This argument happens all the time, who would win in a fight Batman or Superman? The answer to that is easily Superman!
Why? I'll be gladly to tell you. Superman is one of the strongest superheros if not the strongest superhero, his abilities are far to advance for batman to even come close to beating him, and i know some of you will have the argument oh well he'll have kryptonite, a ring of kryptonite, but kyrptonite does not always work. Superman has super villians that are made out of kryptonite, lex luthor has a suit full of kyrptonite, and Superman always finds a way to defeat them.
So then yous will say Batman will find someway to outsmart Superman, No, thats the stupidest argument ever made, Lex luthor is definitely as smart maybe even smarter than Batman, and Superman Has defeated Lex plenty of times. Don't get me wrong Batman can definitely hold his own, but not against someone like Superman. Even when Superman holds back his still more powerfull than Batman, and everytime they fight he holds back, cause he knows he will kill him and Batman Knows that as well as stated in Batman Hush i believe.
Has anyone ever seen Superman Vs The elite? Superman can take out four superhumans at once what makes you think he can't beat an human
As far as Batman v Superman:Doj, i do not know how they are going to match them two, up but even zack snyder himself implied that Batman would stand no chance
I know people on this site like to talk Smack, but come one Superman is Superman, and belive me im a huge Batman fan but in my personal opinion Batman will stand no chance againts Superman. Once again my Opinion
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