Captain America:TFA
This is my first ever movie review. Rounding up the CBM fiesta for the summer TFA gave us something to take home and talk about. A movie that did justice to the comic strip where it was adapted from.
Here are the highlights of the movie.
1st Casting:
Red skull: who better would have being the right person to portray this character other than Hugo "Mr. Smith" weaving. He was spot on. Judging from the way the character was demised. He can sure be brought back in a sequel. if you noticed the energy beam that warped Red Skull at the end of the movie, it reminded me of the rainbow bridge from Thor when he was cast down from earth.
Captain America/Steve Rogers: when Chris "fine boy" Evans was cast last year we thought that was the end of the movie, what was marvel studios thinking. But the truth be told Evans proved to us that he can act any role, character,movie.All that matters is the script and direction. He gave us what Hems worth, Downey, Maguire did with Thor, IronMan and Spider man. He gave life to Cap in a way we all loved...I can't wait to hear Evans Shout Avengers Assemble Next summer.
The other cast did their part and no one felt out of place
Joe Johnston did a great work. There was never a dull moment all the dialogues lead to a scene and were carried throughout the movie. No scene felt over use and under use. Except that the shield wielding action wasn't much.
Every CBM should learn from Cap:TFA, It was a complete Origin story. It was convincing enough to know why Steve was the first and only super soldier. Also the Love story was believable reminded me of how I met my wife. dc/Warner bros should take a lesson from this if they want to make Man of steel a money making franchise.
Overall Capt. America:TFA is a must watch for every CB fan Boy in my opinion its better than Thor, on the same par with Iron Man. Watchable than Batman Begins and TDK.
The best part of the Move is the End.
I love the line: "I had a Date" I was. Moved to tears.
Can't wait for the sequel.
The First Avenger is the best CBM of the year. I am given it 5/5..Nuff said