Captain America: The Winter Soldier wowed critics, fans and general audiences alike, with many citing it as one of the best superhero movies ever made. Hit the jump to check out the first of four articles looking at each of the big comic book movies from 2014!

Editorial Opinion
By Minty - Nov 13, 2014 11:11 AM EST

Captain America: The Winter Soldier debuted back in April to rave reviews. The action was incredible, the cast was phenomenal, and “Hail Hydra” became the world’s favourite catchphrase for a little while. What made the movie such a success? And is it as good as comic-book fans seem to believe. Scroll down to read some of the key talking points from the Russo Bros’ stellar sequel to The First Avenger.

A Political Thriller


“Don’t… trust… anyone…” – Nick Fury
This is a political thriller masquerading as a superhero movie - with enough twists, tension and trust issues to make Homeland jealous. Famous for diversifying their plots above and beyond that of a ‘standard superhero affair’, Marvel delivered their most intelligent script yet with this film. On-going questions throughout the movie about the ethics of SHIELD and the underlying conspiracy only helped to strengthen the tone.
Despite its entertainment value, this film’s weakest section ended up being its big blockbuster finale. A more low-key conclusion may have been closer in-line with the rest of the story’s suspense and intrigue. The film’s highlight was arguably the Winter Soldier’s assassination of Nick Fury – a fantastic scene that could easily have fit in a Bourne movie. On top of all this, add in Robert Redford and you have all the key elements for a classic thriller.

Steve Rogers


“I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay.” – Steve Rogers
The Winter Soldier’s most interesting character was always going to be its lead. Captain America claimed all of the best lines – from inspirational speeches, to witty one-liners – to his emotional final confrontation with his former best friend. Whether it’s through his kick-ass action scenes or his hilarious interplay with both Black Widow and the Falcon, Cap steals the show here.
Since he first stepped into the role in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, Chris Evans has achieved wonders. He has revolutionised the public’s perception of Steve Rogers - from an overly patriotic boy scout to many people’s favourite Avenger. Here he puts in his best performance yet. He’s brave, honest and most importantly: “a good man” – all vitality important qualities and characteristics for a likeable lead character.

Hail Hydra


“Hail…. Hydra.” – Alexander Pierce
The big talking point coming away from this film was the fall of SHIELD – and the subsequent rise of their archenemy: Hydra. Revealed to have been ingrained within SHIELD’s system for over seventy years, they grew like a parasite, before finally coming to the fore here with devastating consequences. The twist was unexpected – and has repercussions on a universal scale - something no other Phase 2 movie has achieved.
Hydra’s presence here revolutionised the movie, changing it from ‘good’ to ‘great’. It was also nice to see them represented in a more dangerous manner here than The First Avenger’s laser-touting cannon fodder. Elsewhere, Arnim Zola’s inclusion was perfectly executed - a creepy and wonderfully inventive adaptation. And while it may have been cheesy, it also spawned a wonderfully addictive internet meme – which only made the concept more appealing.

The Winter Soldier


“Then finish it. 'Cause I'm with you 'til the end of the line.” – Steve Rogers

There were two sides to the Winter Soldier’s story-arc in this movie – one-part assassin, the other part fallen-comrade, Bucky Barnes’ conflicted dual role made him one of the better written villains in the MCU. While I personally believe Sebastian Stan’s performance was lacking a little, his character was undeniably engaging – whether as the brutal and mysterious ‘ghost’ who gives Cap and his allies hell, or as Steve Rogers’ tragic former best friend.
Some may argue that he didn’t have much to do, or that he was relegated to ‘henchman’ status. On second viewing, I felt this limited role suited the Winter Soldier perfectly – giving him greater effect when onscreen, and making you miss and fear him more when he’s not. I’d go so far as to compare his role in this movie as the ‘Darth Vader’ to Alexander Pierce’s ‘Emperor’. He played a key role in some of the movie’s best scenes – but nothing beats his emotional final encounter with Cap.

The Russo Brothers


“Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?” – Steve Rogers
Unfairly criticised by many when they were first handed the role, the Russos stunned everyone with their directorial efforts on this movie. Anyone who’s seen their work on either Community or Arrested Development will know they had the quality, but the manner in which they pulled off their first blockbuster movie was truly remarkable. They really got the tone and balance of this movie right – pulling off all of the action, drama and comedy without a hitch.
Indeed, the movie’s greatest achievement may have been its comedic moments. Subtle yet hilarious, the humour was spot-on – proving that comedy is perhaps best handled by comedic directors. They appear to have been justifiably rewarded for their work – as the first director(s) to have been re-hired by Marvel for another movie since Jon Favreau, way back with Iron Man. Bring on Civil War!

The Verdict

The Russo Bros delivered an entertaining yet thoughtful blockbuster sequel, backed by a talented cast and crew. Throw in big performances from Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans, and we’re looking at one of the finest (if not, the finest) superhero and action movies of the year.

Result: “Very Good

So anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this – and the movie of course. What did you think of The Winter Soldier? Let me know in the comments below, and hit the thumbs-up if you liked this!
On a side-note, it’s been almost a year since I first started writing on this site, and I’d just like to thank all of you crazy people who have liked and supported my articles. You guys make all of this worth it!
Also, if you want to read my full review of the movie, check it out on my blog below…
Anthony Russo Reflects On CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER's Legacy And Teases Next Comic Book Movie

Anthony Russo Reflects On CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER's Legacy And Teases Next Comic Book Movie

CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER - The Russo Brothers Celebrate 10th Anniversary With New BTS Content
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SauronsBANE - 11/13/2014, 11:25 AM
Woohoo, another Minty editorial! Looking forward to reading this!

And awesome timing too, man. I literally just re-watched The Winter Soldier late last night, and it holds up to repeated viewings VERY well. Preemptive thumbs up from me!
Minty - 11/13/2014, 11:35 AM
@SauronsBANE - Haha did it for you mate! I'm looking forward to seeing your take on it, thanks for the thumb - hope you don't regret it later! :P

@RebelVulcan - Cheers bud. For me it's a bloody great movie, and right up there with the best of the MCU, but I do have a few issues with it (Stan's acting, not enough screen time for some etc). I love this movie and for me it's on the 4/4.5 stars boundary - but I completely understand if people think I may have been a bit harsh. That's just my take I guess!

Haha, "cut off one head and two more shall take it's place" ;)
SauronsBANE - 11/13/2014, 11:47 AM
@Minty Haha, as if I'd ever regret it. Great write-up, as usual! One thing that I picked up on last night was how there's just so much going on, character-wise.

You have Cap's relationship with Fury, and how Cap obviously has a problem with Fury withholding information, compartmentalizing his missions, sending agents on their own missions, the murky morality of Project Insight, etc etc etc.

Then you have Cap and Sam, which is important enough that the whole movie starts with their very first interaction. They have great chemistry, it's easy to see why they become friends, AND they even managed to sneak in some thematic undertones of PTSD, veterans coming back after war, and their place in the world when they're not fighting. Awesome.

Cap and Natasha, obviously, is a great highlight. And this again in centered on trust and being truthful. In their conversation in the stolen car, Cap basically asks how he can trust someone who is so willing to lie about EVERYTHING. By the time they reunite with Sam at his home in DC, Natasha realizes she doesn't have to be that kind of person anymore, and she becomes someone who Steve can trust 100%.

On top of all THAT, you have Cap struggling with the reappearance of Bucky, and all the emotions (for him, AND for us) that came with that.

Man, this movie is dense.
NovaCorpsFan - 11/13/2014, 11:51 AM
I did something like this for my favourite MCU villain quotes and analysing their effect on the plot and whatever else, and I had the article nearly done (it took me quite some time) and then I closed the wrong window while image searching and lost the whole thing. Being the lazy bastard I am, I didn't bother re-writing it.

Great work, bud! Nice analysis, as if I was expecting any less that is.
ThedamnBatman - 11/13/2014, 11:59 AM
Good review ;)
Reasonnnn - 11/13/2014, 12:21 PM
Great work man! Can't wait for the next one! :)
gamecreatorjj - 11/13/2014, 2:27 PM
@novacorpsfan I'm not trying to incite anything, but what quotes were you going to include? I can't recall off the top of my head a lot of good villain quotes from the MCU.
NovaCorpsFan - 11/13/2014, 11:41 PM
I was going to include Zola's speech to Cap (the important bits at least) because that whole speech really was the turning point of the entire MCU.
Minty - 11/14/2014, 3:25 AM
@SauronsBANE - Haha good to hear! Woah I hadn't even considered how deep this movie is. i mean they handled the too many character issue as effectively as I've ever seen, but you're right there's so much that can be taken away from this film with repeat watchings. This movie is awesome!

@NovaCorpsFan - Cheers mate, glad you liked it! Aw man I hate it when that happens, I did it myself with my last article! Nowadays I do it on Word and then copy the text over - that way if I lose it I only have to format the stuff all over again (which is still a pain though). I wish there was a bloody save button! Damn, I really wanna see that article of your's now, sounds like a classic. Hopefully you'll have time to come back to it at some point soon!

@AXE - Hahaha cheers mate! That put a big smile on my face!

@Reasonnn - Thanks bud! Yeah I should be getting around to it within the next week or so.

@npamusic - Thanks man! Glad this resonated with you. Those are my top 5 MCU films - but in a different order (I think). It's so hard to decide!
NightForce - 11/14/2014, 10:19 AM
Thought provoking political commentary for a superhero film. HYDRA's goal was to "create a world so chaotic, people would sacrifice freedom for security." A scary but relevant message since we see this happening in the United States and all over the world. The people doing the "protecting" have very murky secret agendas and goals, and CA:TWS did an incredible job of putting that kind of a message in a superhero film.
No0ne - 11/14/2014, 1:37 PM

Result: “Spetacular”
Minty - 11/14/2014, 1:46 PM
@dethpillow - Thanks man, always love hearing from you bud! Yeah that's a great idea actually, I often miss out on some really good stuff from the likes of Nova and Sauron etc. if I'm not checking. On the article, I know exactly what you mean about loving TWS. It's a great movie - perhaps Marvel's best made - but I love Iron Man and The Avengers more. I can't explain it, but somehow I do. I totally appreciate anyone who views this as their favourite CBM though. Haha that analogy for TFA and IM3 is perfect! They are imperfect films, and a lotta people hate them - but there's also a lot to love there!

@BasedThanos - Spot on. The Russos made something special out of this CBM - even the most pretentious film critics out there had to admit it.
Minty - 11/14/2014, 5:40 PM
@GliderMan - Always a pleasure G-Man! That's a fair point. I feel, as of Phase 2, it has a 'universal' impact with regards to the MCU so far going into Avenger: Age Of Ultron. However, once we get the big shift towards cosmic storytelling in the build-up to the Infinity Gauntlet, moments like Loki's subterfuge will have greater meaning. And ngl, I was shipping Widow and Cap too :P

And don't worry G-Man, I still am! Haha, glad you liked this one though, I should be doing a few more like this in the coming weeks.
DJThrawn - 11/14/2014, 11:13 PM
Hey, great editorial and fun read. I agree with four stars being a fair assessment. My biggest problem was I felt there wasnt enough of an emotional conflict for Cap with Winter Soldier. Yes, I am being serious. This isn't necessarily this movie's fault or the Russo's fault. The First Avenger did a near disaster job in my opinion building Bucky and Cap's relationship up and actually making my feel like I should care about their relationship. There were times where Bucky came off a bitter brat and Cap seemed condenscending. Fast forward to Winter Soldier and because of the set up of the previous film I just didn't care about Bucky and Cap's relationship again. This led to the final confrontation to being very anticlimatic. My favorite villian of the film goes to Pierce hands down. Other than the problems I had with Bucky/Cap I felt the film had great action pieces, great acting, and great comic book moments in general.
Minty - 11/15/2014, 12:46 PM
@DJThrawn - Cheers mate! Yeah I get your criticism, it echoes mine (in part). I felt that, especially on first viewing the film, there wasn't enough emotional strength between Cap and Bucky's relationship. For a film subtitled 'The Winter Soldier' it sure as hell didn't have a lot of Bucky in - outside of the action scenes. He needed more screen time. That said, I feel this gets better with repeat viewings, and as SauronsBANE pointed out above this movie's so deep - there's almost too much going on. Anyway, thanks for the comment, it reflects a lot of my feelings about this film too!
RobtimusPrime - 11/15/2014, 12:53 PM
Good read.
After Iron Man 3 & Thor: The Dark World, Marvel's phase 2 was seriously disappointing for me.
Then I saw The Winter Soldier.

I love damn near everything about this film. The tone, the character interaction & development, the rock solid performances, the outstanding cinematography, the easy to follow yet complex plot & themes & of course arguably the best action scenes yet seen in a cbm.

On top of all that you get the game-changing consequences that result from this film & your looking at one of, if not the most well made, cbm's since The Dark Knight.

My personal favorite from Marvel Studios. Cbm of the year & hands best cbm since The Dark Knight.
RobtimusPrime - 11/15/2014, 12:55 PM
"hands down best cbm since The Dark Knight."

Minty - 11/18/2014, 12:32 AM
Sorry for such a late reply @RobtimusPrime and @LionHearted95! Thanks guys, glad you liked it :)
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