5 Obscure Deadpool Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

5 Obscure Deadpool Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

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Manmarvel - 4/17/2019, 2:29 AM
Didn't we just get this article from someone else with the exact same quote only with a different headline?
xHollywoodx - 4/17/2019, 5:48 AM
@Unites - lol... silly Josh.
Kumkani - 4/17/2019, 2:47 AM
Inb4 the other article gets deleted
dracula - 4/17/2019, 2:54 AM
Either keep keep Deadpool out of the mcu or do a soft reboot like the incredible hulk, cause it would make no sense for the first 2 deadpool films to take place in the mcu
CorndogBurglar - 4/17/2019, 3:17 AM
@dracula - Its Deadpool. It doesn't need to make sense. That's the charm. He can easily make comments about how everything seems different.

Also, let's not forget that Deadpool was very clearly fighting on top of a helicarrier at the end of Deadpool 1. So precedence is kind of already there.
bkmeijer2 - 4/17/2019, 2:55 AM
I think that for the movies Deadpool should remain mostly seperate from the MCU, maybe only brief appearences from the Avengers or something
Doomsday8888 - 4/17/2019, 3:14 AM
Read the headline.
Read the actual quote "remains to be seen".

Oh Josh...never change! :')

Actually...please do.
CorndogBurglar - 4/17/2019, 3:22 AM
@Doomsday8888 - He says "Remains to be seen" when talking about characters like Logan. I take that to mean that it remains to be seen if we'll see characters like Black Widow, or Iron Man have R-Rated films. Characters that already have to be part of PG-13 films and then making R-Rated films for them also.

That's just how I take that though, because the previous quote is talking specifically about Deadpool and he says they won't change it.
Doomsday8888 - 4/17/2019, 3:36 AM
To me the previous quote seems more like he's lowkey saying he'll keep Reynolds around...at least i hope so.
Really, i wouldn't change pretty much anything in those DP movies, having Brolin playing 2 different characters might be tricky but...ehhh.
Snotzo - 4/17/2019, 3:22 AM
How many times must this be said. Iger says it, then Horn, now Fiege. Next it’s Reynolds and yet another article needs to be made.
Mansuper - 4/17/2019, 5:59 AM
@Snotzo - There will probably he a scene in the next Deadpool movie, where he beats a dead horse to death.
GalactusEatsALL - 4/17/2019, 3:36 AM
Just give me Galactus!
GhostDog - 4/17/2019, 3:59 AM
Iger LITERALLY SAID they will still release movies under a different Fox banner. DP can stay R rated under that banner and pop into MCU films as a cameo and be toned down for a bit.
OmegaDaGrodd - 4/17/2019, 4:25 AM
Strange, a bunch of hysterical men on the internet spewing Ill informed absolutes told me different

I wonder who I should believe
knocturnalzen10 - 4/17/2019, 6:19 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd - believe in Gusto , you'll never go wrong .
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