5 Obscure Deadpool Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

5 Obscure Deadpool Facts That You Probably Didn't Know

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Battabing - 2/20/2016, 3:48 PM
It was only a game changer where marketing was concerned.
Other than that, the movie, itself, while good, wasn't some brand new statement on how to do superhero movies.
ElJefe - 2/20/2016, 4:08 PM
As a fan service CBM with comic accurate suit, comic book feel, and no obvious mass appeal it was absolutely a game changer. This is a character created in the 90s! He beat the Justice League to the big screen. Pretty remarkable.
TheNameIsBetty - 2/20/2016, 4:08 PM
I enjoyed this editorial quite a bit. I kinda hope we see both more R-rated movies as well as more mid-budget properties and character focused scripts.
Minty - 2/20/2016, 4:20 PM
@Christuffer - Thanks for reading, I know it was a long one but I appreciate you took the time to see it through and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'd love to see a balance like that as well.
Brainiac13 - 2/20/2016, 4:12 PM
Not every CBM has to be an R....

Brainiac13 - 2/20/2016, 4:12 PM
X-Men, McU and DCEU all should be PG-13...
Brainiac13 - 2/20/2016, 4:17 PM
Deadpool is completely different which...yes it worked....The Wolverine (2013) which made $414.8 million, if it was R...I say it would've made less...

Brainiac13 - 2/20/2016, 4:19 PM
Marketing was the best for any CBM....that was a game changer...that's what made everyone go to see this....
Brainiac13 - 2/20/2016, 4:20 PM
I'm going next week...
JonF - 2/20/2016, 4:22 PM
Funny how everyone conveniently forgets that Watchmen was rated R! A few other notable cbms(Wolverine, Ghost Rider and the Punisher's solo films) should have been!
2050 - 2/20/2016, 4:28 PM
Yes, it is a game changer. An R-rated film with this much success will change the way studios develop the more mature properties. It's not as game-changing on the level as Avengers or the first Iron Man, which pretty much caused everyone to create their own shared universes, but it will cause changes in thinking and development.
Papermage - 2/21/2016, 11:41 AM
@2050 - I'd call it a "game returner". Most of the great action movie franchises in the 80s and 90s were R-rated. This could herald a renaissance.
rocketeuropa - 2/20/2016, 4:30 PM
Couldn't agree more with Pharoah above: it is a movie for 14 year old Lowest-Common-Denominators. A HUGE setback for R-rated films and super hero films in general. As one that has lived through the truly-awful super hero films of the seventies, eighties and nineties, there is NO WAY I want to see us go back to the spoofing days of Adam West's Batman vs. Vincent Price's Egghead. Which Deadpool is, like it or not, the Millenial equivilant of.
BTW: wtf IS a Deadpool, anyway??
ElJefe - 2/21/2016, 10:28 AM
@rocketeuropa - a deadpool is a game where people bet on who will die in what order - usually celebs. And I would say the 60s Batman was more campy, and Deadpool is snarky. But I get your point.
GhostDog - 2/20/2016, 4:31 PM
Deadpool was great, but people are so hype on it because there's either been few great R rated comic book films, it's been a long time since they've been out and some of them didn't get the recognition or advertisement of something like Deadpool.

Top 5
1. Kingsman
2. Blade
3. Deadpool
4. Dredd
5. Kick Ass

Blade was the first the R rated comic book movie of its time. And it was damn good. People forget that.

Dredd is amazing. It gets no love.

In fact, Deadpool owes a huge debt to Wanted (another R rated comic book movie). The action is eerily similar to Wanted; almost identical. Especially the gun action. 

We’ve seen Kick-Ass, Kingsman and some of the other movies I mentioned earlier, which makes Deadpool not feel quite as revolutionary. It's not as groundbreaking as it thinks it is. It's great, but it's not the first of its kind.
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