The Dark Knight Rises STILL filming in Chicago

The Dark Knight Rises STILL filming in Chicago

The sequel to The Dark Knight will still be shooting in Chicago, as well as the expected shooting location of New Orleans. Hit the jump for more details

By MrDCUniverse - Nov 10, 2010 04:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

As we (and most other entertainment blogs) have reported, The Dark Knight Rises (Batman 3) is expected to begin shooting in New Orleans in April 2011.

It has also been assumed that they would return to Chicago and London (where the first two films were made) as well but there aren’t too many details about either leg of the shoot being banded about on the internet and most assumed that the entire shoot would filmed in New Orleans as DC's other tentpole franchise Green Lantern was fimled there.

Now, is reporting that their source has confirmed “they will be returning to Chicago for the majority of exterior shooting.” They added that the most of the New Orleans shoot will take place in the Warehouse District. There is also a studio being constructed for the film in NOLA.

The Dark Knight Rises opens July 20, 2012 and is directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy.
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Thekevin - 11/10/2010, 4:28 AM
I hope they tell this guy to tone the raspy voice down a tad. His voice wasn't like that in Batman begins. and the interrogation scene in TDK could've been epic if it wasn't for that voice. The same goes for last scene when batman is talking to the joker while hanging upside down. That could've been the comic version of the Al Pacino/Robert Deniro diner scene in Heat if it wasn't for that Damn Voice!!
KUSlacker - 11/10/2010, 7:16 AM
agreed it was hard to pay attention to what he was saying when his voice was like nails on chalkboard
andypand89 - 11/10/2010, 7:37 AM
chistian bale is the ultimate batman through my eyes and nolan was born to direct batman :)
Thekevin - 11/10/2010, 7:44 AM
@thedarkhorner, I'm not taking away from the movie. The movie was awesome. I think Christian Bale is a great Batman The voice was just irritating though.
@Ajax, Yeah dude the suit sucked!
Twenty23Three - 11/10/2010, 8:13 AM
he will tone it down because it wasn't intentional on bale's part. He was trying to do the same voice as in begins but he had been ill before filming so it hurt his throat and therefore it got more gravely. Hes stated in interviews that even he wasn't happy with his batman voice in TDK
sagekilz - 11/10/2010, 9:33 AM
good! being from chicago and knowing the city, it is and has been perfect for a representation of Gotham!
DukeAcureds - 11/10/2010, 9:43 AM
Does the title Dark Knight Rises allude to Dark Moon Rising?
Will we see the Batcave?
Does Batman have a moustache in this pic?
divo - 11/10/2010, 9:44 AM
The voice wasn't Bales doing. It was modified in post productions at NOLANS request.
DukeAcureds - 11/10/2010, 9:55 AM
Bale was really proud of the bit in Begins, when he has Flass hanging upside down. He said the Cowl was giving him a really bad migraine that day and he channeled it into that beast-like growl. He was praised for it and tried hard to recreate it in The Dark Knight. Bad move. I thought that scene with Flass was one of the lesser points of Begins.
comicb00kguy - 11/10/2010, 10:05 AM
That voice was really distracting in every scene Batman appeared in, in The Dark Knight.

Makes sense to use Chicago for exterior shots. New Orleans doesn't have very many tall buildings.
megabatfan - 11/10/2010, 10:08 AM
New Orleans for the Narrows maybe?
SHAZAM171 - 11/10/2010, 10:40 AM
vermillion - 11/10/2010, 11:15 AM
"SWEAR TO ME!!!!!"
Stumblin - 11/10/2010, 12:08 PM
The issue with his gravely voice is that it was difficult to understand him. That's a big no no for film, what's the point of him talking if he sounds ridiculous? They should have just put his voice through a filter to deepen it instead of Bale just doing it with his throat. Hell the point of his cowl was that it had a module to change his voice.
Drykilllogic22 - 11/10/2010, 12:55 PM
@deaconblackfire -Absolutely Right..cheers
Drykilllogic22 - 11/10/2010, 12:55 PM
@deaconblackfire -Absolutely Right..cheers
Drykilllogic22 - 11/10/2010, 12:55 PM
@deaconblackfire -Absolutely Right..cheers
DukeAcureds - 11/10/2010, 1:56 PM
No, you are right. But I always imagined it to sound a lot cooler. Like Clint in Unforgiven meets the movie version of Rorscacht meets some kind of wolf. Cool and scary and dark. Not camp, silly and outright ridiculous.
Vital - 11/10/2010, 1:58 PM
Why are the editors not re-reading their own articles and spell checking/proof reading? It's annoying. If you make mistakes, fix them, so the members don't have to write comments like this making me look like an asshole even though I'm not just to point out flaws in the article. You should be responsible enough to fix such silly errors, especially if you're going to share with the rest of the site. (No offense I'm just tired of all these new editors with typos).
DukeAcureds - 11/10/2010, 2:06 PM
You really hate this site, these days, don't you, Chad?
SolidSnake007 - 11/10/2010, 2:20 PM
Bale sucks period! HATE THE VOICE!!! Like nails on a chalkboard!!!
Sturmpionier - 11/10/2010, 2:35 PM
divo has nailed the voice thing. You guys can argue about whether it's good, or canon, or whatever, but they digitally altered Bale's voice in post-production.
DukeAcureds - 11/10/2010, 4:42 PM
@The Deacon
Hope you're right, dude. I remember something in Year One about a bellow that he brought back from Africa or something. That was quite evocative.
RockNRollCC - 11/10/2010, 4:53 PM
Agreed. The voice is too raspy, the suit it too bulky.

How bout an upgrade, Mr. Fox?

And Master Wayne, please go get your vocal chords checked. I'm starting to get the feeling you're trying to hold back on a serious case of throat cancer.
BlackRobin98 - 11/10/2010, 5:58 PM
typical whiny fan boys. You guys are prolly the same ones who said that Anakin was a whiny bratt in the star wars trilogy with our realizing that a great villain would START OUT a whiny brat, I mean whats the evil or bad version of a child? A whiny annoying lil brat that every one gets pissed off by and does not listen to anyone not even those he loves/likes (disobeying Obi all the time) ANYway back on subject, I thought the article was about uh - FILMING locations NOT Bales voice. Get over it!! It was not bad. YES it was a step up from Begins, perhaps in the wrong direction but like some one said this is his ORIGIN, he has not perfect everything yet!! I do agree with what my man said about the suit, I would not go as far as say it sucks but it is not my fave. I mean the body is ok but is it jus me or in the Penthouse party scene ('drop the gun'/'oh very poor choice of words.') and the infamous interrogation scene did it seem like the cowl made him look like he had a big head and lil Learning Disability beedy lil eyes. I mean thats jus me lol notice it next time You see those two scenes. And in the latter, ESpecially due to the lighting I SOOO was dying to jump thru the screen and fix his CAPE. It needed to be draped over his shoulders, it was all dang near tangled up going down his back. Bats looks so much better with the cape drapped over his shoulders, 'concealing' a lot of his body AND it adds to the mystery, the mystique, I know you guys think I'm nuts. btw I was NOT meaning to disrespect ANYones opnion or right to it - pls forgive me if you got that vibe - I'm jsu a huge Bat fan and SOO sick of complaints about the voice, I mean use a lil 'suspension of disblief' the voice goes with the whole 'intimidation game' his M.O. If you are going to place Yourself in a world where man would do this and live like this a man dressed up like a giant bat at night then you have to ALSO go along with what it takes and how he'd pull it off. Sorry again guys but after I heard Kevin Smith witch about it after sayin the movie was perfect "except for that dam voice" it was jus the last straw and I thought a comic book forum with fellow comicbook/bat fans would be the LAST ones who would not get it as I do. Thanks. Carry on
theangrytroll - 11/10/2010, 8:12 PM
Yay. Now everyone can rest easy as Gotham will once again look like any other big city.
Creature - 11/10/2010, 8:55 PM
The visual medium surrounding Nolan's movies is exceptional. I don't see why it won't look like Gotham, nor did Batman Begins or TDK not have that gothic trait or homage to even Bruce Timm's work. If he came up with the idea of a rotating hallway machine, he can do a presentable Gotham yet again in my opinion.
BlackRobin98 - 11/11/2010, 3:00 AM
@mbembet! HEC yeah, tell em my friend!! Conroy is great,....FOR the CARTOONS that is!! I'm so sick of actors using a 'whispery' "bedroom" verions of BRUCE WAYNES voice and calling it Batman. Conroy and Kilmer are the BEST eXamples of this. Lets whisper sounding slightly hoarse with Wayne's voice and call it Batman. I swear if Bruce Wayne ever whispered to his G/f in public or private she would instantly know his secret identity lol!! And I think it was riDICULOUS and made me loose a lot of fan respect for K.Conroy when he came out at comic con and DISSED (joking or not) a FELLOW Batman actor Bales Batman voice. Hes jus jealous b/c he is to old out of shape and outta class to play a live action Batman. And look Conroy fans don't come back at me with all this hate I like him prolly jus as much as You guys, he is my preferred animated Bat voice and I have ALL the episodes on DVDs except the last season (Batman the New animated adventures or watever) STop dissing Bale, if You use Nolan/Dc-Verse 'suspension of disbelief' you can enjoy his voice jus fine UNDERSTNDING that the VOICE goes with the MO goes with the costume goes with the point of intimidation and fear. Some of you guys need to seriously get OVER it. I'm sure he has 'Batman-Year one' learned after two movies and will adjust it accordingly in the end of the trilogy b/c no DOUBT he and Nolan are sick of changing you whiners tampons, NOT that you will be happy with the 'improvement' change b/c true fanboy geeks are never satisfied outside of creating their own version
BlackRobin98 - 11/11/2010, 3:08 AM
THANK YOU Angel and Troll for bringing the convo back to - uh I dont know THE ACTUAL TOPIC AT HAND and that of course is the city/look/filming locations. So what do you guys think of visions and version of Gothem. its kinda a thin, very thin line of making it happen. B/c its like in order to truly 'Gotham-ize' the place you would have to create a set, a city in a warehouse/studio if you will and THAT my friends was everyone's complaint about Batman and DEFINATELY Batman Returns (the original sequel) b/c there was TOO much minature work and studio work but then at the same time, its hard if not nearly impossible improbable to 'send a real City to the costume department' and 'dress it up' as Gotham. So its like those are your two choices shoot in a real city (chicago/LA) or shoot on the Warner Bros lot in a studio. I don't have a problem with a real city except for lets face it and be honest(!!!) TDK was shot and set in Chicago (I know you are thikin - DUH) but no I mean SHOT and SET in Chicago in otherwords it was TOO OBVIOUS that it was Chicago. Hell how can Chicago-ites enjoy the movie it destroys ALL sense of 'suspension of disbelief' requied by so many if not all CBMs because they know what their city looks like "HEY I got gas at that Sheetz last night!" or "I took my G/f to that restaurant after the game last night" They know what their city looks like and so do tourist and those of us who have visited Chicago. My take is tone it DOWN some and shoot more in a studio set and if you fear that will look too fake consider the Narrows! That was all shot in Shepherd Stu outside of London(?) I do believe. NOne of that was Chicago so it can be done. But again&in closing TDK opened and continued day/night with WAY too much clear and obvious recogizable as HELL downtown Chicago. What say you ppl? Any Chi-town residents out there to offer the definative take??
BlackRobin98 - 11/11/2010, 3:14 AM
@Deacon, very interesting. So what would you like to see? Are you saying you want him to sound more like Ror from Watchman?? How do you think he should sound? I think its clear and understandable enough. I dont' see that complaint at ALL - the one about it not bein understandable. I understood him perfectly, I mean he pronounced all his syllables and it was def LOUD enough. So what is your complaint slash idea for improvement. Its things like this vid that I do NOT agree with and it seems most of you guys do. Pls respond/reply and comment but with respect, we are all fans here.

Really - 11/11/2010, 1:00 PM
Glad to see it will still be filming in Chicago as well as the Big Easy!
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