This is the third article I have written, and at no point during the writing process of the first two did I ever think to myself "What can I do get on the main page of this website?" I didn't choose a trendy topic just to get attention. Instead, I choose to write with a little bit of integrity by choosing a topic that hasn't been overdone on here.
The same cannot be said, however, for the majority of the articles pertaining to the recent CBM releases from DC/WB. The users who have been writing these articles must be motivated by one of two (or both) reasons.
1. They are simply choosing a topic that will manufacture attention and start a flame war.
2. They are so insecure about the DC CBMs that they cannot restrain themselves from writing a lengthy article defending them.
This needs to stop. This site is becoming monotonous and bogged down with stupid flame wars. Where is it written that both Marvel Studios and DC/WB can't succeed at the same time? In fact, I argue that the better one studio does, the more it helps the whole CBM industry. I am predominately a Marvel fan, but I might be more excited about Batman vs. Superman. There I said it. And those DC fanboys that bash every article describing a new Marvel project in the works need to stop and realize that if Marvel succeeds with putting their lesser known properties on the big screen then DC/WB will do the same.
Instead of the same cookie cutter editorials popping up every day, there are alternatives that would make this site more interesting. For example: "Why Martian Manhunter Deserves a Film." or "Why Wonder Woman Needs a Movie". Please can we stop with these articles about why a DC film is the "Best CBM ever" and move on to more dynamic topics?