EDITORIAL: Why Can't DC Comics Catch a Break?

EDITORIAL: Why Can't DC Comics Catch a Break?

Every step, every turn they face a criticism. Why?

Editorial Opinion
By YafiszKhan - Nov 24, 2015 10:11 PM EST
Filed Under: DC Comics
Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is probably the most anticipated comic book movie ever. The only way it could get any bigger is if somehow Spider-Man became a part of it. Yet why is it that this movie is the one that catches the most skepticism on this website? I've set up three main reasons why.

Caring Too Much

Superman was the first comic book hero. Superman: The Movie was the first major big-budget superhero film. Both films helped public interest science fiction at the time. Hell, Superman's origin is probably the most well known science fiction origin of all time. So yeah, if you were a kid in 1938 and you loved him, you probably still do now. Same, and a higher chance of you being alive to boot, if you were a kid in 1978 and loved him. We all have our favorite "versions" of Superman. I grew up in the 90s when comics cost between a loonie and a toonie and this was my Superman:

Yeah. That was him.

That was my Superman.

We all have our own Superman.

Yet the criticisms levied against Man of Steel by "professional critics" often seem like something I'd read on this site.

The biggest criticism comes from the idea of Superman kills Zod and Superman destroys Metropolis. Points against that tend to be Superman always kills Zod (yup) and [frick] Metropolis what did you expect in an alien invasion? Counterpoints are well he killed Zod in a stupid way and okay, so Metropolis blew up but why didn't Superman save anyone? To which counterpoints will go saying it was stupid is just your opinion and he didn't save anyone because it was his first day on the job. I could go on and on and on about this.

The score Man of Steel is in the rotten area on Rotten Tomatoes. Yet what the score indicates is one of two things. Either the movie sucked, or was polarizing. It was polarizing. Don't believe me? Take the average of 1 and 10. Out of Rotten Tomatoes 289 reviews, 128 are negative resulting in 44% of those reviews to be rotten. That number is damn near close to 50. It's polarizing. It sucks or rocks depending on you and most of the time, it sucks or rocks because you care.

Whether you care for this new Superman, or if you care for the Christopher Reeve Superman - you care either way dammit!

You see, the biggest complaints against this movie tend to be that it does not have all the traits that made Richard Donner's Superman: The Movie amazing. Yet what was the biggest criticism against Superman Returns? That it didn't have all the traits that ended up making this movie amazing.

I could go on and on. However, the truth is, both sides care far too much. You know what Superman is at the end of the day? Writing on a piece of paper. As much as Gusto may want you to believe, he's not your wife or kids. Sure he's symbolic of truth, justice and the HUMAN (I am a Canadian and Superman was invented by one) way, but he's a line on paper. Yet you and I suffer from the chronic problem that we care too much. Hell, if I didn't care you think I would write this?

Batman v. Superman: Dawn  of Justice will face the same problem. Many of us have grown attached to Christian Bale's Batman. Some of us yearn for Michael Keaton's Batman. I have absolutely no doubt that give or take a few points, the Rotten Tomatoes score will be around the same. There will probably be more positive reviews, but there will be more negative reviews than last time. Not only will will this movie continue to see a divide in people who care about Superman, but now you've got to add Batman whose modern fanbase is much larger. Even Wonder Woman has her seventies fans. The only hero who gets out of this unscathed is Aquaman because he has nothing to lose.

Setting Up "Competitions"

Marvel vs. DC; Marvel vs. Fox; Marvel vs. Sony; Marvel vs. Universal... boy Marvel does sure have a lot blood feuds. Honestly, if only Dan DiDio and Joe Quesada could fight outside a Burger King with Denys Cowan at ringside I feel life would get so much easier. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice did not go head to head with Captain America: Civil War because doing so would be stupid. Nobody wins at that box office. Marvel doesn't win. DC sure as hell doesn't win.

MCU vs. DCEU - one is funny, one is grim - one has Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow, one has Ben Affleck and Confused for Samuel L Jackson. Man of Steel did not really set up the DCEU, but this movie will. This is a short point, but you know what I'm saying. This "feud" isn't real. Either way, a studio would have flinched or both movies would be a screw you to each other rather than what they are going to be.

Acting Like DC is Doing Something Wrong

This may belong in the previous section, but no, the connection to Marvel is tangential at best. It really all boils down to that Avengers paradox I proposed earlier. You love The Avengers, I love The Avengers. However, when you argue against the DCEU stating that Warner Bros should establish individual characters in movies first, I have to ask, why? I ask that because, well, tell me, is The Avengers only a good movie because of previous standalone films? If it is, then it is a terrible standalone film. If it is not, then why did we need the individual films? Okay, maybe it was a secant rather than a tangent, but still...

Is the DCEU doing something wrong? Some people have commented stuff like the Arrowverse is better than the DCEU. The DCAU will always be the definitive DC film universe. Why does DC do everything right everywhere but their movies? It seems like DC has commited the sin of starting second. Only two properties really work in cinematic universe form. Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Not Transformers, not a modern Universal Monsters Universe, not a Fast and Furious universe and definately not a Riddick shared universe. So what has DC done wrong really other than start second?

That's not DC's fault. That's Jeff Robinov and Alan Horn's fault. They both wanted Superman Returns to make more than it did even though it was not a financial failure. Robinov wanted Man of Steel to make one billion. It may have brought the bank home but still didn't do well enough? I'm going to say it. If Tsuijihara was in charge back then, Brandon Routh would still be Superman.

So what has DC done wrong? They started second after being crippled by their versions of Avi Arad and Tom Rothman and will now never be able to live up to the work started by Marvel - or so I hear. [frick] you Robinov.

Oh well, I might be right I might be wrong but I do feel this site has become more positive. Either way, I'm hyped.

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TheBritAvenger - 11/25/2015, 12:24 AM
I was expecting complaining about criticism of the DCEU, but was pleasantly surprised. You've done a really good job of summarising attitudes on this site, and you deserve a thumbs up for that.
EricBorder - 11/25/2015, 12:25 AM
I can relate, especially from a Comic Book standpoint

I love DC Comics, and MOS, and I can't wait for the DCEU

But, Marvel Rocks too, I'll admit that I know more about DC Comics overall, but I read Marvel too, and they also have amazing stories and characters

The flamewars get out of hand on here, imo, especially when the complaints make no sense, but I think that's mainly because their not meant to make sense, you know, haha. And, it just sucks for people like me, because your favorite characters are targeted by people that don't care about them, at least most of them don't, and then it makes you not even want to comment on certain threads

The first thing that pops into my head, is never Yeah DC! or Yeah Marvel! You know, it's Yeah! Because it's a CBM about awesome characters that I'm excited for

The flamewar stuff is BS, but I get it, most of the ridiculous comments are probably made while somebody is half paying attention and trolling articles just to get a rise out of people
MuphrysLaw - 11/25/2015, 2:52 AM
I'm super excited about BvS, but I'm also skeptical, mainly due to track record. Marvel has 12 films in the bag, all of which I liked. BvS is a huge move, and the DCEU only has one previous movie, which I didn't care for that much. I have to approach going from MoS to introducing a bunch of new characters with cautious optimism.
ArtisticErotic - 11/25/2015, 3:46 AM
I have my concerns about Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad but I will still see the.

I can also enjoy the the DC TV Universe, except Supergirl and Gotham which I think are pretty unwatchable.

Ghostpointzero - 11/25/2015, 4:15 AM
The Majority on this site and many other sites are Marvel fans thus resulting in DC getting the negative feedback. DC also has a bad track record when it comes to their movies, Jonah Hex, Superman Returns, Green Lantern and now Man Of Steel is a polarizing film when it should have hit bigger.

BvS is being directed by Zack Snyder who is also a Polarizing director. Personally I would have chosen someone else to do the rest of the new DC films, but I am willing to give it a try. But if it fails DC can kiss their glory days goodbye for good.

That being said the MCU is very overrated IMO. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Captain America Winter Soldier and The first Ironman are the only ones I consider of great quality. The rest ranges from meh to terrible.
maxtime - 11/25/2015, 9:04 AM
Does the Avengers fail because it needs to present the other characters in others stand alone movie???... Yes, it does. Because presenting so many characters and developong then in one movie, it is a NIGHTMARE to any writter. Think for a second, they had 2:25 to present Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Loki, Nick Fury, Coulson, Maria Hill, Professor Selvig... If you have any kind of experience writting anything, you would know that writting something that needs to be entertaining, and develop then to be their owm complete character and care about then.

Why would you care about the professor?? He is just a guy that has been mind controlled to serve an end, he is dispossible, why would you care about Iron Man??? He is just an egomaniac bussiness owner that uses an Armor suit for some reason that you don't know and don't understand. Why would Captain America go back to the fight if something happened to him??? Why does Thor care about the Earth??? He is a god, the earth should be a piece of mud to him.
I hope that you get my point, heck Marvel had another disadvantage, their heroes aren't as renowned as the DC heroes. They begun to be more know because of this movies that came before the Avengers, for The Avengers to be as a success as it was, it need the build of the other movies.

Now does this means that Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, is going to be a bad movie??? No, but i don't expect it to be a good movie, i expect a mediocre movie at best. But a critique that, i will stand by, it's that other then ONE TIME, they never showed Superman trying, not even succeeding, just trying to save people before the kill of Zod. because while Iron Man had one day of defeating nameless thugs, before he's first great fight against Iron Morgue, he still tried to save people, and that's what made the difference to me. I mean, i don't like Superman, but he didn't even tried in his SECOND, because people forget that he fighted 2 others Kriptonians before Zod, biggest fight to save people. It was like he just gave up in saving people because his opponent each time that he overpower him, regain the edge quickly. It was a hard secod fight for him, sure it was, does that excuse him for not trying??? In my eyes, at less, no. He just gave up in trying to do what he wanted to do in the beginning, saving people, that takes from him as a hero more then helping him. If they had show me a Superman desperate to try to keep Zod away from the people and the city doing ANYTHING to try to take him from where the people was. Even as i disliked the character of Superman, i could said that it was a good Super Hero movie, even with him killing Zod.
Kyos - 11/25/2015, 9:39 AM
Is the DCEU doing something wrong?

Not in general, no, I don't think so. It's awesome that they're finally starting to really embrace the possibilities they have with all their great characters, and I think there will be very interesting movies as a result. I'm especially looking forward to what they're doing with Suicide Squad and the Justice League Dark project!

It's just that for me personally they made something happen I never saw coming: they're making the first ever movie with two of my favourite superheroes in it together, and it just doesn't do much anything for me. That confuses me and makes me sad. :(
tonytony - 11/25/2015, 10:19 AM
great article. theguys at marv are the ones that feed this shit. look at anthony mackie. robert downey jr and sam jackson acting no better than internet trolls. after watching anthony mackies dickish interview I realised that there are people at marvel (and not just internet fanboys) putting pressure on reviewers to be critical on dc properties. I certaibly dont think man of steel is as polarising as some say. its juat disney and marvel are so protective of their franchise( to the point it seems insecure) that they constantly make preemptive strikes against any other studios franchise.
maxtime - 11/25/2015, 12:51 PM
@YafiszKhan No, i don't like Man of Steel, i would had a better opiion/like Man of Steel if they had showed an struggle in the final battle in which Superman tries to take Zod away from the people and the city.

Yes, there had been team movies before that worked perfectly. But they had always been together, they had some kind of coordination from the beginning, not neccessarily a friendly coordination, but they had a coordination non the less. The Avengers had always been a team of people that are use to work alone, that joins together to fight a common cause that alone they can't fight, they won't have a good coordination in the beginning because all of then want to do something and just act without thinking in a great scale. Only Cap is use to do that, so the most of the Avengers just throw thenselve in the danger thinking of what they need to do in general, not a "I do this, while he does that" in the beginning. That and like i said before Marvel characters at that point weren't as knew as they are right now. There is a before MCU and an After MCU for Marvel beside Disney.
Erik10101 - 11/25/2015, 3:18 PM
@tonytony lol, dude, folks at DC do the same thing (Momoa, Snyder).

But really, it's nice to read an editorial on here that isn't overly biased.
Slugmeister - 11/25/2015, 4:43 PM
I really do not understand, shouldn't we just be thankful we are in an age of so many CBMs, I'm excited for BvS (however after the Civil War trailer I am more in favour for that, but that is maybe because it is new), however Man Of Steel did nothing for me when I watched it first, which of course means it has grown on me.

If DCEU fans prefer that franchise to the MCU that is fair enough, however I would like to point out 100% of DCEU films have a rotten score, where 100% of MCU films have a fresh score. that last sentence is not exactly fair as the DCEU has only released one film, but is one film really enough to have garnered such a following. I would also like to point out 2013 wasn't particularly the best year for CBMs, I have no problem with Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World just as I have no problem with Man Of Steel now, there are no bad films in these franchises, you can just tell which ones are the stronger ones.

I am in no way on Marvel's or DC's side, I just think that it's a shame some people are on a side and can't see how lucky we are.

oh I never realised the MCU and DCEU had their own pages on rotten tomatoes (I had to check my facts were right.)

MCU - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/franchise/marvel-cinematic-universe/?search=man

DCEU - http://www.rottentomatoes.com/franchise/dc-comics/?search=man
EricBorder - 11/25/2015, 5:16 PM

Yeah, and the audience score on RT is higher for MOS than it is for Cap:TFA, IM 2, and TIH.

So, by RT logic, Audiences liked MOS better than Cap: TFA, IM 2, and TIH, and equal to Thor

All you have to do is read the reviews for MOS to see how biased they are, and how for the most part they talk more about Donner's movie, than MOS, the movie that they are supposed to be reviewing

Sorry, but The Rotten Tomatoes argument is weak
Slugmeister - 11/25/2015, 6:31 PM

I know rotten tomatoes is not a very reliable place for film scores as usually the critics are very old bigots who think the last great film was Citizen Kane and their favourite film is Nosferatu A Symphony Of Horror and modern films don't stand a chance. I also get frustrated with it when films I like get low scores and films I didn't get high scores.
EricBorder - 11/25/2015, 6:55 PM

Hahaha, right on man.
Slugmeister - 11/29/2015, 12:19 AM

it will be a dark day when and MCU film gets a rotten score
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