Hi Guys,
Probably the second and last time i do this fiasco of letting people into my head on the internet.
Reading so much crap on the internet lately has made me want to visit more on the reading site and not on the writting side of things. As soon as Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice approached a month until release, it started - negative stuff all over again. And for what I ask ? For a movie noone has seen (at least the sources that bash it) based on the one and only fact that people did not enjoy MOS (or Snyder).
Don’t get me wrong all you have the right of an opinion based on your personal taste, like in my case – I am still amazed beyond a doubt that Iron Man 3 is actually considered a movie in the first place.
Now when it comes to comic books made into movies i have one simple rule for my personal taste - write them as serious as you would write a movie about World War 2 and visualize them as close as possible to the books you are using for inspiration. There are at least 90 different Batman incarnations from the comics and none of them would appeal to all of you. Same goes for Superman, the only difference being that when we speak about him, he literally has too much POWER and its incredibly hard to write for such a undefeatable character. Why do i not agree with MOS haters, because as much as i respect the past (Superman 1 to 4 plus Returns) i just don't see the appeal of the comics in those movies, and its not the genre i think Superman should be.
Yes I know his genre is comic book, but his subgenre should be Sci-Fi, not soap opera. When I say soap opera I envision scenes like saving a cat from a three, saving dozens of people on a train and all that 80s stuff that was ever so present in the 80s and 90s version.
In the comics (i am 30 so i consider the ones issued from 1980 up until now) he is much more super and less of a cat saviour.
Batman has been portraied in so many ways that i would need a separate article for him alone, so we will just assume that he is generally dark and quiet.
Lets forget what people are saying for a second as i really don't have use for someone else's opinion in my life. They would usually say the following things about MOS
- He doesn't kill
- The destruction in Metropolis was huge
- He is not wearing his OG costume
- He didn’t save anyone in MOS
- It didnt remind them of Superman from the 80s
So let me understand this
Superman has never killed anyone in the comics ??? No, thats not a fact. Yes the destruction was huge, what did you guys expect from two alients (that can jump over New York in a single bound)? His OG costume doesnt really reflect 2016, sorry but strongmen outfits died in the 50s. He saved the entire [frick]ing planet HELLO!!! If you like Superman from the 80s, then we have 5 movies for you already shot. Enjoy them !
All of those above can be said about many comic books as of recent, destruction was ever so present in Avengers, Avengers Age of Ultron, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 1, Iron Man 3, Thor, Thor the Dark World, Guardians of the galaxy, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Ant-Man, and lots more, why haven’t I read as many articles about those. AOU literally destroyed a whole [frick]ing city, which excuse me but even with Iron Man saving
ONE family in a bath tub – I still do not think they all survived.
And now lets get back to Snyder for a quick second, i just rewatched 300 last night and man was that a comicbook spayed on my TV in the same colours. You can hate the guy all you want, but with a good writter onboard, i am more than positive than he will give me what i have dreamed of for the last 20 years a Batman VS Superman fight to remember. Watchmen was awesome as well, it really was one of those R Rated movies people are now beggining to talk about because of Deadpool (Best Single Marvel origin since Iron Man).
Now lets get back to BVS DOJ, guys wake the [frick] up the merch for Batman and Superman plus Wonder Woman alone per year its worth around the billion ball park for toys and other merch annualy. The movie might or might not cost 400 Million, i am more or less inclined to belive its around the 250 Million and dont belive the gossip around the "sources" that know the budget of a Hollywood movie that is in pre-release, sorry but we dont belive it one bit.
First of MOS made 200 Million pre-release ticket sales, i belive BVS will easily make that plus another 100 Million, so a total of 300 Million in pre sales should be a no brainer. Also MOS made 300 Million in Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital-HD sales and rentals. Its safe to say BVS can make that bank as well. So from pre sales and home release we have a total of 600 Million, even if BVS is worth 400 Million, that is still 200 Million profit. Combine that with some toys money and other merch and they have licensed to 3
rd parties and already we are at 1.2 Billion from merch, pre sales and Digital/Blu Ray sales. How is this movie in danger ? Even if Warner’s split that with DC is some weird financial mumbo jumbo way, they have paid for the movie and made some extra cash.
Now in the above scenario we have a weekend in the cinemas and home distribution with DVD, Digital and other TV rights, plus the usual toys and other.
Let me tell you how the movie can be hurt, if all the people that belive what ever they read and don’t have an opinion base their overall feelings on Rotten Tomattoes, Screen Junkies and HitFlix - then yes it might be in danger (people to go and continue nit picking it - publishing bad negative headlines and then changing them once they get 2000 thumbs down on their videos).
That’s the popular these days thing to say, I can assure where I am from that pre TDK days and Batman Begins days, there were a few hardcore Batman fans and that was it, now I sit next to some dude that is 15 years younger than me and I listen how we explains to another dude that Batman is a rip off from Iron Man, because he read that on the internet somewhere.
It is time for people to understand that in the day and age of the internet lies are turning into truths as fast as Zoom is running.
Do not forget that the movie will not be only one week in cinemas and theaters across the world. Financially WB will be at 1.2 Billion profits from the names alone and we will have one weekend passed, do you seriously think that will be the end of it?
I do not. The people that will hate this movie will be the same old same MOS haters and Snyder haters, but the difference is Batman in this case. Yes he will fill those seats with a Billion bucks and that’s a fact even if you remove Superman from the title and call it Batman V DOJ.
Fact of the matter is, Marvel main success over at Disney is that in each solo story they can cameo someone, giving you something brand new. That is what makes you a comeback customer. Its not that their movies are way better than others, they are just giving hardcore fans things never seen on screen before like GOTG and other properties they would enjoy. As for the general audience they just make it bright, put some jokes, one liners, a couple of guys from comedy movies and that’s it money making.
How did Fantastic Four [frick] up? Easy they have never been no one favorite comic book, let’s be serious, who dreamed as a kid to be a rubber dude? And Marvel has 29 characters that burn, she is invisible WOW and he is like the Hulk but rockier.
Everyone keep repeating that Marvel is such a success, but historically their first movies were not selling so hot. Sure Iron Man made a few bucks and was fun, but after than it was just average movies until The Avengers dropped. Events are what sell now, not good writing or brilliant visuals and BVS is an event.
This movie will make more than TDKR due to the fact that people have always wanted a more
comic book version of Batman and here it is LIVE from Gotham Ben Affleck.
For me the movie will be at the 1.6 Billion level easily, Batman and Superman are pretty much 50 times more recognizable outside of US than any other Marvel characters (Spiderman excluded).
If done right they can wipe the floor with a lot of those more B and C characters for sure.
None of these characters has sold as many tickets as those two have historically, Batman 89, 92, 95 and TDKR trilogy, Superman 80s and Spiderman Sony made HUGE bank in their release time. The rest can only exist in shared universe that is why Marvel did the entire cross over, they can’t sale you 3 Thor movies based on his hype alone.
Everyone predicted
Deadpool would do small indie bank and look at it now. When the FF movie flopped, everyone was attacking Fox to revert the rights to the X Men and FF back to Marvel, now it’s the opposite. They would prefer a Tim Miller Ant-Man, trends come and go guys.
One thing I can tell you for sure when you go and see BVS is this
- First time that you will see Batman and Superman on the big screen together and see a lot of DC characters you haven’t see in a while and that is going to happen only one time on March 25
- There might be a 100 movies about them after that, none of them will have this event status, so be happy and thankful that this happens within our life time.
Personal prediction for clean cinema worldwide box office total in USD from me is 1.8 Billion total run.
If the movie sucked would Warner make Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and JL (starts in a month as well), I don’t think they would do it as fast.
For the ones that expect a MCU type movie, don’t!