiest Heroes reunite on the big screen one more time.

If it does happen, it will likely be in Avengers: Secret Wars, but Kevin Feige has previously echoed Renner's concerns that reassembling the team just for the sake of it would feel forced, so we'll just have to wait and see.

What do you think? Would you like to see the original team back in action? Drop us a comment down below.

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HermanM - 6/28/2024, 12:27 PM
I like Renner. Like the cut of his jib
supermanrex - 6/28/2024, 12:32 PM
Hawkeye season 2!!
TheVisionary25 - 6/28/2024, 12:37 PM
@supermanrex - I hope so if the rumors are true

Liked the first one!!.

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Evansly - 6/28/2024, 1:06 PM
@TheVisionary25 - It's right behind Loki for me! It was a really fun show packed with comic references.

I know people hate the Kate Kingpin fight but to me it was clear she only "won" by a fluke and she was definitely losing before that
LSHF - 6/28/2024, 5:46 PM
@Evansly - He could have killed her if he really wanted, but she was just annoying him very much.

That's the way it looked to me, anyway.
The1st - 6/28/2024, 6:56 PM
@Evansly - Exactly. They introduced the Kingpin in the MCU and I was content w/that. I wonder if he bulks up for Spidey 4 though. I know the last of the super soldier serum was wasted, alledgedly, but Wilson's a wealthy man. I would prefer it all be legit muscle though.
Turklander - 6/28/2024, 12:32 PM
Chris Evans tweeted that "Sam Wilson is Captain America" (idk how to post images on here)

I feel like a lot of people here need to read that message
RolandD - 6/28/2024, 12:37 PM
@Brondern - Make sure that the pic’s address ends in jpg or similar file name. Also, delete the “s” in https and it should work.
Matchesz - 6/28/2024, 12:37 PM
@Brondern - as someone who been around to many states it feels like disney/marvel/starwars making it seem as if racism more prominent than it really is which is unfortunate for us fans. I’m pretty sure people of all colors prefer Steve as Cap except for all the SJW’s disney seems to love to attract
RolandD - 6/28/2024, 12:36 PM
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Matchesz - 6/28/2024, 12:38 PM
@RolandD - rule #1 at marvel, never admit to making mistakes
HermanM - 6/28/2024, 12:39 PM
@RolandD - Steve Rogers is Captain America. Chris Evans is a virtue signaling Hollywood buttgoy shitlib actor.
SATW42 - 6/28/2024, 12:55 PM
@Matchesz - it's not a mistake, and stop acting like youre not complaining because it's Sam Wilson, because if it was winter soldier he passed the torch to, I have a feeling you wouldn't be crying.
Matchesz - 6/28/2024, 1:00 PM
@SATW42 - still would prefer steve over bucky but atleast bucky is a super soldier which is my only issue with Sam.
RolandD - 6/28/2024, 1:04 PM
@Matchesz - Hey , I wish Evans was still playing Rogers, but he was ready to move on. The change to Sam Wilson is comic accurate as well. There’s no mistake here.
Turklander - 6/28/2024, 1:06 PM
@Matchesz - So your issue is skin color then. Because Captain America not having to rely on super serum to be a hero is an objectively good decision, and Bucky still did evil shit like killing Stark's parents.

If you actually prefer Bucky over Sam you're literally just a racist
ItsNotForMeWahh - 6/28/2024, 1:16 PM
@Brondern - Clearly the decision was made because Sam Wilson has better Captain America Suits than Bucky did. /s I wasn't much of a fan of his.

To me it made sense with how the MCU story was told that Sam should be Captain America.

I definitely wouldn't say preferring Bucky is a hard indicator on being racist
Matchesz - 6/28/2024, 1:18 PM
@Brondern - for this new MCU, syrum-less Sam is a good choice for Cap, but if Sam was Cap in Phase 1 his kneecaps would be obliterated by now. But if they dont want to keep a consistent realistic tone thats on them. Makes no sense how a normal person can ever handle the shield the same way as Steve, realism just being thrown out the window constantly and yall will defend it by calling it a comic book movie
Turklander - 6/28/2024, 1:45 PM
@ItsNotForMeWahh - Tbh I thought it was made bc Steve didn't want to dishonor Iron Man's death by giving the shield to the guy who killed his parents. Even though he was brainwashed, he still killed Tony's parents and that's irreversible
ItsNotForMeWahh - 6/28/2024, 1:59 PM
@Brondern - Nah costumes! To me Bucky still has an arc to finish before he can hold the mantle
LSHF - 6/28/2024, 5:45 PM
@RolandD - One of the Russos stated in an interview that Chris took the news that he was no longer going to be playing Steve, he didn't take it well (nor did Robert or Scarlett).

It was only after the film was released that the actors "acted" like they were ready to move on.

None of the three wanted it to stop.
RolandD - 6/28/2024, 6:09 PM
@LSHF - I don’t know. It’s my understanding that Evans had already been saying before IW and Endgame that he wanted to do other things including directing. The Russos certainly would have way more information about it than I would but I know I heard talk of Evans wanting out before too long. If that was true, he could have changed his mind or it could have been a bargaining chip.
LSHF - 6/28/2024, 9:04 PM
@RolandD - He "did" want to do other things, aside from Captain America.

But he "did" alude to it after a few films (as many of them have at one point or another), but gained a geater appreciation for the role (from all interviews with him and the Russo guy relating to this subject).

I'm not sure how much "margin of error" I should give here because of not remembering something correctly. 🤪

Bargaining chip sounds possible, as it's certainly not a rare occurrence for an actor and/or agent to play these kind of moves to get a raise.
RegularPoochie - 6/29/2024, 12:35 PM
@Matchesz - What the hell is realistic in comics and comicbook movies?
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Matchesz - 6/29/2024, 5:40 PM
@RegularPoochie - do you think Lebron James can ricochet a actual vibranium shield off a tree back into his hands for a billion dollars? It was even established thst Cap used magnetic devices in his gloves for it to come back. They dont follow their own canon bur nobody cares about anythin anymore cuz they all caught up in the social political aspect of it all
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