Well done Wonder Woman. I'm glad that Wonder Woman is finally after 75 years being recognized for her important impact on culture or society. Remember with no Wonder Woman, no Harley Quinn, no Sarah Conner, no Clarice Starling, no Buffy The Vampire Slayer. More importantly its great she, superheroes and fiction in general is being recognized its ability to inspire the real world, real people, and affect change for the better.
To those who are protesting her inclusion as a UN Ambassador as ridiculous, I respect your opinion, however it seems all the more ironic to me, the very same year we might have the first female President in the White House, you are protesting against the first female character to have controvesertially run for President in the pages of her comic strip, all the way in the 1940s, in a time when such a thing was thought to be unthinkable for a woman to achieve.
This silly little book, however childish it may have been, was read by little girls and boys alike, and in all likelyhood influenced their future attidudes towards gender equality.
I think we all ought to marvel in the audacity of the first ever action heroine, and yet still till this day the one who remains the best.
Wonder Woman's inclusion as Ambassador takes nothing away from real women, it's rather a symbol of celebration for all that humanity has achieved, and how much more we have left to do. Besides it could have been worse, it could have been Harley Quinn. :) Harley Quinn and Joker, UN Ambassadors for the recognition of Mental Health challenges in the 21st Century. :)