I give my pitch in the dc cinematic universe I’ve been creating for a Gotham City Sirens movie featuring Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Nightwing, Joker, and Black Mask!

Editorial Opinion
By noahthegrand - May 22, 2018 12:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Batman
Source: Comic Book Movie
I’ve been on a break for a while from these articles after completing my pitch for a run of Spider-Man comics done by me(check it out if you like Spider-Man comics) but now I’m back. My last movie pitch based article was
 DOOM: ORIGINS, which if you haven’t read, you definitely should. Not to toot my own horn but I think I really did a good job on it. 
For my first new article after my long break, I will be going with:
My cast: 
Harley Quinn: Margot Robbie
Selina Kyle: undecided
Poison Ivy: Haley Bennett
Holly: undecided
Black Mask: Jason Statham
Joker: Jared Leto
KGBEAST: Robert Maillet
Nightwing: undecided
Major Locations: 
Gotham City: 
A city of over the top crime and violence where things are so bad most normal gangs have been replaced by psychotic maniacs like the Joker. 
The Narrows: 
The worst part of Gotham, an area of several blocks that is basically a post apocalyptic wasteland of crime. 
Black Mask’s Tower:
A building owned by Roman Sionis that he lives in and does crime out of.
While this film stands on its own as a fun action movie, it can also fit together in my larger universe. The story so far of Harley Quinn, Joker, and Black Mask can be found reading:
My version of Suicide Squad:
And my first Batman film, an adaption of Under the Red Hood: 
It’s just a suggestion to watch those if you want to see a completed multi movie arc. This still works as its own film. 
And now:
Gotham City Sirens
We begin in the smoking remains of a destroyed building. We are in a massive crater, debris all around us. 100 dollar bills flutter through the breeze. A crate of machine guns is flipped pipe, with guns scattered across the ground, knocked out of the massive crate. A song plays softly in the distance. There is burnt up plant life all around as well. And, our final piece of the puzzle of what happened here, an ash and dust covered boombox sits in the wreckage, pumping out the song “TAINTED LOVE” by the Soft Cell. 
The screen goes black.
Tainted Love plays loudly. Harley Quinn, The Joker, and a gang of Joker Goons rampage through a bank. It's a very stylized, fun scene. Joker and Harley are prancing around, Harley knocks an attacker out with her bat, Joker grabs and kisses Harley as they stand on top of the counter, at the same time leaning them both over to avoid bullets. During the embrace Joker begins shooting armed men in suits behind them. He then drops Harley and runs off.  A survivor questions if Joker knows who this bank belongs to, Joker gives a “duh” and shoots him. At this point, Nightwing crashes in through the skylight, and begins taking out Joker Goons with his electric escrima sticks. Joker fires a bazooka, delivered to him by a man in a panda suit, into the bank vault, blowing the door open. Nightwing tries to go after him, but is stopped by an elderly man in a polo shirt and khakis, who proceeds to beat him with golf clubs like a ninja. 
Joker enters the vault, only to find it completely empty. A joker goon enters behind him and loudly states in a shocked voice to no one in particular  “It’s Empty!” Joker stares at him with an annoyed look, then shoots him.  Nightwing continues his battle/ avoidance of being beaten with golf clubs with elderly assassin: Mr. Fun, eventually managing to get the upper hand and tase him with his escrimas. 
He races after Joker, Harley, and the goons, who are all escaping out of the bank and into an underground parking lot. Nightwing takes out goons, and we see how he's less serious than batman. He's making jokes and puns as he battles the villains. Each Joker goon is beaten one by one until only Joker, Harley, and a getaway driver in an ice cream truck remains. Joker decides to take the wheel, and throws out the getaway driver, ordering him to kill Nightwing. The driver asks how. What's he supposed to do? Joker looks under the seat, tells Harley to check the back for grenades, but all that they can find is an old magazine. Joker rolls it up and hands it to the getaway driver, giving him and thumbs up, then Joker and Harley drive away. 
Nightwing follows on a motorcycle, Harley finally finds a grenade in the ice cream freezer, and tosses it out, it lands in the street, Nightwing leans the moving motorcycle over,  grabs it, and tosses it into the sky. 
The Ice cream truck ends up crashing into a light pole, Joker notices Harley has been knocked unconscious in the aftermath, so he climbs out of the car and runs away. Nightwing arrives and parks his motorcycle. He heads to the back of the truck and prepares to pull it open.
Inside, Harley wakes up, questions where “Mr. J” is, then attacks Nightwing when the doors open. Nightwing is basically blocking all of her punches, but becoming increasingly exasperated as she keeps dodging his hits and attacking him like a mad dog. The fight scene goes off the side of the road, into the road as cars attempt to swerve around them, Harley, realizing she's not gonna win and they're at a stand still, runs off into a storefront filled street and a crowd of people. Nightwing chases after her, tossing the escrima stick, which bounces off several walls and nearly hits her, but she avoids it by cartwheeling down stairs into a subway station. He chases her down the side of the subway as she knocks over food carts and storefront book stands onto him. Briefly, she starts throwing food from said food carts at him to slow him down, and she eventually manages to lose him in the crowd. He searches around, finds her waving at him from the window of a departing train, and he makes an attempt to jump onto the back of the train, slipping on some food and missing it instead. Nightwing looks down and realizes, he actually just slipped on a stereotypical banana peel, and Bruce is going to kill him. Harley will return home to a Joker hideout fronted by a nightclub, and we will meet Harley’s pet Hyenas. These hyenas will be cute due to how uncute and terrifying/disgusting they are. The hyenas and Harley’s relationship with them are played for laughs. Harley will be kinda mad Joker left her behind, but he will assure her he did it because he knew she could escape. They kiss, then he drops her, they both begin to laugh, and he heads over to a back room filled with terrified accountants looking over spreadsheets as hulking little known villain Amygdala does their face paint. Joker asks one of them how the work is going, and he tells him that this is some of the most complicated embezzlement records he's ever seen. 
We’ll notice as time goes on Harley being a bit disappointed Joker is constantly working on his newest crusade, which we’ll learn involves Roman Sionis aka Black Mask, and that because of this, he won't play with her. The accountants are trying to track down whatever was in the safe. She, noticing a news report involving a standoff at the Gotham botanical gardens involving Batman, Nightwing, and Metahuman Eco-Terrorist Pamela Isley, also known as Poison Ivy. 
Meanwhile, in the torture dungeon room of Roman Sionis’ penthouse, he's finishing up interrogating a Joker goon. He informs the goon that unless he gives him what he wants, he’s going to make him eat his own eyes. Right now, Black Mask is in a black collared shirt, sleeves rolled up, with a white tie, white striped pants, and white suspenders. He also wears Black leather gloves. Black Mask is the main rival of the Joker at this point, with Gothams underworld seemingly split down the middle. At least it was up until the events revolving around Red Hood. Now Joker is taking more and more territory.  They previously had an uneasy truce after the red hood’s attack, as they needed to focus on rebuilding on their own empires. Now, after the bank attack and what it implies, the war is back on. If this was business, maybe a deal could be made, but the Joker isn't just encroaching on Black Mask’s turf, he's responsible for the attack that resulted in a  black skull mask currently melted into Black Mask’s actual face. 
His Consigliere arrives to question if Black Mask has any instructions for him on the macguffin drive situation. Black Mask gets his  white striped suit jacket back on.Consigliere questions if they should, as usually, get Deathstroke. Black Mask refuses to hire him again after the fiasco with Red Hood. We begin to see that most of this man’s actions come from a place of primal rage. 
He eventually decides they should wait. Joker’s reign will come to then end soon enough. Consigliere informs him the first of the crime families have arrived. 
Meanwhile, Harley Quinn is walking down the streets “incognito” and is observing a wrecked glass dome and dead, smoking giant Venus fly traps. She looks around, thinking she's being watched. We see Nightwing on a rooftop. Later in the elevator of an apartment building,Harley is making conversation with an elderly woman as she twirls her bat around absent mindedly. Harley gets to the right floor, and shoots open the door of the apartment building.  She calls out “Ivy?” Pamela Isley, dressed in a green robe and some evening wear I'm using to allude to her classic outfit as well as show she's been living in an expensive lifestyle, arrives. Her skin is bright green with swirly dark green lines on her like those tattoo things she has in the new 52. Harley runs up, they hug.
Harley looks around at the lavishly decorated penthouse now being slowly covered by crawling vines and asks Ivy how she ended up with a place like this. Harley tells her she's borrowing it from the owner. Harley asks where he is. Ivy tells Harley she had been keeping him around, but he started to get annoying, so she used her pheromones to make him go join Greenpeace. Ivy goes to get them some drinks, and questions what she's doing here. Wait… she asks excitedly if she finally broke up with him! Harley looks appalled and tells her no! Of course not! She giggles. They’re soul mates. Ivy just stares at Harley, who begin to explain. See, she's here because Mr. J has been really busy lately trying to find this thing called the Macguffin drive and she wants to surprise him with it! So… she's putting together a heist. Ivy sighs. She's not going to do that. Especially not for that monster. Harley tells her, it’ll be fun! Remember Mogatu tower? It’ll be just like that! Ivy still refuses, saying that Mogatu tower was not as fun as Harley seems to think it was. Harley thinks, then tells Ivy she doesn't understand though, the Macguffin drive… she whispers something in Ivy’s ear. Ivy looks a bit shocked. Alright. She’ll do it. Let's go. But… she doesn't want a repeat of Mogatu tower. They're getting a professional. 
Selina Kyle walks down the streets of the narrows. If Gotham is like New York at midnight in the 80’s, the Narrows are New York at midnight in a post Apocalyptic wasteland. Selina passes a crashed and looted car bent over a fire hydrant, passing numerous boarded up crumbling brick buildings as she goes. Passing an alley, she notices an ongoing drug deal, and attacks the dealer with some gymnastics and cat like reflexes. The junkie runs off, and Selina tells the dealer she thought she had told him to tell Roman not to sell here anymore. The dealer tells Selina this is Gotham, you can sell wherever you want. Selina tells him not here, then sends him off running. 
We arrive at Selina’s apartment through a metal armored door, filled with a combination of stacked up stolen riches, high tech but homemade cat burglary tech, and very basic Spartan furniture. Selina’s college(well, she's not going to college, so actually lets just say 18-24’s) aged roommate Holly eats cereal in the kitchen as a black cat eats its own breakfast on the floor out of a cat bowl. Holly tells Selina they're out of cereal, Selina shows her a grocery bag and tosses it. She tells Holly Black Mask is selling on their street again. Holly asks if she wants to try and steal something from him? Selina gives a why not and asks Holly to look into it. Holly begins to get a laptop out when there's suddenly a knock on the door. They both go completely silent. Selina grabs a clawed Gauntlet and slowly makes her way to the door… when the singing begins. On the other side, Harley Quinn is singing “do you want to rob black mask?” to the tune of “Do you want to build a snowman?” Selina opens the door to find Harley Quinn and behind her, Pamela Isley in a long dark green overcoat. Selina asks what they want. We see Selina’s reaction as Ivy explains that Black Mask has the Macguffin drive and they're gonna rob it from him. 
Inside with the door closed, Selina speaks around a table to Holly about how if Sionis really has the Macguffin drive, and they steal it from him, it could cripple him. The door is opened again, and Selina tells them that she's in. They all agree to each getting a third of the loot. 
At this point, the girls will attempt to track down where exactly the Macguffin drive was moved after being moved from the bank vault before the Joker attack. They will remain at Selina’s place for a while. Holly will use her hacking skills to try and track this info down, Holly will question what exactly the Macguffin drive is, and Selina will explain its like a myth to people like them. She didn't even think it actually existed until now. Holly and Selina plot to later betray Harley and Ivy and steal the drive for themselves. Selina doesn't trust or like Harley or Ivy. They've met numerous times, and it has always ended badly. 
At one point Holly is on a break and Ivy questions how she knows Selina, and we learn that Holly used to live on the streets as a little girl and Selina protected her from pimps. We will through this and some camera work as Ivy glances at Harley, begin to see how Ivy wants to protect Harley. A little later she gives everyone’s  some herb so to eat so they can’t remain nhqrmed if she’s uses plant toxins.
Holly is unable to find the information they need, but is able to determine the movement of the contents of the safe was overseen by Roman Sionis’s consigliere: Jackson Eckhouse Esq. 
So, they head to Jackson Eckhouse’s home outside of the city. They all, including Holly, arrive in a car. Everyone is in costume except Ivy, Holly stays in the car as a getaway driver with the ability to view what's happening through a body can on Selina. Selina is dressed in an outfit resembling her telltale game suit. Ivy gets out, and then her clothes are shredded as vines and leaves pop out, creating a cool, more elaborate and ornate, plant goddess looking version of her costume. 
While Selina’s plan was to take out guards stealthily. Harley thinks they can just walk in and hit stuff. Ivy wants to hear Selina out. They brought in a professional their for a reason. Selina begins to explain her plan, and give out some tech they’ll need, while giving each girl specific instructions. Ivy then realizes none of this is necessary and she can just tell people to do stuff. Ivy does so, and she begins to release pheromones from her body. We don't get to see the pheromones, as that's a bit too over the top. I should explain that while inside of her they make her body chemistry change, resulting in green skin. When she releases the pheremones, they become clear as they aren't reacting with people dna. But, we can see someone is under her control due to greenish veins, then reacting to human. 
She begins ordering people around, yet Harley is still proceeding to hit people with her bat. Selina demands to know what the hell she's doing, and Harley just tells her she's crazy, this is what she does. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy is leading them into the mansion of the consigliere. At one point, one of the assortment of armed guards does not obey Ivy’s orders, and instead yells out the this doesn't work on him, he's gay! Before he shoots off his gun at them. He misses and has a plant monster grow out of the earth and eat him. 
Selina is a bit frustrated by all the unnecessary violence, but in an earpiece, Holly, waiting in the car, tells her to remember the money. This whole scene is basically an inversion of the hallway fight scene, as literally everyone except that one guy begin the cool fight, then get mind controlled. We can have a song playing. Whatever YOU think sounds cool. I can’t decide on a song. 
They eventually get to the Consiglieres bedroom. 
The Consigliere’s bedroom is invaded, and he tries to grab a gun, but Selina pulls back his hand with her whip, and Ivy wraps him in vines. Ivy begins to question him on where the Macguffin drive is. Consigliere reveals its in Black Mask’s penthouse, then tells them they’ll never make it up there! The place is covered in guards. Ivy tells him that won't be a problem. He continues, there's also automatic wall mounted guns, drones, traps, and even if you make it to his safe, it's wired to his DNA, if it's cracked, the entire building shuts down! Selina tells Ivy to tell him to keep explaining the layout and traps. Consigliere realizes what he's doing and stops talking. He is forced to explain the layout and where you can shutdown the buildings power. Selina asks Holly if she's getting this, Holly is, but then Ivy changes gears. He’s a lawyer isn't he? Does he remember when he represented Stagg Industries, defending them after they dumped thousands of gallons of crude oil into the ocean? Does he remember how they're oil rig had cut corners, how it hadn't been built up to code? Consigliere replies yes to all of this. Selina and Harley both don't know what Ivy is doing. Selina is angry, Harley is trying to snap Ivy out of it, they still need information. Does he remember how because of his actions, Stagg industries got off without even a slap on the wrist. Ivy finally asks, leaning in close, does he know who she is? He tells her he does. She tells him, she's mother nature, then she does the poison ivy death kiss thing where she breathes poison down his throat and into his lungs, he spasms and appears to be in agony as he withers away and bark grows over him until he’s an emancipated screaming tree-man. 
Selina is horrified. Harley just sorta checks to see if he’s really dead then comments to Ivy neither approvingly or disapprovingly that that was really excessive… yet badass. Tensions are at an all time high between the group. Ivy tells Selina that he was a terrible person and he deserved to die. Selina agrees, he probably was a piece of shit, but you can’t kill people we’re trying to interrogate! And not that brutally either! She then comments that they should have done this her way and Ivy should have stayed back, now Black Mask is going to know they’re coming from a mile away. Then a escrima stick crashes through the window, followed by Nightwing. Ivy attempts to use her pheromones on him, but he tells her that he’s immune. Selina and Ivy attempt to take him down, he questions what Selina’s doing with a bad crowd like this? Killer plants attack him, he releases pesticide bombs, Selina demands they all get out to the car, and we get a shot of everyone jumping out of the window, held by Ivy vines like bungee cords to slow their descent. 
They almost make it to the van, when Nightwing flips over them, blocking their path. Holly then backs up the van into him, causing him to hit his head on a rock and get knocked out. Cut to everyone silent in the van, with Nightwing unconscious and tied up in the back. They’ll try to figure out what to do with Nightwing. Selina wants to get rid of him because keeping him would just send Batman after them. Ivy wants to mind control him so they can have him get the drive for them. Selina doesn’t think it would work. Harley suggests giving him to the Joker to deal with, Selina hard vetoes that, and thinks they should just dump him somewhere. Harley comments she’s only saying that because she’s with the bat. Selina denies that, and claims it’s the smart choice. If we keep him, Batman will come for us, if we kill him, Batman comes for us, if Sionis kills him, Batman comes for us. Ivy agrees, Harley thinks, and decides it’s the right choice. Cut to Harley and Ivy carrying him into the woods on the side of the road, Ivy commenting on how wired it is how hot robin got. Harley says it’s like when you see a former child actor in a movie. After rolling him into a ditch, they stare up at the sky for a moment. Ivy questions Harley on why she’s with Joker. Harley comments that he makes her laugh. Ivy comments on how he’s a twisted, psychotic, evil murderer. Harley comments that he’s not evil..., and Ivy kills people too. Ivy says she kills people who deserve it. Harley is done with this conversation, mad at Ivy, and leaves. 
     Meanwhile, on the roof of the Sionis building, Black Mask looks up, he’s in a white striped suit with a long over coat for the cold, a helicopter lands, and representatives of the Triad climb out. A woman, Black Mask’s personal assistant, tells Black Mask of what’s been happening with his Consigliere and that Harley, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman have been sighted back in Gotham. The lead Triad has a question for Black Mask. Is it true? Does he have it? Black Mask tells him yes, and all the power that comes with it. 
We move to Harley asking Holly to move her seat up, and Holly trying to explain for the final time that she’s driving, she needs room for her legs. Harley gives up, and we see her face pop up, leaning on the seat behind Selina. She asks some questions regarding Batman and if he uses the deep gravelly voice all the time. It’s about one in the morning. All the stores on the street they’re at are closed. 
Then the road in front of them is hit by a missile. The van swerves, a massive tank drives towards them. Inside are three Black Mask goons. His elite hit squad known as:
We see them: 
Vulture: a man in a grey suit and realistic vulture mask. 
Shark: a man in a blue suit with a realistic great white mask that goes over his shoulders
Fox: a brown trench coat wearing man in a furry fox mask. 
Vulture climbs onto the top of the tank and begins firing gas canisters. The Van backs up and Holly attempts to swerve around and escape as the tank rams into them. Inside, Shark fires another missile into the road behind them. Black Mask presents himself to a dining hall filled with all of the Gotham crime families that have been driven out by Joker over the years. 
The Neon Dragon Triad
The Penidente Cartel
The Hammer, a gang made up of ex KGB agents, led by a man with a flamethrower for an arm: THE KGBEAST
The Sicilian Bertinelli crime family
The Yakuza
The White Shark smugglers(their leader, white shark, dresses in a Hawaiian shirt and has a shark like appearance due to his lack of nose and lips)
A group of modern day pirates led by Tiger Shark, a man who is always blindfolded. 
Skinhead drug smuggling bikers
The surviving son of Sal Maroni
Black Mask explains that when his parents died, the Don of Gotham, Carmine Falcone, took him in. And though he and Falcone didn’t always see eye to eye, he always respected the man. 
The van, it’s back crushed and doors open, swerves through the fire as the tank follows. Vulture hops off the tank, and fires a gas canister into the van. Ivy is already unconscious, Selina, Holly, and Harley get her out, and they race towards a closed store. 
Black Mask continues. Don Falcone made this city into what it was, a city where crime ruled, unimpeded, each gang got an equal seat at the table, and an equal cut. The Joker killed Falcone. He ruined that. 
The storefront is blown up. Selina decides to run towards the tank, knocking Vulture into the ground as she does so. A missile goes off, nearly hitting her, she continues towards the tank, leaping onto it and climbing up. Shark climbs out, he’s a massive man, and more than that, he’s a fast, brutal, and lethal man. She fights him, he grabs her and slams her into the tank with one hand. She kicks him off, and the fight on the moving tank as it makes its way towards Harley and a Holly with an injured leg. Shark grabs Selena's neck and begins to push her towards the tank treads. She flips him over, he falls, and the tank runs him over.  
Black Mask tells them, the Joker was the first of many freaks who upset their way of life. The first of many who drove them from their home city, who terrorized them, maimed them, left them scarred. We cut to Great White. But today, united under him, they will take back Gotham city, they will bring down the Joker’s criminal empire, and they will bring down all the freaks who think this city belongs to them! Because it doesn’t! It belongs to us!
Catwoman fights Fox inside the tank, he’s smaller, but faster, and what he lacks in brawn he makes up for in martial arts. They knock over a wall of missiles in their fight, the steering wheel is hit, they’re banging into walls, she spots through the viewing screen where they’re heading, then knocks Fox to the ground and leaps out of the tank as it crashes into a store and explodes. 
Black Mask tells them looking out the floor to ceiling window, that right now their agents are exterminating freaks all over the city. The KGBEAST( who I should mention is very tall and muscular, has a thick Russian Accent, has surgical scars around his eyes to suggest his comic mask, a shaved head, a beard, and wears a black furry long coat with no shirt, and of course has a flamethrower for a hand) questions Black Mask. How will he do that? Yes, we are united now, but the Joker gang is still more powerful. Black Mask tells them. They have something the Joker doesn’t. The Macguffin Drive.  
Harley and Selina carry Ivy away. Holly thinks she can walk. An explosion rocks the city, and Harley thinks it’s coming from Arkham. 
They manage to make it back to Selina’s home by foot, nearly getting mugged in the Narrows before the mugger realizes who they are, apologizes, and runs away. In the background, the mugger is mugged by a separate mugger because this is the Narrows in Gotham. At Selina’s home Harley is really worried about the unconscious Ivy. Selina claims that the people in the tank were part of Black Mask’s elite hit squad The False Face Society and that now that he’s after them, there’s no way they’ll be able to get into his penthouse. It’ll be locked down right and his gang will be waiting for them. Holly is checking out the dark web and tells Selena it’s even worse than that, dozens of gangs are meeting with Black Mask right now. The whole place, all 80 floors of it,  will be crawling with guards. It would take an army to make it up to the top. Harley is busy in the background getting pillows and ice for Ivy, who has been left on the couch. She looks down sadly at Ivy, wishing she would wake up soon. 
Selina thinks. What if they just start on the top? Harley looks up, Mr. J owns a blimp. Ivy wakes up. 
Selina explains the plan around a table. Harley will get Joker’s blimp and fly it towards Roman’s tower. 
-We see Harley and Ivy head over to an airfield, greet some guards and pass them as the camera pans to their Joker tattoos on the back of their necks. 
Meanwhile, she’ll prepare a disguise. 
-We see Holly helping her get contact lenses in and put on a blond wig, then cut to her walking 
She’ll use it to get into the lower floors of the tower, where she’ll get Holly access to the buildings security cameras. 
-We watch as Selina, dressed as a security guard, pushes a thumb drive into the security monitors for the building. 
That way, she’ll be able to shut down the cameras around the building when the blimp comes.
-We see Holly do this. 
With the buildings cameras disabled, Ivy and Harley will steer the blimp through the city. With all the chaos going on, law enforcement and the bat family will be too busy to deal with them. 
-A small green and pink blimp floats through the city towards the tower. The batwing flies towards it and opens fire. The blimp begins to sink. Ivy uses some plants she’s brought aboard to shoot tendrils at the building as the blimp sinks. They both run across the tendrils onto the building. 
Meanwhile, I’ll make my way to the upper floors in a new disguise.
-  Holly turns off some security cameras in an area of the building. In this area a pizza woman knocks on the door. A skinhead biker opens. Selina opens the box. He looks down. It’s empty, and there’s a hole in the bottom. A fist shoots out. 
She’ll make her way to the separate security center of the upper floors and shut it down, preventing the building from locking down while you get the drive. 
-Selina enters the security room dressed as one of Black Mask’s guards, only to discover one other guard in the room where the generators are held: Nightwing also disguised. She asks him to just let them have this. They let him go, they should be even now. He asks her not to tell Bruce about that. And then they fight. 
Harley and Ivy will use her glass cutters to enter through the window of Black Mask’s penthouse, search for the safe, and attach a safe cracking device, her own design, to the safe. 
-As the blimp sinks, Harley Quinn and Ivy crash through the window, into the room that all the gangs are currently celebrating. A battle erupts, and we make good use of the KGBEAST and his flamethrower arm. Several of Black Mask’s false face society run in as well. Vulture, who survived, leads a group made up of Hippo, Elephant, and Kangaroo. Hippo and Elephant are the male and female heavies in matching suits. Kangaroo is a kickboxer. We get a cool fight between them and Harley Quinn as Poison Ivy attempts to use her pheromones on KGBeast. He reveals that he is ultimate Russian super soldier, that not work on him. He grabs her as Russian opera music swells and prepares to set her aflame when she calls out to the Yakuza to help her, under her spell, they attack KGBEAST. We also see how Ivy, being so far above the ground, needs to carry around plant seed to turn into monster plants. Everything is on fire now, Black Mask is under a table. All of the assorted crazy and varied gangs are attacking not just the girls, but also each other, taking this as an opportunity to take out the competition. It’s an amazing free for all melee. He finds a gun, then jumps up, crying out he’s going to make them eat their own eyes and shooting up the entire room. Harley and Ivy are back to back fighting the gangsters. Ivy tells Harley to get to the safe. She holds off the gangsters with plant monsters. Black Mask sees her and follows. 
Selina explains that once the defenses are shut down the safe is cracked, they’ll escape on the blimp, right under Roman’s nose, and after that… 
-mission accomplished.- 
The flaming blimp, an apt metaphor for this plan and its execution, crashes into the street below the building. Nightwing and Selina Kyle battle. He tells her, Batman and the GCPD are storming the building any minute now. She’s better than this. Join them, be better, be a hero. They stop fighting. She tells him that’s what she’s been doing. After this heist is over, she’s turning Harley and Ivy in. Just give her a few more hours. Nightwing turns and runs off as we hear the sound of police storming the building. 
 Harley begins looking behind paintings for the safe. Roman Sionis appears behind her and smiles. She turns. He holds his pistol up to her face and questions. “Looking for something” she responds that she admits it, she was trying to steal his priceless paintings. But, looking up with sad eyes, she’s very sorry. He tells her those paintings were there when he moved in. She was looking for the Macguffin drive. Well, here’s the thing, it doesn’t exist. There is no magic artifact, no alien weaponry, no treasure map, no encrypted code to Don Falcone’s secret money laundering warehouse in Panama, all just an lie to convince the other gangs he had something they needed, and she just fell for it, and now he has the Joker’s girlfriend. Did you really think you could rob me? How dumb are you?  She ducks, disarms him, and runs. He fires at her, she runs to the door. False Face members and the KGBEAST run at her. She’s trapped. Down below, Selina encounters a false face member in a hallway next to a window dog mask, hisses, and released her claws on her gauntlets. 
The glass around the window to ceiling window  falls as bullets miss her and hit it. KGBEAST tackles her and they both fly out. They begin to fall to their doom, when a whip grabs Harley’s ankle and pulls her back in. KGBEAST however, falls 80 floors to his death. Selina stands next to Poison Ivy in what seems to be an empty hallway next to a broken window and asks Harley where the Macguffin drive is. Harley tells her. It doesn’t exist. Black Mask made it up. Selina is shocked. Goons burst into this room, followed by cops, who pull all of them to the ground. Commissioner Gordon demands the three woman get to the ground. Ivy tells them to jump. Trust her. She has a plan. With no other option, they all leap out of the building and fall towards the pavement as a massive ten story tall flower bursts out of the cement and asphalt. They fall into its soft petals and bounce a few times. 
A few blocks away, the Sirens and Holly look on from a rooftop as a the sun sets, listen to the sound of sirens, and watch as news and police helicopters fly in circles around the Sionis building. Meanwhile, we see a manhole cover in the street around the building being closed from within by a Black gloved hand. Black Mask. Selina congratulated them. They didn’t get what they wanted, but you know what, they beat Black Mask. She nods to Harley and makes an attempt at a smile. She comments on how Mr. J should be happy about that. And with him gone, maybe she can finally fix the Narrows. 
Harley wants to ask, since they’re going there separate ways, can Selina finally tell her what it’s like to date Batman? Selina comments that they’ve actually broken up. He was sweet. But always too busy. Afraid of commitment too. 
Harley explains the she used to have that problem with Mr. J too. We cut to him giving her a bouquet of flowers, her realizing it’s filled with dynamite, then chucking it away and racing out of a building as it explodes. She describes how after the first seventeen times, she finally got him to warm up to her, and it’s been true love ever since. 
Selina sighs, then tells them she needs to talk to Holly about something. She’ll be right back. As her and Holly drive away, police cars pass them and begin to surround the building. The bat wing flies 
over them. We see them both silently drive away as in the rear view mirror a cop car is lifted into the air by a giant vine and the batwing launches a missile at it. 
Black Mask makes his way to a safe house on the outskirts of Gotham only to discover that the place has been blown to kingdom come. He looks down and discovers his enemies trademark. The Joker card, blowing in the breeze. He screams in rage and begins to swing his arms wildly, punching at nothing. 
Holly and Selina return home, Selina gets her catsuit off, gives the cat food, and falls down to sleep. She didn’t even sleep the night before. She wakes up an hour later to her cat meowing in her face. Her front door has been shot open. Holly is gone. Pinned to the wall with a knife, a warning from Black Mask. He wants her, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn at his building. If they don’t all come, or they bring others with them, Holly dies.
Holly wakes up. She’s in Black Mask’s torture dungeon, strapped to a chair. Black Mask sits in front of her, sitting on a backwards chair, legs facing the seat back. He tells her that he’s been thinking. A lot actually. He just lost his entire criminal empire in a single day. He’s never… he’s never understood the relationship between the capes and their villains. He’s always been top street level to want in on a gig like that. I mean, what’s even the point with Joker and Batman? If you hate someone, you just kill them! He tortured people sure, but that’s just shits and giggles. Holly is crying and begging him to let her go. He yells at her to shut up! He’s try my to talk! 
He continues. Maybe though, that’s the problem. This city doesn’t belong to the gangsters anymore. It belongs to the freaks. 
Meanwhile, we discover Catwoman has broken into the bat cave. She’s looking over the Batmobile when we hear a voice. “Selina” and I’m a cameo appearance…. BATMAN! 
Selina turns. She tells Bruce. She’s ready. She’s done with all of it. She’s ready to be a hero. They embrace. She kisses him, then she pushes him off a cliff. He falls, grapple hooks his way back up, swings back onto the platform, then discovers she’s driving away with the batmobile. 
Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are, having been captured, placed in prison truck convoys along with dozens of other criminals. Ivy is in a power canceling collar. Harley questions one of them where they’re going. The fellow prisoner informs her Arkham got hit by Black Mask, everyone is being brought to BlackGate prison. At this point, some guards free Harley and take her to another room in the large prison vehicle. It’s revealed the guards are corrupt as Harley is being taken to a special cell on wheels connecting to the back of this truck where the Joker is having Mongolian Barbecue. Another has been prepared for Harley by the chef, working in the corner. Joker greets Harley and hugs her, asking where she’s been? He missed her! They kiss. She begins to tell him that her, Ivy, and Selina… they brought down Black Mask together! Joker is overjoyed and thanks her, asking how she could have done this? She begins to explain from the beginning up to the point when they release Nightwing. At this point, Joker’s mood changes. However, he still pretends to be happy, nodding his head excitedly and questioning. You dumped him in a ditch? Really! She replies yes! and laughs. Not understanding he’s being sarcastically happy now. He turns towards the chef, who races towards the door. YOU DUMPED HIM IN A DITCH? REAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYY???? He begins to slam the man's head into the wall over and over, then pulls the knife from us belt. Harley replies, softer now… yes? 
Joker leaps at her and begins to slash, she dodges, trying to ask him to stop. She’s sorry! It’s her fault! “You’re right it is!” He yells, stabbing the wall, missing her by an inch. She kicks him off. He pulls off his shirt, revealing his tattoos. Then she cartwheels into him, kicking him in the face. Joker spits out a silver tooth. Harley once again tells him she’s sorry, and he asks her, how dumb is she? Harley remembers Black Mask sayings the same thing, and pieces begin to come together in her mind. She cries out in anger, disarms the Joker, slaps him around, pulls his face down into her knee, hits him in the back gorilla style again and again, then slams him into a wall and punches him one more time in the face. He’s bloody, has two black eyes, and is laughing. This is when the prison box is hit from behind. The back of the cell is blown open and we reveal Selina in the Batmobile! Joker stares in shock, then turns away from Harley and begins to laugh, crawling behind the chef table. Selina yells to Harley to get Ivy! She uses the Batmobile to blow open the door to the cell and Harley runs out, fighting off a few guards, then releasing Ivy, fighting a few more guards, then making it back to Joker's cell. Ivy notices Joker still laughing, curled up in a ball. Ivy questions Harley about the Joker, she tells her they broke up. Ivy yells to the Joker to get his attention. He looks up from under the table to see what she wants. Ivy grabs and kisses Harley in front of him, gives Joker some f*** you, you suck eyes, then they jump onto the Batmobile. Joker stands up, and steps into the hole in the wall at the back of his cell. He stares at the Batmobile behind him, and once again begins to laugh, holding onto the sides of the hole with his hands,leaning out at them laughing at a joke only he can see, the laughter almost mocking. They turn the Batmobile away and drive off. 
They pull over a little ways away, Ivy is angry, strings Selina up, and questions why they shouldn’t kill her for what she did? Selina tells them both she’s sorry. But Black Mask has Holly, and he’s going to kill her if they all don’t meet him at his building. Ivy looks to Harley, and Harley decides. She broke us out, now we’re even. They go to save Holly. 
Rubble has been swept away from the streets around the Sionis building, and most of the blimp is gone, but the giant flower remains. Upstairs, we see Holly crying. Black Mask is asking her if she’s hungry. She nods. He grabs an ice cream scoop from his torture table, an ice cream scoop he does not plan to use for ice cream, when a man in a Antelope Mask enters to tell him they’re here. He puts it down and begins untying Holly. Holly tells him Selina’s going to get him. 
The Gotham city sirens walk into the lobby and discover police tape and several boxes of guns and money that have been brought down as evidence from storage floors. They also discover all the cops who were supposed to be guarding the building dead. We’ll learn that the buildings surrounding this one have been evacuated because no one knows if the giant flower is toxic or not. Ivy creates a plant monster and asks it to take the money in the crates to the car. Selina tells them all to grab weapons, and they head up the elevator. The whole place has been shut down, so everything is operating on backup generator power. They wait in the elevator to get to the upper floors, where they believe Black Mask is.  The elevator suddenly shuts down. They look around, wondering what’s happening. It begins to fall. Ivy shoots vines to try and slow them. Selina pulls Harley to her with her whip and slams through the ceiling tiles. In the elevator tunnel Poison Ivy leaps up as well and slows them down, tying them to the sides of the tunnel with vines. Down below, the elevator crashes into the basement. They pull open one of the elevator doors and head to the stairs. Lights are all off, and on the floor there are arrows in glow in the dark spray paint pointing them to where they should go. In looking on the walls, they discover images of them pinned to the walls with the eyes cut out and Selina circled. Selina finds that disconcerting. Harley agrees and comments that it’s like her and Mr. J’s holiday photos. 
They pass a deactivated gatling gun attached to a wall, followed by a pile of drones, then make it to the stairs. From above, the antelope and the chimp shoot at them. They take cover. Selina shoots back and hits Antelope in the leg. The Chimpanzee gets scared and runs off. They pass Antelope, who slowly moves his hand towards his dropped gun. Harley kicks it over the edge and they continue. 
Following the arrows, they make it to the conference room, where various plastic curtains have been set up around the holes in the windows, blowing in the breeze. Then, the breeze stops. The lights are back on, and armored shielding has just locked down over the windows! We see from outside this happening throughout the upper floors. Red lights begin going on and off in the tower. Black Mask appears from behind a curtain, dragging Holly by the neck. He shoots at the Sirens, misses, and runs off, Selina goes after him. He’s laughing maniacally. But Harley hears a different laugh, echoing through the building. The Joker is in the building. She runs off, Ivy tells her to stop but she doesn’t, so Ivy just follows.
Selina tracks Black Mask to his penthouse. Black Mask is in there somewhere behind all the wooden crates and boxes of contraband that were being boxed up by cops earlier in the night. Black Mask tells her that this is going to be fun, just the two of them them! We don’t need the others! Maybe it's better this way! We don’t want a crowd! Chimpanzee shoots a machine gun at Selina from behind, Selina leaping into the rafters to dodge and kicking Chimp down from behind in the back of the head. Selina comments on how it can’t really be the two of them with all these False Faces around. Black Mask gets out a phone, holding his gun in his other hand to Holly, and tells the rest of his goons to exit the building. The red lighted continue to stream on and off. 
Harley and Ivy make there way down to a floor that appears to be nothing but boxes of drugs, guns,  and money. And right there in the middle, Joker in his finest tuxedo, several Joker goons including Panda-Man and lesser known hulking villain Amygdala, and the Hyenas. A boom box being held by Joker plays the song Sucker for pain from Suicide Squad. Joker tells Harley he’s sorry, hes been busy, he’s done some things he regrets, and he’s sorry for everything, and he’s ready to make it up to her too! How does Hawaii sound? Harley looks at Ivy, thinks for a moment, and runs to the Joker. As she hugs him, Joker looks at Ivy and grins. She turns away and leaves back up the stairs. 
Meanwhile, Selina chases Black Mask through a maze of crates and opaque plastic curtains, hearing Holly’s scream and an explosion, she races up towards the stairwell, and discovers the locked and armored door to the roof blown open by a rocket launcher. She grabs it and races outside, where it is now pouring rain. She passes a helicopter on the helipad. 
Harley and Joker are leaving, when Harley remembers, her friends need help! She asks Joker to use his men to help save Holly, Joker tells her he’s sorry, but the building is about to explode. They have to go. Harley asks to just go tell her friends then so they have a chance to escape too. He tells her no and starts to leave with his gang, pulling her along. Harley tells him to let go, frees herself, and tells him she’s going back for her friends… and she’s taking the babies too! The Hyenas run after her as she races to the stairs. Joker yells at her that she’ll be back!
Selina races through the rooftop and it’s numerous air vents and solar panels until she discovers Black Mask and Harley on the edge of the building. 
Black Mask holds a gun to Holly’s head. Selina stands a few yards away clutching the missile launcher. The two of them stare each other down as the wind screams and rain falls. Black Mask cries out to her. This, this is just the beginning! The two of them! They’re gonna be doing this dance the rest of their lives! I kill someone you love, you come after me, send me to jail, then I get out and we start it up all over again! It’s gonna be beautiful! Selina tells him he’s insane. Black Mask tells Selina he would have to be to be her archenemy. Her Joker! He begins to laugh. And she’s his hero. (If your wondering why he’s still in the building while the bombs are about to go off, it’s because he thinks the sirens will deactivate them like superheroes would) Selena stares at him. Then she tells him: 
I’m no hero.
Holly breaks free of his grasp and ducks down as the rocket launches straight into his chest, launching him off the building. He screams as the rocket twists up, spiraling his body around and shooting him high into the night sky before finally blowing him up in a massive explosion. It’s like fireworks. Holly gives the explosion the finger, because she’s been through a lot and that’s a small comfort.,
Selena races to Holly and hugs her, asking if she’s okay. Holly tells her she’s alright. They need to get out of here though. Black Mask set the building to explode. Holly has a moment where she begins to break down, Selina helps her to get herself together for now. They need to get out. Harley meets up with Ivy, tells her she’s left the Joker for good, Selina shows up with Holly and tells them Black Mask is dead but the building is about to explode. There’s a helicopter on the roof. Harley mentions she knows how to fly one.( a reference to my suicide squad where she definitely does not) they get to the roof as somewhere in the building a timer counts down. 1 minute remaining. Harley gets the babies into the helicopter. Selina is Harley gets into the pilots seat as Ivy, Holly, and Selina both get inside. 45 seconds. Harley looks at the controls. This is a different model than the kind she flew before. She can’t find the on button. Selina tells Harley to move over. She’ll do it. Harley says she has this. 30 seconds. Harley finds the on button and lifts them off the ground and they hover over the building, before scraping back down and lifting off again. 20 seconds. Harley pilots them did the roof, briefly loses control as they just fall down, then regains it and they fly over the Sionis building. Harley steers then away as the countdown in the building makes it to 
The boom box has been left behind by the Joker's gang. The song Sucker for Pain has ended, and tainted love begins. An explosion rips through a wall behind the boombox. In the penthouse, an explosion tears apart the crates, causing one full of missiles to explode, making an even larger explosion. In the lobby, fire blasts out of the windows and hits the streets, setting them ablaze. The explosion annihilates the tower, shooting out at the helicopter. They’re shot into the air by the heat and pressure of the explosion, and Harley loses control as the fall to earth as everything else falls around them. The hyenas leap up onto Selina. 
The helicopter falls into the explosion and Harley regains control, diving under the tower as it falls, shooting out at a vertical angle through a hole in the exploding building. The helicopter, safe once again flies in circles high in the sky around the crumbled flaming remains of the building. Rocket Man by Elton John begins to play. Selina looks to the girl that’s like a daughter to her and hugs her. Ivy looks down and comments how it’s just like Mogatu tower. Harley and Ivy kiss. A box of missiles catches fire and they begin to shoot into the sky creating a beautiful fireworks show. We pan up into the sky as the missiles explode and….
End Credits scene:
Selina Kyle wanders around through the remains of the Sionis building, stopping when she hears the sound of broken glass beneath her feet. Looking down, she sees a picture frame containing a picture of a young Roman Sionis side by side with Carmine’s Falcone. Beside them is a woman holding a baby. Selina picks it up to get a closer look, only saying a single word: “Mom?”
This hints at an adaptation I plan to make of Catwoman:When in Rome. It will take place at some point between this film, and The Batman: Death of the Family. My most recent Batman film, in which he reunites with Catwoman, and then dies fighting Joker. I will admit, I have had a lot of rather shameless plugs for other articles in this article, and that was one of them. In my eventual Catwoman movie I will also deal with some other lingering plot threads. 
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ILoveStargirl - 5/22/2018, 8:52 PM
I'm glad to see you again, fella-
MNLawyer - 5/23/2018, 5:45 AM
Big fan of your Poison Ivey cast

ILoveStargirl - 5/23/2018, 12:40 PM
@MNLawyer - She can give me the kiss of death whenever she wants. And I won't complain.
noahthegrand - 5/24/2018, 10:51 PM

@MNLawyer - @Cjosh -

@CaptainShazam - @dethpillow -

@Sickness85 - @Starman - @JaredRWebb12 - @ChrisRed -

@aresww3 - @BloodyBed - @SimplyAz -

@TheRealTomServo - @DaLaBrAcK -

@CultofKekistan - @TheRose -

@ThouBear8 - @CicadasAmongMen -

@BlackSpiderman - @ILoveStargirl - @Ruthless -
noahthegrand - 6/27/2018, 4:21 AM
@noahthegrand - @staysickness - @Velvet -
ThouBear8 - 6/4/2018, 1:33 PM
Just really great work as always, man. One thing I really appreciate is how you show the different shades of gray of morality for each character, especially the sirens. It's one of the things I found most interesting about this story. That you never really know how any of them might act, whether they might take a high road or do something not so noble.

These characters are each really likable in their own way, & they have moments where you almost wonder if they could've been heroes under different circumstances. Contrast that with people like Joker & Black Mask & you see a huge difference. I also thought your inclusion of Nightwing & Batman worked really well. Not too much, but enough to feel satisfied.

Whenever you write these characters, it always makes me sad for what could have been with the suicide squad movie. You get that they can do good things but still be bad, but they can also do bad things & still be good. The suicide squad movie was like "OH BOY, THESE ARE BAD GUYS, BETTER LOOK OUT", then they did basically nothing but heroic things the whole movie, bonding as a family almost immediately.

I loved everything about this one. Really really well done. I want to see this happen on the big screen, but sadly, I'm not expecting to. Great job.
noahthegrand - 6/8/2018, 11:26 AM
@ThouBear8 - Thanks! I really like the characters and one of the things that definitely interests me is how they’re each very complex characters individually(Harley has her relationship with the Joker, Catwoman has her whole hero/villain back and forth, Poison Ivy has her feelings on the environment, her cynical nature, and her hatred of most, but not all humans) but together you get some very cool dynamics where you don’t know what’s ongoing to happen. I’m also a big Black Mask fan, as I think he makes a good villain. I’ve had vague plans to do this story for a while, and through all the iterations he’s been the main villain, because he has a connection to Harley in these movies and also in the comics Catwoman because of their interesting status I tried to replicate.

I also really wanted to play with the Harley Joker relationship and have a logical conclusion to what I set up in my version of Suicide Squad, as I’ve been very disappointed in the relationship in the movies. Anyway, thanks again for reading and commenting.

ThouBear8 - 6/8/2018, 8:08 PM
@noahthegrand - I'm a fan of black mask too, & I think he worked really well with this story. & the character dynamics were my favorite part of this one. You totally nailed that aspect.
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