The record-breaking blockbuster movie of the summer, The Avengers have been overseen with positive reviews by critics and audiences. But many have wondered.......Who is "The Other". This article may be able to crack the safe for the identity of The Other.
I'll say this first.... THE OTHER IS NOT A SKRULL!
Why you shouldn't deny it?:
The Chitauri are the Ultimate Version of The Skrulls and since this is taking place in the Ultimate Universe, the term "Skrull" do not exist (Even though Marvel may pull something off with Thanos eing involved with them). He is not a Skrull, Thanos posed as a threat to the skrulls in The Infinity Gauntlet.
Now here is where his identity comes into play!
There is a character in "The Infinity Saga", who has the same shaped chin and who also is loyal to Mistress Death (who is identified as court death in the film). Here is a close up image of him and you see a resemblance when he is speaking to Thanos:
NOTE: This character has no name, so that is another reason why they would call him "The Other"!
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