A few days ago we saw the 2 very blurry pictures of a set in India for 'The Dark Knight Rises' and immediately fan speculation went wild with theories. The most popular theory seems to be that it's the Lazarus Pit.
Here's another pictures from the same location, but now we have it in a much better quality giving us a better look at what could possibly be the Lazarus Pit.
[Click The Image To Enlarge]

“The Lazarus Pit is mythical vats of arcane chemicals in the DC comics universe. The most common user of the pit is Ra’s al Ghul. Ra’s al Ghul accidentally discovered the first Lazarus Pit as a cure for the dying son of a sultan he worked for. The Pit had a terrible side effect, however; it turned the Prince temporarily insane, leading to him killing the doctor’s wife. After being blamed for the murder, the man who would become Ra’s Al Ghul was buried in the desert. He was rescued by a tribe and a boy named Huew. After this he used the Lazarus Pit to save himself, and vowed to avenge his wife. The doctor gave himself the title Ra’s al Ghul – The Demon’s Head”.
So what do you guys think? Lazarus Pit? Or just some other CGI shot? One thing is for sure, we know Nolan doesn't like to use CGI unless he really has too, so it would seem that he wouldn't be using CGI here for just any small reason.