Talking to Hero Complex, Dolph Lundgren (who made a name for himself as 'Ivan Drago' in 1985's Rocky IV) has shared his thoughts on the divide between old school action fare and special effect laden blockbusters. The actor is now best known for taking on roles in the former genre with the likes of The Expendables, The Expendables 2 and Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning.
"There will always be an exploration of new technology in things like "The Avengers" — that was a great movie, by the way — but I think certainly for part of the audience, if you fire a thousand bullets and there’s not a drop of blood, there’s something wrong with that. Part of the audience wants to see real explosions and real fights and that kind of real machismo."
Do you agree? Lundgren clearly isn't trying to start anything here - he even says how much he enjoyed
The Avengers! - but do you think the actor has a point? After all, the problem with these PG-13 movies is that most of them have a real lack of actual danger due to the fact that they aren't allowed to show anything too gory. Did Marvel's superhero ensemble suffer because we didn't see the streets lined with bodies? Did it need more machismo? Sound off with your thoughts below!