THE BATMAN - PART II Gets A Promising Production Update From Alfred Actor Andy Serkis

THE BATMAN - PART II Gets A Promising Production Update From Alfred Actor Andy Serkis

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THE PENGUIN Trailer And Poster Sees Oz Go To War With The Falcones In A Flooded Gotham City

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FireandBlood - 9/19/2019, 12:18 PM
He’s showing way more support for Pattinson than he ever did Affleck.

THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 9/19/2019, 12:58 PM
@PlusUltra - I think the age factor has to do with it too since Pattinson's still a young face in the business as opposed to Affleck who is seasoned and older than Bale.
Kumkani - 9/19/2019, 12:19 PM
He has spoken
regularmovieguy - 9/19/2019, 12:19 PM
“Brokeback Joker”
“Twilight Batman”

Reeds2Much - 9/19/2019, 2:37 PM
@regularmovieguy - Twilight Knight.

DaHyro - 9/19/2019, 12:20 PM
I was able to see TDK trilogy in 35mm IMAX, and it was the best theatre experience I ever had.

The entire trilogy is so god damn good. Also TDKR is just as good as TDK don’t @ me
BlackIceJoe - 9/19/2019, 12:26 PM
I'm not sure what hate he is talking about, because I've seen more for Ben Affleck over what Robert has gotten.
FireandBlood - 9/19/2019, 12:26 PM
I’m curious to see if Reeves has planned an entire trilogy or is taking it one movie at a time like Nolan did, because his trilogy could be something seriously special if he has got a 3 movie arc already mapped out.
GhostDog - 9/19/2019, 12:36 PM
He reminds me of Scott Snyder's Batman and he could really do that take justice.

knocturnalzen10 - 9/19/2019, 1:15 PM
@BlackBeltJones - court of owls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thing94 - 9/19/2019, 12:39 PM
Origame - 9/19/2019, 12:40 PM
@BlackBeltJones i dont get it. Are you saying pattinson reminds you of Scott snyder's batman?
GhostDog - 9/19/2019, 12:42 PM
@Origame - A bit yea. It supposed to be a young take and Pattinson has that youthful edge to him that Snyder's Batman did in his early years.

@Reeds2Much - I liked most of his Batman. Primarily the zero year, endgame, court of owls etc.
Forthas - 9/19/2019, 12:44 PM
Christian Bale knows good and well the Batman franchise is not going anywhere without him. Pattinson is better than Affleck by light years...but he is not Bale. Pattinson will probably do a decent job but still not what we should be getting.
DTor91 - 9/19/2019, 1:17 PM
@Forthas - You don’t know that yet.
Spock0Clock - 9/19/2019, 12:45 PM
"Just do whatever [frick]ing weird voice you want, mate. Trust me, people will still eat it up. I must'a done twenty different goofy voices, expecting them to show up on the DVD gagreel, but [frick]ing Nolan actually used the growly one in the final cut. So I'm like... 'okay, I'll do it even more over the top next time, and then he'll tell me to tone it down'... But mate... I swear to you, he never [frick]ing did. And people love me. Go find your own weird growly voice and people will love you, too."

Actual quote from the actual conversation I actually overheard between Bale and Pattinson.
GhostDog - 9/19/2019, 12:47 PM
He has the potential to be the best to ever do it cinematically.
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