Ever since my mom bought me my first issue of Wizard magazine back in the early 90’s, I always dreamed of being a comic book artist. I’ve always thought of comic art as some of the most innovative and unique forms of figurative interpretation. It’s art with a story.
My buddy introduced me to the Red Sonja contest, held on Instagram by @artofdrawingg and @redsonjaofficial. I thought it would be a fun thing to do before I started taking custom orders for Christmas. I searched around looking for inspiration, which I got in spades. In fact, it was almost over-whelming the talent that was out there!
Being a responsible adult and shit, I submitted early. I thought I was doing well for a bit, but toward the end of the competition I started getting nervous. If you haven’t seen the submission yet, I challenge you to. There were some AMAZING pieces in there. I would hire anyone of the runner-ups in a second. However, I can humbly say that I ended up not just in the top four, but winning! It was a truly humbling experience. Side quest complete.
I recently finished a second cover for Red Sonja and have been invited to have a featured booth at the Captains Comic expo in Charleston, SC. I also had the opportubity to do a piece for my hero (and probably everyone reading this) Stan Lee!
Thanks to everyone for their never-ending support, and thanks to my CBM family for keeping me both nerdy, informed, and laughing.