Two more characters have been announced for Marvel vs. Capcom which brings the character roster over 20, but they will only be available four weeks after the game’s release date. You can get them for free if you purchase the Special Edition via GameStop, though.
The first of the new characters to be included in the star-studded line-up is everyone’s favourite zombie-killer — Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil series.
The other, is the demonic Shuma Gorath, who battled Doctor Strange in certain Marvel Comics publications, and made an appearance in earlier Marvel vs. Capcom games.
As we stated, these characters will come your way in the shape of a DLC to be release four weeks after the games launch, which is estimated to be around February 15, 2011.
But if you were to splash out for the special edition, that comes with a steelbook case (with exclusive artwork), a one-month subscription to Marvel’s online digital comic service, and a prologue comic, you will also get yourself a download voucher that gives you free access to Jill and Shuma. On top of that, if you pre-order it you will also net yourself a set of colorful console decal cards with character descriptions and move-lists.
Marvel: Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine (alternate Iron Man outfit) Elektra,Doctor Doom, Thor, X-23, Magneto, Shuma-Gorath, Deadpool, Super Skrull, Taskmaster, Juggernaut, She-Hulk,MODOK,Dormanmmu
Capcom: Ryu, Mike Haggar, Frank West, Chuck (alternate Frank West outfit), Spencer (Bionic Commando), Dante, Chris, Morrigan, Arthur, Amaterasu , Albert Wesker, Zero, Chun-li, Viewtiful Joe, Trish, Tron Bonne, Hsien-Ko, Akuma, Felicia, Bison, Roll, Volnutt
Marvel vs. Capcom is scheduled for a February release
Are you excited for Marvel vs. Capcom 3?