So the first time I saw the new trailer, which was live on Jimmy Kimmell, I found Jesse Eisenberg weird in the beginning. I was confused, because of the other trailer, where they showed him a bit more ruthless as opposed to how he acted in the beginning. Then, upon my second viewing, I saw what they were doing: there is a metamorphosis of Lex in the film.
I saw Lex in the trailer, and then thought "Holy shit, its brilliance". They are marketing Lex like how Lex markets himself! The eccentric billionaire that comes off as too cocky and somewhat annoying. But then, think about it. Isn't this how Lex was before he was ousted as a villain. Imagine this Lex going out into a crowd saying "Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent! I love bringing people together." Then going into another room and basically saying "[frick]ing idiots think I'm actually that stupid".

It’s only when he's alone with someone that he turns into the person he is. Just see how he interacts with Lois and Superman. Probably one of my favorite lines from any of the trailers is “Psychotic is a 3 syllable word for any thought too big for little minds”. That is how he is. Just like how Bruce Wayne is a mask for Batman, the “I love bringing people together” Lex Jr. is a mask for the cold calculating genius. And that is how they are marketing him, so that when he snaps, it genuinely shocks the audience.
Don’t think he’ll snap? Just listen to him say “If man won’t kill god, then the devil will do it!” The tone of his voice that is him. That is him snapping. When he loses his hair, which he will, then the Lex everyone wants to see will be there. The cold, mean, just asshole that you want to hate. He will lose his mask, and be more public with his hate. But for right now, it is in the shadows.
Give it time. Look at him in the other trailers. “Devils don’t come from hell beneath us. They come from the sky.” “The red capes are coming”. These aren’t coming from him in public. Those are meant to be him in the shadows, manipulating the events. So far, I love this Lex. He gives off that “You really don’t know who you are messing with” vibe. If you [frick] with him, he will create a giant bone protruding beast to come after you… Mind over muscle, as some might say.
And in wrapping this up, let me just say, there’s still a lot we don’t know about the film, for those who say it showed too much. The kryptonite, the bandage on Lex’s hand (that still bothers me that I notice it but no one else does), how Batman and Superman will make up, Aquaman. We just know Doomsday is in the movie now, which has been predicted to many times, as well as hinted at.
So what do you guys think? Are you excited to see Lex Luthor "Jr." in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? Comment bellow!