Batman: Deadly Trails Part 1 a DC Extended Universe fan cast

Batman: Deadly Trails Part 1 a DC Extended Universe fan cast

So I am taking a shot at a DC Extended Universe Batman movie. If feedback warrants I continue, then continue I shall, with or without Affleck

Editorial Opinion
By ager - Nov 08, 2017 05:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Batman: Deadly Trails Part 1 Cast




Barbara 'Babs' Gordon

Having recently been paralyzed by the Joker, Babs, as she is affectionately referred to by her father, Jim Gordon, is struggling to find herself amidst the madnes. She, as well, finds her brother's behavior unbearable despite her father's insistence on protecting him as a way to heal his guilt for failing the young boy during James' youth. She has adapted herself well to being Jim's only child; her role as a nocturnal sleuth is affected by her new, physical status.

Eleanor Tomlinson 

An English actress, known for her role as Princess Isabelle in Jack and the Giant Slayer. She has the gravitas and the look to nail down this important role.


Lawrence "Crusher" Crock 

Within the comic books, Crusher is unfortunately known as the Sportsmaster, a villain that was, to me, very much a loser; than came the Young Justice cartoon. Originally, I was looking to use the duo of Shiva and David Cain as the hired guns sent to find The Batman because everything leads to something... I felt there was an opportunity to use Crusher in the same role and I was able to add depth to his part by introducing his paternal nature. Not fond of a Deathstroke below wow-he's impressive-for-an-old-guy age, I needed 'a hired gun, and I felt it was a great chance to bring him in.

Philip Winchester

Simply, here's the guy I wished played Batman. Without being over the hill, or on the top, he is old enough to have been a seasoned Dark Knight. 


James Gordon Jr 

Well known in the comics as a demented serial killer, James is the first of a few suspects of whom The Batman must research so that he can find Gotham's most feared serial killer of this generation. I will be playing strongly on what we, the geeks, know him as. He will be the one that's so obviously the killer, that the viewer will feel he is a red herring. Is he the killer or not?

Paul Dano

Recreating the characterization from his 2013 film, Prisoners, Dano could, once again, receive rave reviews and steal the movie.


Mad hatter 

The second suspect, Tech, who is referred to as Hatter through mockery, is Arkham's recently released patient having convinced the courts he is cured. The dreadful Tech, unlike the other suspects, has no back story as, sometimes, evil isn't created, it's just natural. The revolving door of Arkham strikes again.

Brad Dourif 

The man who voices Chucky is criminally underrated. That's the good news. Thus far, the only great expense in this cast is Dano. While Dourif is a sensational (character) actor, he is probably on the cheaper side and, much to this casting director's delight, relishes in these quirky, and dark, roles. 



The Penguin is ruthless. As the head of the 5 families of Gotham, Bludhaven and Metropolis, he commands respect. Extremely insecure, I've taken cues from the comic, Joker's Asylum, where he viciously attacks anyone he thinks is ridiculing him. He may look comical, but that means people underestimate how truly manipulative, deadly, and brilliant he really is; not to mention, ferocious, making the portly, aging deviant a fighter with whom to be reckoned. Oswald, ancestor to one of Gotham's founding father's, has more enemies than The Batman and he plans on conquering each one of them through psychological torture or extinction. 

Pruitt Taylor Vince 

Just as he was my go-to actor who scored the role of Commissioner Loeb  in 'My version of Gotham,' PTV was, once again, the only gentlemen I believed could've captured the essence of how I see this role playing out. You may know him, as I do, from The Walking Dead and Identity.


Moth-man killer (Killer Moth)

I took a cheesy villain (because I like a challenge and anyone can write a decent story with the Bat-villain A-listers) and tried to make something from a suspense film like Se7en while characterizing him in a way that resembles Dennis Hopper's Frank Booth of Blue Velvet. He is another suspect. I've given him an empathetic back story that helps develop his character into the psychopathic monster he is. His villainous monicker is given by a surviving victim.

Eddie Redmayne 

In 2014, Redmayne portrayed English physicist Stephen Hawkins in The Theory of Everything, winning an Academy award a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for best actor. The following year, he starred in The Danish Girl, which saw him nominated for Best Actor in the three aforementioned awards. You may also know this rising, multi-genre star from the fantasy film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.


Julian Day 

Basing Julian Day (Calendar Man) on the way he was masterfully written in The Long Halloween, which, itself, was based on Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs, I would tweak it a tad to make him more like Max Cady of the 1991 remake of Cape Fear.

Lance Reddick

Reddick has long been my choice for both Spider-Man's Vulture and Calendar Man. Here, he won't be known as CM. Note, I chose to omit the Riddler from this world and solely use Day in every capacity so as to pull away from movie-goers comfort zone.





Bullock is both the toughest cop on the force with respect and the sloppiest. Loyal like pitbull to Gordon, he, in turn, is Gordon's most trusted officer despite the many allegations stating otherwise. 

Ving Rhames 

Pulp Fiction, Mission: Impossible, Entrapment, Dawn of the Dead... seriously, you want me to keep going? He is Bullock. 



GCPD's newest recruit, inspired to fight for justice after the mysterious disappearance of Batgirl, Montoya stands beside Gordon as the only to have great admiration for her partner, Bullock.

Gia Mantegna

With slight recurring roles in Criminal Minds and The Middle, I chose her for her potential growth as an actor and her pedigree, as the daughter of father Joe Mantegna.


Peyton Riley 

The chilling retelling of Riley's capture and torture at the hands of the at-large Moth-man killer and her resulting inability to speak, having been psychologically effected, is going to be powerful. For now, Riley is a victim; nothing more.

Eve Hewson

Another young actress who's in handful of films, but has undeniable charisma and is able to carry a role where she does not speak (most of the time)


Sean Riley 

The mafia crime boss has many enemies. He is extremely protective over his daughter; sometimes blind to the fact that her sanity is slowly slipping away. Riley has sunk all of his efforts and near all of his empire into finding the Moth-man killer.

John Cusack 

A popular choice, among many, for Nigma, Cusack is one of the greatest actors of his generation. He will play both scared father and vengeful mafioso as only he can.


Jane Doe 

The victim of the true serial killer The Batman is hunting. Doe, who's identity is left open-ended for most of the movie, is tortured throughout the movie. We will watch her descent into madness as she develops the need to want to be somewhere else, and someone else, in order to escape her reality. This is a very intense movie because of scenes like hers.

Allison Scagliotti 

Scagliotti is best known for her role in the 2009 series, Warehouse 13. Her character crossed over to Eureka where she guest-starred. She also appeared as a guest on the The Nerdist Podcast. Her casting also serves as a nod to Smallville, where she appeared as Jayna, the Wonder Twin.


"Goony" Bob Hawkins 

Bob the goon, from Batman '89. Another idea I swiped from My Gotham fancast is tweaking 'Goon'. This time, however, Goony will be Copplepot's bodyguard.

John Leguizamo

Just in case you thought Goony was a joke of a character (man, I'd love for him to hit the pages with this kind of intensity), Leguizamo will be playing him with the same heat and emotion he brought to The Kill Point (watch it; you'll thank me). 


Tweedle Cousins 

Using the identical cousins was a natural choice for me as the Mad Hatter plays a large part in this hunt. Recently, and I can't believe it took that long, the cousins have been paired with the troll that optimizes evil. They also have a history with Joker, which will lend itself to a nice reference. I've also decided to pair them with another whom I also feel is a natural fit. They will be the most popular goons (sorry Bob Hawkins) henchmen in the DCEU.

Zach Woods 

Since 2014, Woods, 6'4, has appeared as series regular in Silicon Valley. He also appeared on Veep. A comedic, character actor, Woods would body-suit up to become both Tweedles as the comic relief.


Sarah Essen 

The deceased second wife (killed by Joker) of Jim Gordon will be met by the audience in a flash back

Clea Duvall

Anger, emotion, and grit are the attributes that make Duvall stand out as an actress in each and every co-starring role of hers I've witnessed. Those are the same characteristics I tend to hi-lite when I feature Essen.


Mayor Maximilian Zeis 

A radically different take on another villain who is seen, largely, as a side note. In my oft-mentioned  Gotham fancast I made him a one-off villain who was so jaded with the inability of the GCPD to find his missing wife, he began to picket and voice his displeasure. It resulted in many rallying behind him and he gained somewhat of a cult following; he wound up believing his own hype and felt himself a god. Here, I couldn't put that time into the character so I made him the mayor (giving him a true last name that could mold into the Zeus monicker) who's charisma will garner nearly all of the Gothamites respect and devotion. What that will spell for those that displease Zeis, will be answered over the course of many movies.

Michael C Hall

Using Hall was a way to emphasize the building up of this character over the next few movies. Hall has the charisma, the subtlety, and the dark side, that is perfect for this role.



Grown up and grown apart, Grayson has earned the right to defend a city of his own. Never too far, he will always be a part of the Bat-family, whether he's on the same page as the Bat or not. Also keeping his heart tied to Gotham is his first love, Babs.

Jeremy Irvine 

Irvine earned a reputation as a method actor after he went for two months without food, losing around 30 pounds and performed his own torture scene stunts in The Railway Man.


Summer Gleeson 

A character created for B:TAS, Gleeson is another tip of the hat. In total, there will be 39 Eater Eggs, itself a nod to 1939, the Year of the Bat.

Alicia Silverstone

Silverstone was a part of the pitiful Batman and Robin. She owes us this apology. Wouldn't she want to be a part of something better?


Alexander Knox 

Knox was created for Batman '89 and this single scene is a simple nod.

Jimmy Kimmel

Kimmel comedically promoted BVS with several skits. I guess it's a nod to an homage.



What a horrible character. I mean, it was just egg-scrutiating. Boom! A one-liner showing D.C. knows how to laugh at itself

Christopher Walken

Yes! Yes! If we can't have more cow bell then we might as well have Batman Returns Christopher Walken as this oddball villain. He is perfect for it and would absolutely be willing.


Condiment King 

Possibly the worst of the bunch, CK was made (as a joke) for B:TAS. Enter the comedy scene.

Will Friedle

The voice actor for Batman Beyond and quite a few other live action and voice roles (but none more relevant than BB) would be a laugh riot in the 2 minute scene judging by Sorority Girls and Boy Meets World.


Simon Trent 

Former Gray Ghost actor, Simon Trent, makes his directorial debut with a Bruce Wayne biopic. 

Kevin Conroy

THE voice of Batman. In another double nod to B:TAS, Conroy will be in the background as Trent.

Dean Cain as himself 

Cain will star as Bruce Wayne in the made-for-tv-movie. Get it? Cain played Superman in Lois and Clark. 



Batman: Deadly Trails Part 2


Douglas Booth as Red Hood

Barry Pepper as Two-face 



Batman: Deadly Trails Part 1


Scene 1

On a typical gloomy and stormy night, great for the gothic setting, a family of three, husband, wife and pre-teen daughter, are watching a late night movie (from our view through the rained-on, dingy, window), Slam Bradley V Dracula, until a special interruption from Summer Gleason of The Channel 66 Gotham Confidential reporting that 

Gleason "...a 2nd teenage girl has gone missing. With 2 already dead, sources say the GCPD is on high alert and actively searching for the guilty party. We are joined by Alexander Knox who may have some more information on Gotham's most feared serial killer since Cyrus Gold."

Knox "...Gotham is a cesspool of filth and insanity. Parents, keep your children close. I say that because MY sources have let out a secret that our mayor and commissioner don't  want YOU to know. if you ask me, this killer, this psychopath, THIS COWARD, is someone with whom we are all too familiar. That secret, the one they tried to hide, Jervis Tetch is no longer 'a patient' of Gotham's revolving 'day care therapy' we call Arkham Asylum. That's right, Gotham's most notorious kidnapper is AT LARGE. They'll tell you he's healed, but, Gotham, we know better. I say we find the 'Mad Hatter' and we find the creep that killed 2 girls and knows where the other 2 are. Parents, you have 2 options, you can lock your doors and protect your children by hiding or you go out and find that little creep."


Scene 2

Batman meets Gordon on the rooftop to speak about the serial killer. 

Batman "... you seem distracted. Why, Jim?"

Gordon "... it's junior; and Babs. Since Barbara, my ex, passed away weeks ago, junior wanted to rebuild our relationship; but now all of my time is consumed with helping Babs rebuild herself since-since The Joker. And lately, it's like we're starting all over, again. 


Batman "(concerned) Jim?"


Commissioner "Enough. We've got a maniac to find and I haven't the slightest idea where to look. I've got a lead on the Tweedle cousins; they may have information on Tetch; as you know, he's been MIA since his release. Im thinking you can make some headway there. I'm sending Bullock and Montoya to Sean Riley; see if they can't get some new information from his daughter regarding the Moth-man killer. The mayor wants me on this one personally so I'm going to talk to Julian Day; try and dissect a killer's mind, if you know what I mean. My best advice to you, Bat.. where the hell did he go?"


Scene 3

6 weeks ago


Jim (senior), and Barbara 'Babs' (Oracle) meet James (junior) for the first time since Barbara's (Kean, Jim's ex) passing (and before that, it's been several years). Barbara had truly become Jim's daughter while James had become Kean's son. After an uncomfortable reintroduction over a meal they lay some things out for each other. They discuss the last time they were together


~~fade into flashback~~


Scene 4

A 12 year old Babs, and a 15 year old James (who cringes every time his dad calls him junior), Babs friend, Bess Keller, Jim, and Sarah Essen all go camping. James is constantly sulking that his mother made him go on this trip. James is caught several times lurking about Babs and Bess, even making them uncomfortable.


...when they wake in the morning, Bess is missing, never to be found again. Babs accuses James much to Jim's disappointment; she is nearly punished for her accusations if not for the trauma she, and they, are suffering through; even Sarah visibly accuses James...


Back to the dinner with some potatoes and a ton of awkward silence.


Scene 5



Lawrence 'Crusher' Crock enters the seedy, smokey bar on 'Crime Alley' called 'Gaslight Billiards and Bar'. He barrels in like a school yard bully and grabs the 2 biggest guys in there demanding their names (the Tweedle cousins) and the whereabouts of the Batman. They nervously claim to be 'between jobs'. They wine about Tech declining any association with them ever since the "Wonderland" jokes on the streets and, "ever since the Joker got his girl back, he don't need us 2 no more." When Crusher beats on them a little more for information, they continue to wine about how they wish they knew, but "ain't no one wanna work with a couple of Joker side shows." Crusher puts them to work. "Find the Bat." 


Let the scene end with some goofy slapstick (these movies do use comedy more than some like and since this movie will have near zero, here is an opportunity)...


After 'the new guy' (Crusher) leaves, a lonely drunk (Will Friedle) thinks he can have his 'moment' by tipping over a table and mocking Crusher. In his worst Clint Eastwood voice he grabs a mustard and a ketchup squeeze bottle, 'Where's the Bat? Well, punks, where is he? And squeezes the bottles onto the back of a bald man, wearing a yellow, beach-attire-bowling-esque shirt, sitting at the bar. Dramatically, the bald man turns around (Christopher Walken), is eating a pickled egg, exposing his yellow shirt that is unbuttoned; with a white, undershirt, tank-top and white pants, the man with a pencil-thin mustache exclaims "This is egg-zactly why I don't frequent this bar. And what are you calling yourself; the Condiment King? Edgar Eckhart is too good for this filth." Another man tells him, in defense of the seedy establishment, " Ah' go fly a kite, Edgar Egghead. (The bar cracks up) We don't want you in here anyway." Edgar snips, as he storms out, "it's Eckhart."


Scene 6

5 weeks ago:


Mayor Zeis signs off on the release of Jervis Tech to the disbelief of everyone. There is a limo waiting outside for the confused creeper. The driver introduces himself as Mr Hawkins and explains that they, upon the orders of his employee, have much to discuss


Scene 7



Batman, mirroring Crusher's entrance into 'Gaslight,' enters 'Moxie,' and Irish pub owned by Sean Riley. The place goes silent aside from the jute box due to fear and awe of The Batman. Batman storms for the back room where he finds Riley. As Riley's men draw their guns, Batman, with one wrist flick, fires 2 batarangs and takes out 2 guys and calmly states, "I'm just here to talk. We can help each other," as he speed walks to Riley. Immediately, he is kept at bay by others with guns pointed. He glares at each one and, to Riley, showing no fear, growls, "You inherited Lew Moxen's empire after his death. I can either bury you next to him tonight, or we can talk like men, privately." Privately, Batman asks to talk to his daughter Peyton (whose cause and effect is explained in her bio). He states that he may be able to help her if she can give him information about the Moth-man killer.


Scene 8



Gordon speaks to Julian Day. When Gordon asks for any information, Day answers the questions Gordon isn't asking. "Acceptance is as much a part of growth as achievement," and "Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop."


Scene 9

A Dark Room is lit slightly as a door creaks open, a shadowy figure stands over a screaming victim whose face is torn off. Pleading for her life, telling the figure she just wants a normal life, a new identity and that she won't tell anyone anything if she's just allowed to leave, she is abruptly silenced by the cold fling of a steak and the sudden darkness as the door is slammed shut. She cries as the scene fades out.


Scene 10

 3 weeks ago at the Iceberg Lounge 


Jervis Tech timidly walks into to the high-class lounge. Goony Bob greets him and tries to ease his anxiety by telling him he is one of the guests of honor. Oswald enters the stage area and introduces Trent, Cain and Wayne (as mentioned above). Within this no-action scene (Affleck's major opportunity to not have his face hidden {he will spend half the movie without the mask but this will be his scene to act as the charming Bruce Wayne} Cobblepot will talk to Tech and tell him he was the one to bail him out and that he has the feeling this friendship will do them both some good. Wayne looks on suspiciously as he reads their lips and eyes the room for clues.


When Ozzie leaves, Wayne presses down on his watch; on the gargoyle tower, the headset of Nightwing blinks as he tails Penguin.


Scene 11

On the rooftops near the Cobblepot Estates, an eavesdropping Nightwing does battle with Goony Bob. No match for the highly skilled Nightwing, Bob is quickly accompanied by the Kabuki Twins. After a grueling battle, Nightwing leaves in pursuit of Tech who is ushered to an escaping vehicle. The dark duo of Batman and Nightwing, once Batman meets his one-time partner, find nothing on Tech, in tailing him.


Scene 12

The Dark Knight is welcomed into the home of Sean Riley who explains that he is extremely protective of, and scared for, his daughter; she has been so traumatized from the Moth-man killer that she has not spoken a word, nor given any indication of incident aside from pointing to an article describing the killer, to anyone. In a gripping scene, Peyton cries but cannot (bring herself to) speak. 


As the Batman gives up and heads towards the door, a faint, raspy voice calls him back, "Da' Dame ain't gonna talk, see? She's sca'ed, see?" He turns and, in disbelief, witnesses the birth of The Ventriloquist. The little pinstriped doll sitting on the lap of the woman continues, "I'll tell you's what's what but you gotta do sumptin fa' me." She interrupts, "Don't listen to him. I'll tell you everything I can remember. He's only going to cause trouble if you listen to him." She breaks down the terrifying days when she was held hostage. "When da braud shuts her yap, Bats, you and me, we're gonna talk."


Scene 13


...If feedback is helpful, I'll continue 


Easter Eggs: 

*Slam Bradley V Dracula is an obvious play on Batman V Superman as 2 of the icons inspirations themselves do battle.

*Summer Gleason is a nod to B:TAS

*Alicia Silverstone was Batgirl in the train wreck called Batman and Robin

*Alexander Knox is a nod to Batman '89

*Jimmy Kimmel put out several very comical skits revolving around Batfleck. This is a thank you for that publicity

*The Channel 66 represents Adam West's Batman in 1966

*Gotham Confidential alludes to the Batman Confidential Comic Book title

*Cyrus Gold? Yeah, that's Solomon Grundy

*Gaslight Billiards and Bar references Gotham by Gaslight

*Condiment King was created for B:TAS

*Will Friedle was the iconic voice of Terry McGinnes in Batman Beyond

*Christopher Walken starred in Batman Returns

*Edgar Eckhart (the mane I chose to give to) Egghead is from Batman '66 

*Eckhart is also the last name of Aaron, the actor who portrayed Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight  

*"Go fly a kite." Is a reference to Kite man. Clearly, the losers hang out here.

*Lew Moxen is so rarely used in Bat-cinema.






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SimplyAz - 11/10/2017, 9:41 PM
Nice fancast with eclectic and unique choices throughout. Keep up the god work.
FlixMentallo21 - 11/10/2017, 11:13 PM
I like what I see here—and nice use of Easter eggs.
ager - 11/11/2017, 4:19 PM
Thanks guys
MikeZ - 11/12/2017, 7:33 PM
I'm so happy you're still doing fancasts!

- Hmm, not too sure about Eleanor Tomlinson as Batgirl. Has she ever played bookwormish roles?
- Nice idea going with Young Justice for the Crusher.
- Interesting Mad Hatter choice!
- Ah, I know PTV as well. He's been my Kingpin choice as well before Vincent D'Onofrio was cast. I think he'd be interesting for Penguin.
- Nice idea of your treatment for a live-action Calendar Man! Though I don't know; Lance Reddick might be too underutilized though!
- A black Bullock? Sure, I'll bite!
- Oh, we're going with a young Renee Montoya? I'll have to get back into Criminal Minds and hurry to get to when her character appears so I can check her out.
- Ooh, Eve Hewson is the daughter of U2's own Bono! Very interesting. Unfortunately, I don't know much of her work to comment on this choice.
- God do I miss John Cusack. He's another one of my favorite actors as well. This would be a great role for him to play and to get back into the spotlight.
- Never heard of "Goony" Bob Hawkins. But from the description and based on John Leguizamo's performance in The Kill Point, I'd definitely love to see it come to life!
- Jeremy does look the part of Nightwing. I'd be down for it!
- Not a big fan of Jimmy Kimmel these days. Just my opinion. And I don't know jack about Alexander Knox, so I'm at a loss here.
- Never forget Christopher Walken. And I would love to see him have a nice cameo in this film as a nice Easter egg!
- Condiment King? That would be awesome to see play out on the big screen!
- Loving Kevin Conroy making a cameo!
- Not sure if I see Douglas Booth as the Red Hood. You not writing a reason why he would be perfect doesn't help much either.

Overall, a very odd cast. But it's actually risk-taking for the DCEU, and I wouldn't really be against it.

I'm actually trying to get back into fan casts myself seeing as some of the old gang trying to return, and I have Street Fighter and Titan Maximum as some projects I have in the pipeline.
ager - 11/13/2017, 5:00 PM
MikeZ glad to see ya

-Eleanor Tomlinson- I want her to feel almost itchy. She's gotta be uncomfortable and trying to adjust without the cape.
-Reddick- could use the exposure on the big screen. This could be the role that teases his marketability
-"Goony" Bob Hawkins is a 5-liner Joker thug from the Nicholson days in '89 who was surprisingly memorable. I think his character has comic book potential on the same level as Firefly or Zsaz
-I, too, cannot stand Kimmel. Too political for me but I can put that aside because the potential to market this movie with him in it is huge. On his show alone, he would push it to nuaseum. NBC would be all over it.
-Booth and Pepper, their descriptions, at least, are being withheld until the sequel as they aren't a part of the franchise yet.

Can't wait to see your stuff and thanks for the feed back
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