It's pretty good to hear that we're not going to be see anymore Batman movies from Nolan due to the fact he wants a trilogy. As much as I would love to see him continue, I do feel seeing a closure to this trilogy would be great and an awesome sendoff to Batman in a climatic ending. But what can we expect, with already two casting announcements set for Marion Cottilard and Joseph Gordon Levitt as both an assistant and a detective respectfully, I mean what can we expect from this movie? So here is the rundown! (WHAT THE HELL'S A RUNDOWN?)

1. CATWOMAN & BANE- This was pretty huge when I found out this out and seeing Bane & Catwoman being redone is again something of pure genius. Bane is the perfect nemesis for Batman to fight, weather or not we see the Venom Toxin appear in TDKR, is a mystery but again in Nolan's world anything could happen, (LOOK AT THE FEAR TOXIN & YOU'LL KNOW WHAT I MEAN) We could be going back to how Begins was with the whole League of Shadows thing, I mean Bane could be several things. He could be part of the League, or someone who wishes to destroy Batman. Again this guy is going to make Batman's life a living hell and that's good. Joker did it already and even though i miss seeing him it's probably better to keep him in Arkham. He was apprehended and all we know is he is alive. Weather Bane survives in this is a huge question because this man will drive Batman over the edge. Catwoman will probably be the anti-hero of this, she will start a villain and then become a hero in the end and probably most likely giving up being Catwoman. Makes sense and due to the fact we need a sympathetic villain, Catwoman can be that person. Batman's been dealing with psychos, madmen, PEOPLE DRESSED AS CLOWNS AND SCARECROWS, I MEAN COME ON! Or maybe a different route, maybe Selina Kyle will be something different to add to the mix, who knows. Catwoman I know you really can't mess up on, how Selina Kyle will fit in the Nolan universe is totally questionable and yet mysterious. Anyways, SHES IN IT!
Batman's wanted, and Jim Gordon is forced to hunt down Batman due to the fact that Batman took the blame for all the murders. But TDK was heading down that route, I mean seriously, people we're dieing, the news and press we're making Batman seem like a total asshole for not turning himself in to the Joker, IT WAS INVEITABLE! So how it is handle is again a big question mark but expect Batman to be hiding a lot. That quote that Gordon said in the end really made me think too, what if Bruce isn't Batman anymore by the time TDKR starts, think about it. You think anything could happen in the span of 3 years.........ok Ill shut up but think about it. Why would Batman carry on, Gotham's hero became Dent not Batman, they finally saw his true colors in their eyes, maybe he gives up and Catwoman and Bane are what makes him return to being Batman. Marion Cottilard's casting signified that she would play a board member who is eager to get Bruce back on his feet. WHO KNOWS!
Let's face it people HE'S BACK. Weather we wanted him or not, HE'S RETURNED! To what extent though? We hear Josh Pierce who oddly enough bears a striking resemblance to Liam Neeson, is going to play the young Ra's Al Ghul in TDKR. BUT WAIT A SECOND!? What if Ra's body was found and thrown in the Lazarus Pits, wouldn't that bring him back to life and thus make him younger? Maybe Ra's won't be part of the flashback sequences, maybe he wants revenge on Batman once and for! Makes sense if Bane is part of the League and brought him back to take control of Gotham and Marion's role is Talia Al Ghul but Miranda Tate in disguise. Or maybe Liam Neeson is returning to the role, he played a great Ra's Al Ghul and in fact maybe we were all fooled but I didn't think this
Was really Ra's Al Ghul.......seriously come on now, it's common sense.
THEY LOOK ALIKE! DUR! But either way let's see. Hopefully Liam does return in re shoots or maybe Josh Pierce does the job. Again only time will tell.
1. The Riddler
Oh yea we all expected this guy, I remember I wanted him too. But I think it would be kind of lame to see Riddler in the third one. Not that I hate Riddler it's just.....I want a villain who is just as physically hard to beat for Batman and Bane & Catwoman are perfect. Joker was that villain that mentally screws with our hero and Riddler is a mental mind [frick] for Batman. Again we wanna see an action movie not a movie with Batman solving riddles and puzzles to find Riddler stored in a warehouse (play Arkham Asylum and get his trophies) it would be quite the downer especially a waste. You see if your going to make a third and final film you gotta be all out on it, making sure the best show up. Riddler is a good villain but you want a climax in the movie and even though Venom and Sandman sucked in Spider Man 3, they we're the villain that could physically kill Spider Man unlike Doc Ock who was a mental villain (despite his bone crushing tentacles) which makes perfect sense. I like Riddler, again I wish to see him remade as much as anybody but maybe another time probably, like when Nolan leaves, I wouldn't mind seeing Riddler remade.
My god this was annoying, people actually believing the Joker would appear in the third film. People saying oh someone else play him or CGI him or this or that. ENOUGH DUDE! JOKER'S IN JAIL MOVE ON! Originally though THAT WAS THE PLAN. After Batman Begins ended Goyer did admit that the second film would be about the Joker and Harvey Dent's decent into becoming Two Face with the third film having Joker on trial and Two-Face as the main villain. This is interesting but after Heath Ledger died I can say that story was scrapped sadly. But then again I wonder, would maybe Bane & Catwoman appear in the sequel either way and maybe No Two-Face, maybe Heath Ledger still would of been in the third film as a cameo or maybe Bane breaks him out to wreck havoc. Who knows right? But either way it's not happening, SORRY FOLKS.
This is a pretty interesting concept, would Nolan kill off Batman in the final movie? The fact that Batman dies saving Gotham City and is named a hero along with Dent is pretty cool, but it could be just BATMAN, not Bruce Wayne. Interesting but then again the title wouldn't fit correctly. Yea let's have Batman rise and then SPLAT DIE. No, again very interesting concept but it wouldn't fit the title. Batman is supposed to be a big figure not, he must overcome a huge obstacle and one of the obstacles is getting the people to believe in good in Batman. Again Batman isn't trusted anymore, any sight of him would give a clear indication that he will either be arrested or shot down. So remember HE WON'T DIE!
There is many more things to happen in TDKR, and I get the feeling its going to blow up the silver screen literally because of how awesome it is. But again you may never know, movies with the 3 slapped on it or mention its the third film doesn't really sell good. I mean yea it makes a ton of money but it doesn't live up to the potential at all. I wish it does, I PREY IT DOES! I hope TDKR ends it all and gives us an ending that will no doubt make us feel better that we have a perfect film trilogy akin to how Back To The Future's trilogy is (Despite BTTF 3 being the worse I still like it) I guess we're going to have to wait and see on July 2012!