I think most of Marvel Comics readers might think that the variety of styles when it comes to artists. When I say this I mean some specific people not all the artists as a whole. Are some of them getting lazy into their work?
For example one of the comic book reader’s most talked about artist: Greg Land…
Before you say: “Oh great another Greg Land fanatic/hater”, well no this is criticism only on effort and ability. You see in my case when I started reading comic books one of the first books I read was X-Men: Phoenix Endsong. Check out the cover art:
You have to admit that this is really good work when talking about the figure, the proportions and the shading of the drawing (taking away prejudice into seeing his most recent art). Examine it, it’s really good, and this is from 2004, now see a cover work from 2009:
You have to admit he has some good work like this:
But in 5 years his art became too close to looking porn-like and ”pirated copyright” pictures.
Next artists: David Finch…
For some time I use to consider Finch as MY favorite artist, but lately I have been let down by his awesomeness. I admired his way of detail into the art and beautiful style of drawing hair. For example:
These covers aren’t too far back. They are from 2007 and 2008 and in the December solicit one of Finch’s cover for the new Psylocke title was this:
(Sorry I couldn't find a smaller pic, and I don't know how to make it smaller)
What I once considered beauty and grace into his artwork became reckless and unprofessional. I mean she looks like a combination of a Barbie doll and Ariel from the Little Mermaid (check out her waist)
Now check this out: These are artist who have gone through the X-Universe and the Ultimate Universe plus the criticism is towards how they draw women… coincidence? I think not…
- To Be Continued -