COMICS: The Team Takes On The US Government In NEW AVENGERS #22

COMICS: The Team Takes On The US Government In NEW AVENGERS #22

The Federal Government want to seize Avengers Mansion and take the team into custody! All of this is leading to a battle between the New and Dark Avengers which apparently won't see everyone come out alive.

By JoshWilding - Feb 23, 2012 11:02 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics
Source: Newsarama

• The final battle between the New Avengers and the Dark Avengers. And not everyone makes it out alive!

Click on the preview pages to view them in full-size. Many thanks to Newsarama for the preview.

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Bark4Soul - 2/23/2012, 11:42 AM
Why does it look like they are fighting Halo Marine's lol?

Oh and first!
thewolfx - 2/23/2012, 11:54 AM
whos still says first ?


3445667596096009787892 to be exact
Kaedus - 2/23/2012, 11:56 AM
[frick]ing ridiculous. They did this in the AvX previews as well.
I know comic book deaths don't mean much anyway nowadays but telling us just makes it worse. It'd be a bit better at least if we were to turn a page and see someone die and be like "shit...".
Secret Avengers is doing it as well!
thewolfx - 2/23/2012, 12:20 PM

GLprime2814 - 2/23/2012, 12:38 PM
Ok with all the Heroes fighting heroes and now governments fighting heroes they better have some panels with people looting and villains doing villains thisngs, seriously if I'm the mad thinker of kingpin and watching tv I would go all criminal all over they city.
orpheus - 2/23/2012, 12:52 PM
everyone acts so surprised that heroes are fighting heroes - IT REFLECTS THE TIMES. These days there is no "black and white" anymore (truth is, there never was, people just liked to buy into it), there are fictional narratives upon fictional narratives perpetuated throughout the media, the discourse is entirely fictional, everyone's reacting to and fighting against fictions, fabrications and Orwellian "newspeak".

In the Marvel U, the Avengers are entirely run by the government under new SHIELD leader Captain America, who became the very thing he fought against in Civil War (but if it's wrapped in a flag, folks will buy anything...). We live in an age where true independence is a myth because every action is under a microscope and highly accounted for - post 9/11 security, the infusion of the net into every exchange, ect. The Mutants dying out reflects the dying out of pockets of culture untouched by the globalism military-economic machine.

The heroes don't even know if they're heroes anymore, and 'the villains' might be evil, but they might actually be on the 'right' side of the law - then does law mean anything? is it a prop for the status quo? what's good about the status quo? These breakdowns are exactly what superhero comics are tackling, just as they have always tackled the zeitgeist of the day without people even realizing it.
niknik - 2/23/2012, 12:53 PM
Yup. All been done before. Why do we keep getting retread stories? Simple. Low rent writers and editors. All the good ones (along with many of the artists) don't work in the media any longer because they are either too expensive for the bargain basement payroll the company demands for max profits, or they are in some form of legal battle for rights to their creations. Now we are left with editors calling the shots that spend more time in the boardroom taking orders based on sales statistics put together by some consulting firm and less time in the bullpen working with quality CREATORS.

One of two things will be next based on what was done before. Either it turns out badly for them and they go center their operations from "Avengers Island" to get out of the jurisdiction of any government, or some major threat shows up while they are "on trial" and it soon becomes apparent that they are needed. Seen these before too.

This industry is missing creators like Roy Thomas and Neal Adams and their contemporaries and most importantly non-interference from a front office hell bent on corporate dividends and stock values.

marvel72 - 2/23/2012, 1:09 PM
new avengers not a bad book,read the first 13 issues i think i'll keep it going.
MassExecutions - 2/23/2012, 1:23 PM
@orpheus - No black and white? I...don't have the energy for this right now. Please reference my discussion with Ror at the link below. Of course there is black and white. Its just hard to figure out which is which. Maybe that's what you mean.
TheCapelessCrusader - 2/23/2012, 1:52 PM

I'm right there with you. I'd love you to come over to my site and chat with me about some of these things. I, too, see comics as reflecting the modern zeitgeist. In the case of Marvel, it's become very much about the greying of the line between good and evil, every opinion having the same weight regardless of truth, etc.

Let's talk. :)
Bark4Soul - 2/23/2012, 4:19 PM
@Wolf - Who says first? Everyone on here...

Dont ruin my moment lol
SCURVYDOG619 - 2/23/2012, 4:31 PM
Why does The Man keep messing with Luke Cage?lol When I saw that double page spread and saw the title "Avengers vs. Authority"?Put a "the" in front of Authority,get Warren Eliis and Breyan Hitch to work on it,And MAYBE I'll be interested...
lxgnzls1 - 2/23/2012, 6:18 PM
I love New Avengers!!! Alex says A vs. X is the shizzzzz. Is there a Gay Avenger Role Model for me
orpheus - 2/23/2012, 9:02 PM
-Caplesscrusader - thanks, what's your site? i'm interested in comics not as throw-away entertainment or escapism where men in tights fight, but as occupying the same place in the imagination and psyche as myth. I recently finished Grant Morrison's "Supergods", which I highly recommend, that takes a kind of sociological perspective on what superheroes represent.

-mass executions - i strongly disagree, there is no black and white, and the belief in such is a kind of nostalgic fantasy and retreat from the complexities modernity has revealed. you can't locate the heart of 'good', good is a perspective, morality is an interpretation (morality differs culture to culture, time to time, with very interesting historical roots). The phrase that characterizes the day still stands: "God is dead" (means there are no absolutes).
pepe - 2/24/2012, 3:59 AM
Dedato is the best...!!!
soaponapope - 2/24/2012, 6:50 AM
spider-man has had the foundation costume for a while now.
MassExecutions - 2/24/2012, 6:55 AM
@orpheus - Just check out my conversation with Ror in the comments on that link. Of course there are absolutes, because the value of objects and out comes can be objectively determined from applying logic to evidence, and excepting a few base premises. Its just not easy.

When you say "there are no absolutes" is THAT an absolute statement?
orpheus - 2/24/2012, 11:42 AM
"When you say "there are no absolutes" is THAT an absolute statement?"

Yes and No - linguistically, yes. No in that saying "there are no absolutes" refers to an absence of absolute principles or values. It's a linguistic necessity but the claim is an absence of ontological absolutes, not a posit of an absolute ontological claim to meaning or value.

Why would I want to go hunt down your comments with Ror in that link?

The valuation of objects is entirely subjective, entirely based on interpretation. Logic is a human construct, one-sided and full of distortions. That's not a claim to nihilism by any means, values are determined by what you value, but there's no objective generator of meaning or values.
MassExecutions - 2/24/2012, 12:58 PM
@orpheus - and talk to people about the validity of your position? You have determined the validity of your position via what? Logic? If not logic, what?

Ror asserted that moral issues were gray and subjective. I think I successfully demonstrate that they are not.

Do you really think there is no objective value to anything? That, say, one could assert that a shinny piece of a broken bottle is more valuable than the life of a child, and someone could assert the opposite, and both assertions have equal validity? If so, your world view sucks.
orpheus - 2/24/2012, 2:15 PM
Logic is a human construct. Communication between humans requires in human terms, however inadequate they may be. My use of a tool does not elevate that tool to anything more than a tool.

I have no interest in hunting down an exchange between you and another user among 6 pages of comments, but you can restate your position if it means something to you or directly link me to your comments. Otherwise, I guarantee you that morality is entirely a social construction, that there is no objective morality, and the idea that there is is ridiculous. (I'm a very spiritual person myself [not religious!], and I still think objective rules are the products of insecure worldviews and lack of inner guidance)

No, I don't think there's objective value to anything. One could assert the terms of your silly example, but it wouldn't mean anything - no one thinks or values that way. (the notion that without objective absolutes everything would descend into arbitrary chaos is a pretty primitive way of thinking) I personally value children more than a broken bottle, but I don't need some other, "objective" standard to justify why I value children, nor do I need to explain why I value them. personally, it's pretty spontaneous and I see no need to justify it, but it's certainly not because I'm 'tapping in' to some objective law of the universe - some animals eat their young.

We don't live in a world of logic, we value because it is our nature to value (from emotional, cognitive, sensory, aesthetic, ect bases), and very few things fit into clean, neat, hierarchical categories and ranks beyond what we tell ourselves in our heads.

If you think people need some external reason or authority to value what they do, then your world view sucks because it is an insecure position.

Also, "and someone could assert the opposite, and both assertions have equal validity?" No, I'm not speaking the language of "validity" or not - that's how you think and how you seem to measure value, by some external metric. What's the use or need? Without the metrics you seem to think are necessary, people don't just descend into relativist chaos.
MassExecutions - 2/24/2012, 2:46 PM
Logic is an extension of math. The universe IS math. How can logic itself be discarded? The framework is sound for making any determination. Only application can be flawed. Conclusions about reality, even moral ones, can only be reached by applying logic to evidence.

Why is my example silly? Just because its not an everyday occurrence? Mass traveling at the speed of light isn't an everyday occurrence, but thinking about it can sure as hell tell us a lot about the universe. My example reveals the problem of relativism. Sociopaths are given just as much credence to their decisions as others. On its face, that is ridiculous. OBVIOUSLY the child is of more value than the glass, or the high a psycho might get off killing her. If not, neither you or anyone else have any footing for passing judgment on anyone, regardless of how obviously horrible their act, nor does an one have any grounds for laying out prescriptive behavior, other than "I don't like that, so don't do it." It's all just about "likes". There's no way to say anyone "ought" to do anything except because you "like" it.

Its insecure to think there is objective value? That truth and beauty really matter, and there value is transcendent of human opinion, as the Greeks might say? That's not derived from insecurity. That's derived from observation. People don't descend into relativist chaos because they don't actually LIVE according to the logical conclusions relativism leads too. We can't live that way because its OBVIOUS that it doesn't make sense. What is your alternative? Go with what you feel like? I'll take the apparent insecurity of believing that objective value exists, but can be hard to discover, that the supreme ARROGANCE displayed in the relativists position that their opinion is as valid as any opinion can be. Besides, it doesn't matter if it seems insecure or arrogant, what matters if its TRUE. So far as I can tell, truth is something you don't even believe in.
AUSSYACE - 2/24/2012, 9:02 PM

The Avengers need to help the US Government print more money...
orpheus - 2/25/2012, 9:52 AM
Logic is not math. Logic is applied reasoning according to principles of validity, not only can the application of logic is flawed, but the reasoning process is based on the particular memory, preferences, unconscious distortions of the particular person. Math is an entirely different arena. Even Wittgensteinian logic, with which you are confusing with reasoning, is not mathematics and Wittgenstein himself created two completely contradictory means of logic that can't be reconciled. Your "Conclusions about reality, even moral ones, can only be reached by applying logic to evidence" has been shown to be untrue and full of distortions since the time of the Greeks, it would be tedious for me to go over it here because it would fit a book, but if you could find instances in your every day life of it. If the topic interests you look at semiotics, deconstructionism, post structrualism, Jungian psychology, Freudian psychology, Spiral Dynamics, Slavjo Zizek, Heidegger, Nietzsche, ect all have something valuable to say on the subject of the hubris of human's faith in reason.

However, in your arguments, you are making a great deal of false equivalents, conflating definitions and ideas that are separate. Language is slippery, our concepts are only half-formed, and our sensory experience is almost always lacking or incomplete, and it's these things our logical processing is based on. There is a reason people rarely agree, because logic and reasoning are skewed by the perspective of the person applying it and are fundamentally flawed. It's not the case that MassExecution in whereever, USA has special insight into reason and everyone else ought to just get on board. Your pseudo-philosophy is tiring and full of the same mistakes that experts in multiple disciplines that look at human cognition and being-in-the-world. Consensus reality is only consensus, not really reality.

Your example is silly because it doesn't reveal the problem of relativism. I said your position is insecure BECAUSE it there is a belief that without absolute rules, things turn into relativism. That's utter nonsense and trash reasoning. People create values naturally. They need no objective reason. The creation of values is most often spontaneous, emotional and instinctual. Then we artificially construct something with our head and call it 'reason' or 'logic' and try to pretend our natural spontaneity is something objective, absolute, or something everyone should value.

To approach your example about the value of a child, there are two perspectives to take. One is personal - personally, I value a child, there is no justification of it other than my personal valuation based on instinctual recognition of another life and the meaning of a young life. This is not objective, not an absolute, it's personal and natural.

Secondly, even if the same sentiment is shared by the majority of the human species, that makes nothing objective, merely a product of shared concern of a species.
Additionally, the value of a child my be come from a socialization in a given culture.

So, your "It's all just about "likes". There's no way to say anyone "ought" to do anything except because you "like" it." is an incredibly immature position to take. If you didn't have your "reasons", you wouldn't go have sex with this or that, you wouldn't kill or steal because of this or that... in fact, very little or nothing would change about the way you value, except you might be less dependent upon material things or less invested in hierarchy. You have set up a false dichotomy. You are only revealing a weird dependency on rules and externals.

"That truth and beauty really matter, and there value is transcendent of human opinion, as the Greeks might say?"
You clearly don't know what the Greeks say, but to humor you, beauty in Plato's scheme is an ideal form of which we can't even perceive, but he wasn't speaking of objective values, he was communicating how poor human understanding and perception is.

Truth is important, but begs the question "what is true?" What's true depends entirely on perspective. Americans think science and reason are true, in Haiti voudon practitioners believe that they are possessed by ancestral entities called Loa (we think they're ridiculous, they think we are - but we have coffee makers and technology, we must be correct!). "Truth" is an interpretation. We have no direct access to truth.

" People don't descend into relativist chaos because they don't actually LIVE according to the logical conclusions relativism leads too. We can't live that way because its OBVIOUS that it doesn't make sense."

Animals don't care about "sense" or "logic", but you don't see them descending into chaos. Humans lived for thousands of years before "logic" and "sense" was created. People do what preserves them (generally), not because it makes "sense". What is the absolute value of a flower? It's not beauty, I guarantee you you and I would find vast differences in what we perceive to be beautiful.

The point I'm trying to communicate is that WITHOUT ABSOLUTES NOTHING DESCENDS INTO RELATIVISM. Why would it? Life isn't a math equation that could fall out from underneath me into chaos. That's a childish, insecure view. The case that with no absolutes, anything is "valid" betrays that you are thinking in false dichotomy. It's the same thing with Atheists - Christians assume "without God people will murder and steal!" which is obviously not true (i'm not an atheist, by the way).

Before we go any further, don't conflate "Absolutes" with "logic". "Absolutes" are also not equivalent with "objectivity".

It's not that I don't believe in truth, i just think that there is no way for humans to come near perceiving it. It is the constant hubris of human beings to think they really know something.
Perhaps after the technological Singularity when digital intelligence is infinitely expanding into Quantum territory, something will look back and laugh at our belief in "logic" in the same way moderns look back at the Greeks or Aztecs or Hindus or whatever and laugh at their "silly" beliefs.
orpheus - 2/25/2012, 10:44 PM
-Mass, I don't think I have the interest to continue with this discussion because I don't believe either of us will budge from our positions. I understand where you're coming from, but I think your reasoning (i have nothing against reason and logic, but as i said they are tools, and have the limitations of tools) is flawed and your conclusions are way off and extreme.

When it was discovered that the earth rotated around the sun and that the earth was not the center of the universe, chaos did not ensue, folks just realized the way they structured their beliefs and thinking was mistaken due to elements they hadn't taken into consideration previously.

Likewise, the absence of "absolutes" does not result in relativism or chaos. The primary reason is because humans do not function like computers - we don't need reasons for our reasons, most of our valuations are spontaneous with no real control on our part, and it's only after the fact that we "justify" them with reasons. This is why no one agrees on anything or sees the same way. Instinct, passions, aesthetics, personal and cultural history, socialization, conditioning all play a role in producing our spontaneous values. I don't value beauty because reason A, B or C, but because I'm "taken over" by it, moved. I appreciate the experience of it, but that doesn't make beauty objective or an absolute, nor does it make it "good" in any absolute sense, I just like it.

Anyway, those are my crappy 'closing remarks', if you're still following this discussion. If you really want to continue, you can hunt me down and whatever, but in the end it probably doesn't matter.
MassExecutions - 2/26/2012, 12:33 PM
If your a relativist you KNOW it doesn't matter, because nothing really matters.

I know it doesn't matter, because if you can't see all your verbiage is ridiculous on its face, there's nothing to be done with you.

You ARE using logic and the assumption of absolutes to reach conclusions, that you think are absolute, regarding the lack of absolutes, and the limitations of logic.
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