Description by SHH's GothamGuardian
Today they filmed GCPD squad cars and swat trucks rushing to the Gotham stock exchange. Then the swat team goes rushing in. They just filmed a dialogue scene. At the end of it Matthew ducks down fast. I was expecting to hear a gunshot but nothing happened.
Description by SHH's Raganork8
The first part of the day all they did was shoot those cars rushing up to GSE, we saw a PA and asked him if they were going to wrap because of the weather and he said he wasn't sure but that tomorrow they'd have the Batwing down here. (so Tomorrow is going to be fun) He told us the Tumblers are in Brooklyn.
Some guy said he saw Batman, a stunt double in full costume.
I'm pretty sure I saw JGL shooting with Modine.
They were driving motorcycles off the set, can any of our LA Ninjas confirm what the Merc Bikes looked like?
Modine shot and he seems to walk up, look at an adjacent building then ducks down fast twice like he's being shot at or something is exploding.
Production was sluggish cause of the really bad weather, In fact one of their awnings caved in right over the camera and snow and water came down on them. I had to leave cause It was Freezing, when I left it was like 3:30 and the p.a. told us that they were waiting to see if the weather was going to clear up but they were only shooting the scene with Modine for the rest of the day.
We saw Police extras, SWAT extras and what might have been Stock Exchange extras.
Something that surprised me was that some of the cars were labelled "Gotham State police department. Which means whatever happens in gotham city at least gains the attention of the state government
Uploaded by Raganork8 - Matthew Modine!
Uploaded by Raganork8 - Cops Rushing the Stock Exchange
Uploaded by AdrianoErcolani - Gotham cops on the move!
Pictures by HanaBi
Pictures by SHH's GothamGuardian was sent these last two pictures from the guy (TheeDarkKnightRises) that shot the footage of the alley gunfire scene that was actually from the Los Angeles set. It appears to be Matthew Modine with Gary Oldman.
The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters July 20th 2012 and stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Garly Oldman as Jim Gordon, Tom Hardy as Bane, Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake and Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate.
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