Everyone likes to repeat their favorite dialogue. Be it from a movie, book or TV show some phrases just strike a memorable cord. Comic book quotes are no different, especially when the line embodies the character it came from. We've already heard a few: "It's clobbering time," from the 2005 film Fantastic Four, "With great power comes great responsibility," from Sony's Spider-Man and "I'm the best there is at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice," from the craptastic X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
Over the next five years we will see an explosion of Marvel movies: Thor, The First Avenger: Captain America, Iron Man 2, Spider-Man, X-Men First Class, Deadpool and The Avengers; and those are only the ones that are already in the planning stages. I've chosen to highlight a few of the characters in these projects and the quotes I feel would fit well in the new films. After a bit of research (many thanks to Comicvine.com and Marvel.com's Message boards), here they are:
Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
"Some of us might die today. But what I'm asking ya to do is fight with everything you've got -- goin' up against an enemy of unknown power. And I want each and every one of you to know -- I've never been prouder of any force I've led into battle."
"What happened to this country? When did the a$$holes start running things? How did they get away with the piss-ant little rules they make us live by? Why do they use ten words to hint at what just one would say? I feel like I blinked and someone turned the place into the United States of Pu$$ies..."
*Ok, yeah, Fury shouldn't say Pu$$ies in any of the flicks, but that's easily fixed. I just didn't want to alter the quote.
"I have taken thy measure, villain, and found it . . . lacking."
“For Odin, for Asgard!”
Captain America
"In your warped, twisted mind, you think of combat as a game … some sort of noble sport. Well, it’s not! It’s a grim, dirty business … But it’s a business that no one knows better than I do”
"I can't surrender, I don't know how."
"Captain America is not here to lead the country. I'm here to serve it. If I am a Captain, I'm a soldier. Not of any military branch but of the American people. Years ago, in a simpler time, this suit and this shield were created as a symbol to help make America the land it's suppose to be... To help it realize its destiny."
“That’s what I love about this city. Every time I need to hit someone really, really hard, some jerk steps up and volunteers.”
"If only I were more intimidating. . I could practice talking like Christian Bale! 'I am the Spider! I own the night! Your worst nightmare come to life and you're looking right at' --- cough! hack! How can he keep that up for an entire movie?"
And of course. . .
The best way to quote Deadpool is to show the comic panels themselves. . .
Use the comments section to add your favorite comic character quotes that you feel would work particularly well in a live action movie. There is one phrase I have yet to mention, but I think I'll leave it up to you to decide who deserves to say it: