How Should A Deadpool Movie Go?

How Should A Deadpool Movie Go? How Should A Deadpool Movie Go?

We all know ones coming..but we dont know when or what story it will follow. Heres a few ideas.

Editorial Opinion
By MarkCassidy - May 06, 2009 02:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Deadpool

So we can assume from the secret ending of Wolverine that we will indeed have The Merc WITH a mouth that we all know and love for his upcoming spinoff movie.

Ryan Reynolds has said numerous times that unless this movie sticks faithfully to the characters roots that he wants no part of it. Obviously those roots were already tampered with but i dont think its anything that cant be fixed. If the headless freak lying in the rubble is indeed Deadpool(and not a clone as rumors of a 3rd secret ending suggest), simply have him reject those pesky Barraka blades and have him lose the various aquired powers..maybe as a result of being decapitated. Add a costume and there you have it..Deadpool..preferably with his head!

But i think the biggest problem facing this movie is which story from the comics(if any) to follow? Deadpool doesnt have one particular story arc that is considered a must see by fans, like Wolverine in Japan or Frank Millers run on Daredevil. Actually his most memorable comic adventures are shared by Cable..and we can be pretty sure we wont be seeing him in this movie! I think they will most likely come up with an original story. As for the breaking of the 4rth wall, well im not really sure thats such a good idea. I realize most fans and even Reynolds want to see it but i think it would take you out of the movie too much. It works in the comics but thats a comic! Fair enough if its once or twice but trust me, unless they make this movie an out and out comedy, Reynolds gurning to the audience every few minutes will not work. Deadpool didnt even start doing it until his 3rd or 4rth comics run anyway, and it does not define the character in any way. As long as he still wise cracks while he murders, has his costume and is completely barking mad ill be happy.

Anyway, heres what are generally considered to be Deadpools finest moments. Expect to see at least elements from some of these in the movie:

DEADPOOL LIMITED SERIES II: Deadpool had made a few appearances as a wise-cracking mercenary since debuting in 1991, but in this 1994 miniseries writer Mark Waid gave us the first inkling that, deep down, the immortal assassin actually longed to find a higher purpose and still had some form of morality within him.

In this story, Deadpool begins to doubt the life he’s leading and also finds himself feeling genuine affection for someone else for the first time in years (namely, Syrin of X-Force). This mini served as a launching pad for the merc’s later ongoing series.

DEADPOOL #1-25: In his first ongoing series, Deadpool is quickly recruited by an intergalactic law firm that believes he is destined to save the planet from total destruction. Despite his objections, these cosmic businessmen are determined to help the “Merc with a Mouth” face the fact that he is, at heart, a decent person so that he can prepare for a fate he doesn’t feel he deserves.

This 25-issue run written by Joe Kelly is what made the character a favorite among many fans and redefined exactly what he’s all about.

CABLE & DEADPOOL, VOL. 1 — IF LOOKS COULD KILL: For years, the Merc with a Mouth and Cable, son of the X-Men’s Cyclops, have been enemies. But in this adventure, circumstances force them to become comrades and Deadpool finds himself drawn into Cable’s schemes to save humanity from itself.

A whole new direction in life for the Merc with a Mouth and a hilarious twist on the buddy comedy concept.

CABLE & DEADPOOL, VOL. 3 — THE HUMAN RACE: Deadpool investigates a murder mystery (in his own subtle way) and then has to do some dimension-hopping when Cable is lost in a parallel reality.

Most significant of all perhaps, this story involves Deadpool having some of his damaged brain fixed, allowing him more clarity and a brighter potential for becoming a true hero. If only he’d just shut up and appreciate it.

DEADPOOL VS. THE MARVEL UNIVERSE: Man, this story has it all. Time travel, terrorists, super-villains. guest appearances by everyone from Captain America to Wolverine to the Fantastic Four. And, in the middle of it all, the Merc with a Mouth and his new faithful sidekick Bob, Agent of HYDRA.
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spideysweb - 5/6/2009, 2:26 PM
Nice article Ror. I don't know much about this character but from what I have recently read, Ryan Reynolds played it well and if he is in the spin off, I will definitely see it. Off topic, have you hard how Star Trek is?
MarkCassidy - 5/6/2009, 2:31 PM
Cheers, Trek is sposed to be class, im seeing it 2mo so ill let ya know.

I think they need to make it quirky and strange and funny and other words everything Warzone was not! Add lots of blood and bullets too of course
adamant877 - 5/6/2009, 2:40 PM
I agree with ya Ror, they need to come up with something original and new, as most of the character's back story is too tied into other, less mainstream character's histories. This may sound like it could make things more complicated, but if you ask me, it SHOULD make their jobs that much easier!
"What's that you say, no true continuity to follow?.. Hot damn!!"
Rorschachfan09 - 5/6/2009, 2:41 PM
nice article man, Having just seen Wolverine today(yeah a bit late but my girlfriend made me see Ghosts of Girlfriends past :|) I thought it to be a good movie, special effect lax a bit when it comes to the claws but an alright movie. Its certainly no Dark Knight to say the least.

Something i did notice was when Weapon xi (i refuse to call him deadpool) charged his cyclops blast, the area surrounding his eyes turned black like on his mask, a faint nod to the original costume, but i prefer the original costume.
Legendaryssj - 5/6/2009, 2:45 PM
Well reynolds has said he wants the deadpool movie to focus on cable and they cant have them teaming up straight away so im guessing deadpool takes a mission and doesnt give a [frick] about the world after weapon XI shizz and is just like ill do my job and leave [frick] you all and during the film after a few action scenes and jokes and breaking the 4th wall a bit cable enters deadpool says a whitty line (it will be great) and cable will be seen as a villian and they will be enemy's for the film and at the end they have to team up and take down a bigger foe and we see a lighter side to deadpool where he wont kill innocent people for no reason or the reason that makes sense to him.

Also we would have to see why wade went into the weapon X programme in some sort of flashback at the beginning of the movie.
Legendaryssj - 5/6/2009, 2:45 PM
Well reynolds has said he wants the deadpool movie to focus on cable and they cant have them teaming up straight away so im guessing deadpool takes a mission and doesnt give a [frick] about the world after weapon XI shizz and is just like ill do my job and leave [frick] you all and during the film after a few action scenes and jokes and breaking the 4th wall a bit cable enters deadpool says a whitty line (it will be great) and cable will be seen as a villian and they will be enemy's for the film and at the end they have to team up and take down a bigger foe and we see a lighter side to deadpool where he wont kill innocent people for no reason or the reason that makes sense to him.

Also we would have to see why wade went into the weapon X programme in some sort of flashback at the beginning of the movie.
LEEE777 - 5/6/2009, 2:47 PM
WELL IT SHOULD BE MADE GOOD FOR ONE THING!!! : D (They can get away with that CLONE thing easy, it was part of everyone after all)... Come on, WARZONE was crap because of the lame ass taskforce of one an a half people an killing MICRO (in his first movie) was just plain wrong, that and JIGSAW for that matter!!! Good PUNISHER action but that was it! DEADPOOL should be better, but then again its FOX! : D Personally i think as well as @DarkAvengers@ thinks it would be soooooo cool if BULLEYE was in it! Ofcourse their paths would cross! (Both owned by FOX), its begging to be made!!! ; )
ToxinSuomi - 5/6/2009, 2:49 PM
I would like to see Deadpool go against Taskmaster.

Btw it's 4th not 4rth.
LEEE777 - 5/6/2009, 2:50 PM
DEADPOOL VS BULLSEYE would bridge that gap more in the FOX MARVEL Universe!!! An be F'ing Awesome!!! ; )
loganaspatch - 5/6/2009, 2:57 PM
You guys good at holding your breath?

no deadpool movie for atleast 5 years

i like to pee on parades :)
Macksimus - 5/6/2009, 3:03 PM
I want to see a Deadpoll vs. Kane, Slayback, and Hammerhead.

Maybe Deadpool, Kane, and slayback all leave Weapon X and join the criminal Hammerhead, but Deadpool has a change of heart with regard to what he is doing and decides to stop Hammerhead.

Make Kane and Slayback some very powerful cyborgs. They could be just as effective visually as Cable.

...this would give some more back story to Deadpool and help explain his origins a little more; the Wolvi movie didn't exactly do a good job.

...and Slayback, Kane, and Hammerhead are some Deadpool specific villains.

I'd also throw in Copycat as a love interest.
LEEE777 - 5/6/2009, 3:03 PM
I ain't holding my breath that long lol!!! : D
TucsonRican - 5/6/2009, 3:09 PM
Well since Bullseye didn't die at the end of Daredevil, why not have Colin make an appearance? Might be fun.

Here's a couple of movies that have broken the "4th
wall" successfully:

Fight Club
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Top Secret
Funny Games
Animal House
Trading Places
Coming to America
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Wayne's World

It can be done, especially with comedy...
BarneyStinson - 5/6/2009, 3:12 PM
I think i need to read me some DEADPOOL stories. i think a spin off would be cool, for the little screen time he had i think Ryan Reynolds was great....Now on to something i've been thinking about since i saw the movie. Did Stryker not say Wade would be the perfect soldier without the mouth? Did they not say that Wade was Sabretooths first victim while he was hunting mutants? Did Stryker say "he is deadpool" or did he say "he is a deadpool" referencing all the dead or soon to be dead mustants powers? Someone correct me if i'm wrong please. Now hear me out on this: If those statements are true, could they have cloned Wade Wilson to be the host for all these mutant powers (perfect soldier without the mouth / a "deadpool". Or it's a more interesting way of explaining how he became scared and needed the mask? Honestly cancer is kind of lame and not that interesting IMO.
SHHH - 5/6/2009, 3:30 PM
Hollywood Reporter reported.

The trade adds that the studio considered a Deadpool spin-off early in "Wolverine's" development process, which is why it cast Reynolds.

UPDATE: A source close to Fox tells us that the Deadpool and second "Wolverine" movies are coming from the two Easter Eggs at the end of X-Men Origins: Wolverine:

"We are developing a spinoff with Deadpool, as well. It is one of the two different "Easter egg" scenes after the credits of WOLVERINE and hints at two different movies that are coming FROM THEM. One is the Japan backstory which was announced earlier, the other is about Deadpool. The film, which would be produced by Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel, has Ryan Reynolds attached and would be a complete exploration of this unique character - his origins, his emergence as the Merc with with the Mouth, etc. We are looking for writers as well." The movie will be titled DEADPOOL.

Not much but its something. If im wrong let me know.
maybe i should not of directly copied from somewhere eles but i did. They are for real about this movie and that what scares me, how much changing will they do?

Macksimus - 5/6/2009, 3:30 PM
I'm afraid of a DP vs. Cable movie, because Cable IMO will take alot of screen time to develop (RIGHT), and he will steal the show IMO from DP.

I could see maybe Cable chasing Stryfe to the past into the 21st century and then running into DP at a 7-11 sipping on a slurpee or something. Cable could be the serious one and DP could be the comedy, but that just wouldn't feel right.

They'd have to call the move "Deadpool and Cable." It would be kind of like a "Starsky and Hutch" type setup.
SdProphet - 5/6/2009, 3:30 PM

.......I REALLY HOPE.......
BarneyStinson - 5/6/2009, 3:38 PM
Yes in the comics/movies. I also think it would be a rather touchy subject for people that have had to go through that in their personal lives...speaking from experience
adamant877 - 5/6/2009, 3:46 PM
I say leave Cable out of it (for the time being), until they can at least develope the Cable character first! Otherwise, you're right, he would take over the film, and the focus would be lost.
Come up with an original, action/comedy story, and CUT HIM LOOSE!
GUNSMITH - 5/6/2009, 3:56 PM
LEEE777 - 5/6/2009, 4:04 PM
It would be friggin' fun @TucsonRican@ and cool on the 4th wall!!! Heck if you want the 4th wall, they can do it at the end of his movie! Yeah i know he did that in WOLVERINE lol!
AshleyWilliams - 5/6/2009, 4:09 PM
MisterNiceGuy - 5/6/2009, 4:18 PM
if they go through with a Cable story than Neal McDonough should be cable!! he is perfect!!
TheMyth - 5/6/2009, 4:53 PM
Nice synopsis! Very informative. I had forgotten about his thing for Syren, thanks for the reminder. I have the first 12 issues of his first ongoing series before it becomes 'Cable & Deadpool' I enjoyed the Landau, Luckmann, and Lake(can't remember the exact spellings) as they came about right before Onslaught if I remember correctly and their agents(a black dude and a white chic, can't remember the names) were observing more than just Deadpool. I remember them around a lot in some X-titles as well.

I completely agree on the Fourth Wall issue. I hope he never does it in the movie. I don't hear anyone saying Loki should break the Fourth Wall in the Thor movie, even though it was Loki who first did this as well as bringing this revelation to Deadpool. What about She-Hulk, she is the most recent Marvel character to realize she is in fact just a comic character, but do any of you think it would be 'neat' for her to do it, if she is ever in a movie. I hate it in the comics and I would loathe it in a movie. It is something that completely dishonors a character and breaks the entire illusion created by these stories. I mean how great is it to watch or read something and a character pauses everything just to remind us this is all fiction.

Furthermore, not once in Fight Club does any character look at the screen to acknowledge they are fiction. If you think for some reason it does, by that standard, any movie with narration would fall under that category. Shit, that means Winnie the Pooh has broken the fourth wall.
Gat123 - 5/6/2009, 5:02 PM
Interesting article told by Yahoo on the spinoff they are thinking
DarkAvengers - 5/6/2009, 5:04 PM
They do not need to include Cable in a Deadpool film. Thats all I'm going to say.
kayjayzdad - 5/6/2009, 5:14 PM
I guarentee you Deadpool will break the 4th wall in this movie, matter of fact he already has at the end of the Wolverine movie. I have no problem with it, it's part of his character and it's something that makes him unique being that he does it alot, plus he does it funny as hell. If you don't like characters that break the 4th wall then you don't like Deadpool.

I think it's pretty hard to screw up a Deadpool movie being that the character himself doesn't take himself seriously and just seems to be having fun doing whatever he decides to do. Just please for the love of God if your not going to put a costume on him at least give him his damn mask. I'm sure DC will try to counter with a Deathstroke flick.
theeambassador - 5/6/2009, 5:37 PM
deadpool just greenlighted by fox. along with his mutant powers and the ones he gained from the weapon x program, apparently he can assimilate the powers of dead and or captured mutants..........
loganaspatch - 5/6/2009, 5:48 PM
more i read about deadpool on here the more i think his kinda lame
zinext - 5/6/2009, 5:53 PM
U kno wat would be a good idea, if fox gave deadpool's rights to marvel studios, then he can be in a broader universe instead of being traped in the confinments of the x universe!!
Minotauro - 5/6/2009, 5:58 PM
Lets see. First, he needs the costume. Second, he can't teleport through the belt technology he's suppose to inherit. Third, it's all [frick]ed up with his abilities(laser eyes? cool but?)... And that's pretty much sums up his movie!..But I'll still see it!

Any differs?..

TucsonRican - 5/6/2009, 5:59 PM
@ The Myth
I didn't say they announced they were fiction, but when The Narrator is introducing the audience to Tyler, and he turns around in his seat to address the camera, What does that mean?
GameAnime45 - 5/6/2009, 6:02 PM
Make him pull out the blades, lose the optic beams from getting his head cut off, and have him explain to the viewers about his cancer, and etc.
TheMyth - 5/6/2009, 6:12 PM
Kayjayzdad: Pretty big call there. "If you don't like characters that break the 4th wall then you don't like Deadpool" Thats a bit like saying if you don't like the color red, you don't like Deadpool. Deadpool, Loki, and plenty of the others who've done this are fine characters, some among my favorites, I just hate when they "break the 4th wall" And no, breaking the 4th wall in no way defines DP or any other character that does. It's a gimic that gives no definition to the characters involved. If anything it damages the character in that they come to this realization, yet role over and accept it. It would be a life altering event to anyone to suddenly find out you are nothing more than the inner workings of anothers mind spilled out on paper. Therein lay the paradox though, they can't freak out unless the artist lets them.

So please explain to me how this concept defines a character or is in any way appropriate. "Deadpool does it funny as shit." is not an acceptable answer. And lemme tell you something about 'unique'
MarkCassidy - 5/6/2009, 6:46 PM
hahaha, true dat! 4RTH wall breaking can work in movies..but if its not a comedy you run the risk of losing the audience completely. In a comic when Deadpool stops the action to talk about Star Wars or something you can just giggle away and start reading again on the next page..movies dont work like that.,,at least for most people! Also, and i know some fanboys dont give a shit about this, but it would totally alienate anyone that never read a Deadpool comic and was not expecting him to stare out of the screen and talk about his favorite ice cream in the middle of a fight scene!
TheMyth - 5/6/2009, 7:19 PM
I think using his thought narration would be spectacular. You know, how while he's effortlessly slicing up a room of deuces, we get the silent thought bubbles filled with nonsense that nearly makes you piss yourself.
JD22 - 5/6/2009, 8:05 PM
-Deadpool vs. Bullseye in a weapon precision fight.

-Weapon X (duh)

-no continuation to Wolverine (well maybe a smidge)

-maybe a fight with Taskmaster or team up/betrayal (maybe deadpool vs. Taskmaster vs. Bullseye)

-subtly break the 4th wall. maybe in a way like the movie Othello(with Lawrence Fishburn)

-conversations between DP and his inner thoughts

-Weasel, Siryn, Al(his old lady prisoner),Mr.Tolliver, Hell House,T-ray(rival mercenary),(maybe) some alpha flight members, Zoe(weapon x program recruiter), and Patch(mercenary handler) as supporting cast, (maybe)Hydra Bob

-hunting down Dr. Killebrew(who experimented on him/caused his psychological damage) & maybe Black Tom Cassidy & Juggernaut

-love interests: Vanessa the hooker & Siryn
2leftarms - 5/6/2009, 8:46 PM
Fourth wall isn't the most ingenious thing a writer could use. Far from it.

But there are times when you read a comic book and ask yourself why the [frick] you're taking it so seriously.

Let's face it: comic books maybe be the most ridiculous brand of fantasy. It's funny in an ironic sort of way when a comic book character acknowledges that.

Anyway, I'd like to see Deadpool break fourth wall in the movie. It can be like Funny Games or Richard III with Ian Mackellan. Characters look at the audience and sort of narrate in between scenes. It hardly seems cheesy in either movie. It's very dark and sadistic.
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