Where can I start…? Well for those of you who don’t know The Sentry I’ll give you a quick guide on the all infamous hero.

Robert Reynolds, or more commonly known as, The Sentry first made his debut in a 5 issue Marvel Knights comic; which due to high success spawned several one-shots and team ups resulting in some successfully well written comics. One of the sentry’s main features is his highly evil split personality thing… it’s like a mind virus called The Void. The Void is the anti-Sentry, for every good act The Sentry does The Void performs a malevolent act. This actually gives another one of The Sentry’s main features, he’s slightly insane. It really depends on how you view insane though; there’s mentally unstable insane and there’s complete schizo insane. The Sentry is on the borderline. He’s not a schizo but then again if someone mentions The Void and he loses it. I actually really like the whole Void-Sentry thing, I think it gives a new dimension to a comic book character but of course I wouldn't wish that upon any other character/it’s what makes him unique.

If you’re thinking at the moment “well what’s his power” or “this hero’s power is just a cheap knock-off of Superman’s power”. I’ll explain, just let me finish this sentence that I am writing… Ok The Sentry’s powers include: flight, superhuman strength -speed, agility, reflexes (pretty much all the superhuman powers, you know), light projection, energy blasts - with the power of one million suns, And he can resurrect the dead. So he’s not really a rip off of Superman, in fact one thing about The Sentry that’s completely different to superman – he doesn't even know he has half of these powers because he’s mentally unstable. Oh yeah and another power of his is that he is invulnerable… wait, he’s invulnerable you say? Then how is he dead? Why is he dead?
Three words - Brian Michael Bendis.
Need I say more?
What I would like if they brought back The Sentry would be to get rid of the void. Given that it is one of his main features but I think you could get better written and just good comics from it. I see the void as a nuisance and stops The Sentry from using his full power to its full potential. Releasing that to the marvel universe will completely sledge everything, not in a villain-kill way, in a hero-renegade way. Also I think The Sentry does work well in a team, but not the avengers. There’s way too many, and the avengers would just use The Sentry for their own bidding; possibly a team up with the guardians of the galaxy. What would be nice to see is The Sentry in outer space being what Captain Mar-Vell was to earth. Now that would be *fricking*awesome. Oh and one thing I do not what anyway near another sentry comic is Bendis. I see Bendis as a story dragger; he just gets a story and sticks to it for 6 months then thinks up another one before killing them off violently without finishing that arch.
I'm TheOnlyFanOfSenty – what do you think?