COMICS: Matt Fraction To Donate HAWKEYE #7 Royalties To Hurricane Sandy Relief
Hawkeye #7 features two individual stories (from guest artists Steve Lieber and Jesse Hamm) focusing on the ramifications of Hurricane Sandy in New York City. Writer Matt Fraction has also confirmed that he will donate what he makes from the issue to relief funds for real-life victims of the storm.
This January, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop redefine what it means to be a hero as a devastating storm hits the Marvel Universe in Hawkeye #7! Blockbuster writer Matt Fraction teams with Eisner Award winning artist Steve Lieber (Whiteout, Whiteout: Melt), and artist Jesse Hamm (Good As Lily) to tell not one, but two stories of heroism that will resonate with fans worldwide. Separated by the massive storm, follow both arrow-slingers as they struggle to help those who need it most make it out of this tragic event in one piece.
"Hawkeye has turned out to be a book about a regular guy doing superhuman things so this seemed the appropriate place to tell a story about precisely that -- regular people, real people, coming together in the face of this once-a-century scale disaster," explained writer Matt Fraction. "We kinda-sorta blew our schedule up to make this happen; the book was written in a few-days of frenzy and will be drawn in two halves -- a Clint Barton story handled by Steve Lieber, and a Kate Bishop story drawn by Jesse Hamm. Both are Portland guys, like me, and both are phenomenally talented. I'm blessed to be able to work with artists of their caliber at all, let alone on a suicide mission like this book."
No fan can miss this one of a kind story this January when Lieber, Hamm & Fraction come together for Hawkeye #7! Then, in February – series artist David Aja returns with a villain reveal that no-one will see coming!