Hey guys! remember my last article about which Avenger should have a cameo in Iron Man 2?! Well I'm at it again and curious of what you all think on who should make a cameo on those 2 awesome Marvel movies releasing this year! Or even showing a clue about another Avenger or even just a character in Marvel comics.
For Thor i would like to see Bruce Banner. Since he has to travel from place to place, who knows..
For Captain America,i honestly gotta say, i really like that X-Men Evolution animated story when Wolverine meets Cap back in the war. It does in a way make some sense. But only this time it's Cap meeting Wolverine. Heck i don't care if they don't meet at all. Just as long as Wolverine some how cameos.
I know most likely that this will not happen in the movie, but just wishful thinking I guess. heh heh
Other than my choices, any other different Avenger that we haven't seen yet in the big screen would be fine with me. Just as long as that they some how fit in the movie.
btw here's the link to my cameo article back in 2009 if anyone is interested.