Bob Garlen Presents... BANE - A DC Black Lable Origin Film, Synopsis and Fancast -Edited-

Bob Garlen Presents... BANE - A DC Black Lable Origin Film, Synopsis and Fancast -Edited-

My pitch on a DC Black Label film centering on the iconic Batman villain: BANE. With a full cast and story synopsis I present my pitch on a DC Black Label Film.

By BobGarlen - Apr 01, 2020 10:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Bob Garlen

The DC Black Label was a pitch by filmmaker Todd Philips to take DC Characters and tell standalone or isolated films that are character pieces deconstructing and reinventing popular DC Comics characters. The first film under this conceptual banner was 2019’s Joker, a film that has risen above the ranks and has become a cultural and box office juggernaut the likes that have never been seen from an R-Rated release. 

This has opened the door for an opportunity to take numerous DC Characters and do something similar that Joker did. Tell adult stories reconstructing these characters in a light that hasn’t been seen by the movie-going audience. Numerous characters are ripe for such treatment and many of them are deserving of it.

There is one villain, a Batman villain, that stands out as a perfect subject for such vigorous reinvention and deconstruction… BANE. Having appeared in two-previous live action Batman Movies, Bane is an iconic villain from the comic that broke Batman. Bane’s story is bigger than his accomplishments against Batman. Bane has a tragic story. Bane has a story that is equal parts Count of Monte Cristo and Shawshank Redemption. Bane’s story is that of a man rising to be a paragon of Human will, and that it’s possible even in the lowest of all possible situations. 

Bane is a wonderful DC Comics character, created by writer Chuck Dixon and superstar artists Graham Nolan, Bane is a character with no true name and a world of tragedy under his belt. He’s a wonderful character, my favorite Batman villain, and this is my pitch on a Bane Origin Movie. 

On the Island country of Santa Prisca exists the worst hell on Earth, Pena Duro Prison. A young Woman is imprisoned, it is quickly discovered by an infirmary worker – Trogg – that the woman is Pregnant. Trogg protects the woman, caring for her inside the prison, until she gives birth to a Boy, who is sentenced to serve the entirety of his life inside the Prison for the crimes of his parents. The mother dies in childbirth. Trogg takes it upon himself to raise the boy, teaching him how to read and how to survive in the deadly prison. 

As times develops Bane begins to build a network of friends, enlisting the help of another Pena Duro prisoner known as Zombie. As a teenager Bane committed his first Murder and the Warden of the Prison puts a mark on Bane, imprisoning Bane in Solitary Confinement for years. 

During this time Bane spent it training, haunted by visions of his Mother and a mysterious figure taunting him. Finally the figure revealed himself to be Bane, as he will be, an Adult and a paragon of Physical and intellectual strength. He is told that he has a destiny beyond Santa Prisca, A destiny to destroy fear and stand as a beacon of hope for the world, that he is destined to save the world. The final words of his vision come from his mother urging him to get revenge for her and for Bane’s father. To bring Santa Prisca back to the people.

Bane had spent so much time in the pit many inmates came to think of him as a Legend and Bane was finally released from Solitary Confinement as a man. On his return to general population Bane made yet another friend: Bird, an American from Gotham City who curried favor with Bane in hopes of escaping Pena Duro and rebuilding an empire in Gotham. Bane questions Bird about Gotham and he explains it, including it's protector... BATMAN.

As he made a new friend his legend grew and to punish him, the Warden placed Bane in the fighting pits, here he was given a Mask, something to hide his face as the Prison played video footage of the pit fights, giving him a sense of anonymity. Bane proved to be the most skilled warrior. The Pits is where Bane committed his second murder, that of a fighting inmate name Puerco. 

In the pits Bane discovered a rival, an inmate by the name of Damocles, who was fed an early version of a Synthetic Steroid. Bane was narrowly able to better Damocles but spared his life out of interest in what chemical concoction gave him an advantage of Strength.

After winning the contest of fights in the pits the Warden selected Bane for dangerous assignment, the experiments for a synthetic steroid known as VENOM, Developed by Santa Prisca’s Dr. Ruger. Bane survived the experiments longer than any other, due to his Herculean physique and mental prowess. During these experiments Bane had nightmares of a creature, it was called Fear, but it looked like a Bat. In these dreams Bane fights off the Bat, losing every time as he tries to save his mother from it.

Suffering the Experiments Bane decided to take back his agency and exact revenge on those who wronged him. Bane developed a plan to break him and every prisoner from Pena Duro to overthrow the El Jefe. With Trogg working infirmary in the Prison, Bane was able to have Trogg administer an injection of Adenosine, which according to Zombie and Trogg’s studies, mixed with the Venom, could stop Bane’s heart and Delay the Venom effects so that it will “activate Bane’s heart” Minutes later.

Bane is attacked by a Venom-Induced Damocles who stabs and leaves Bane for Dead. In the infirmary Trogg administers the Injections of Heart medicine as well as a minor injection of Venom before his body is carted off to the be thrown into the ocean with his fighting mask. 

In his “dead” state Bane has a vision of a creature again. The Bat. Attacking his Mother Bane Fights it off until… Bane awakes at the edge of a cliff known as “Punto De Tiburon” and kills several Guards, with the help of Venom. 

Bane journeyed to the nearby village of Dorrance and riled a group of mercenaries, made up of the wives and sons of Political prisoners as well as arms dealer Quincy Lord. With their Assistance Bane stormed the prison, with many of the Inmates going free and joining Bane in the process. Bane comes face to Face with Damocles, who is injected with a constant supply of Venom. 

For the first time in his life Bane is in a loosing fight. Trogg and Zombie make a break for the medical lab while Bird assists Bane in his fight against Damocles. With Trogg and Zombie searching and find Dr. Rutger’s Notebook on Venom, Trogg kills him for his crimes against Bane. Zombie finds an apparatus that injects venom straight into the veins of a subject, the attach it to small vile of Venom and return to find Bane and Bird fighting and Losing against Damocles. 

Bane is thrown to the ground and Bird evades Damocles while Trogg and Zombie attach the apparatus, connecting it to a major vein in Bane’s arm and neck. They inject the vile – Bane stands, his wound heel and he is enraged. Bane fights Damocles, pulling him away from Bird and beats him viciously. Bane breaks Damocles Back before crushing his head in.

With his cohorts Bane makes way to the Warden’s Office and ambush him, dragging him out in the streets to face the justice of Santa Prisca. Bane leads a militia to the capitol. Trogg and Zombie manufacturing a larger supply of Venom for their liberator. Bane gives the people a speech of his visions and how he never knew the people but knew their struggles and declares it is time for the people to take back their country. 

Suited up fully Bane leads the people to the El Jefe’s mansion where they engage in war against the Military, with Bane being the primary source of destruction, as he breaks vehicles and weapons in front of the soldiers before slaughtering many of them. Bane makes his final approach to the El Jefe where Bane drags him out, this time raising him up and Breaking his neck.

Bane and his trio Depart Santa Prisca, leaving it in the hands of Quincy Lord, with Bane warning him he will return if he hears of the people suffering. Lord nods in agreement. Bane, Trogg, Zombie, and Bird all escape Santa Prisca in a helicopter. Zombie asks Bane where to, with Bane replying “To America. To Gotham.” As Bane sits, he looks over at Bird and asks, “Tell me about the Batman!”


Composer: A film score (also sometimes called film music, background music, or incidental music) is original music written specifically to accompany a film. The score forms part of the film's soundtrack, which also usually includes dialogue and sound effects, and comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental or choral pieces called cues which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question.

     Robert Rodriguez [Notable Works {As A Composer}: Sin City, Machete Kills, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For]: His music is very much himself. When you want Robert Rodriguez on a movie you really want the full creator as a writer, director, and composer. He’s a very talented filmmaker and with a project like Bane, and as personal as I believe he’d take it, there’s no doubt he would step into the role of Composer to nail down the musical elements of Bane.

Screenwriter: A screenplay or script is a written work by screenwriters for a film, video game or television program. These screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. In them, the movement, actions, expression, and dialogues of the characters are also narrated. A play for television is also known as a teleplay.

     Robert Rodriguez [Notable Works {As A Writer}: Desperado, Curandero, Red 11]: He’s a wonderful writer. His work has stood out and has made him a name and it’s really started with his writing. He has excellent focus on character and drama without making it too dour or depressing. He knows how to inject drama and excitement into his movies and he’s absolutely perfect for every aspect of production on a Bane origin movie.

Director: A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The director has a key role in choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of filmmaking.

     Robert Rodriguez [Notable Works {As a Director}: Once Upon A Time in Mexico, Sin City, Alita: Battle Angel]: Really in concept and the way DC Black is supposed to work, I can’t think of any Director better suited for Bane. Robert Rodriguez’ work is very steeped in the Latino culture, and he has a passion for his heritage, and I think he could bring that passion to telling the story of someone subjugated like Bane and make it unique and appropriate. He did wonderful work on Sin City and Alita is a thrilling movie. While Bane would be a little different for him there’s no doubt, he would be perfect it.


Mother [Height: N/A, Age: 20’s]: Bane’s Mother, a Santa Priscan woman who fell in love with one of the rebels, who was killed in an attempted civil war. She became pregnant with the rebel’s child and was arrested, imprisoned for his crimes. Should her child be born Male, the child would serve the father’s service, but if the child was a girl she would have been free. The Child is born a Male and the Mother dies in childbirth, appearing to BANE in his dreams.

     Alexa PenaVega [Height: 5’ 1”, Age: 31, Notable Works: Spy Kids {Franchise}, Machete Kills, Sleep Away]: One of Robert Rodriguez’s frequent Collaborators, She has been working with him since the early 2000’s in Spy Kids. She’s a wonderful actress and has the ability to do more than comedic roles. She’s got a lot of talent and could really shake things up as Bane’s mother, playing both the Mother and manifestations that Bane experiences. She’s a great actress that deserves more exposure.

BANE [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 20’s/30’s]: Born in the Santa Priscan prison Pena Duro. He grew up subjugated and tortured by the prison, forced into the fighting pits to survive and eventually falling into the protection of inmates known as “Trogg” and “Zombie.” After deciding to fulfill his purpose to get revenge on those who wronged him, leading him to become a BANE to the corrupted in Santa Prisca. Leading El Jefe to put BANE in the super soldier experiments, testing the resolve of Pena Duro’s most well-known prisoner.

     Gabriel Luna [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 37, Notable Works: Matador, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Terminator: Dark Fate]: Really Luna has been the only person to make AOS and the latest Terminator even Watchable. He’s such an astonishing actor. He’s got something about him, whether it be his delivery or charisma he’s got the talents of a blockbuster star. He’s a fantastic actor and can really play intimidating and cunning. That mixed with his overall presence there’s no doubt he could pack on the Muscle and become a cultural icon as BANE. 

-Child BANE [Age: 5-8]: The Age Bane was thrown into General Population of the Prison.

     Elias Janssen [Age: 7, Notable Works: Lethal Weapon, The Mindy Project, Jane the Virgin]: He’s a wonderful child actor who’s absolutely innocent and could take the role and make it something unique, giving the Audience the heart to care for Bane as they witness his brutal childhood and see the innocence in him as a child. Elias is perfect for this type of role and it could help show what the young actor is capable off.

-Teen BANE [Age: 15-18]: The Age Bane committed his first murder.

     Diego Tinoco [Height: 5’ 7”, Age: 22, Notable Works: Teen Wolf, On My Block, Mourning War {Forthcoming}]: An odd role as he hasn’t played anyone quite as psychopathic as Bane, Diego is still an exceptional actor and could really fit the role. I think he has that look and presence that would fit a more wildly teenage Bane and while his part would be brief it would help show what Diego is capable off. 

Trogg [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 70’s]: An aged prisoner who was a former schoolteacher in Santa Prisca, he is guilty of murder, having killed numerous militia members to keep his students safe. He finds the young baby BANE and raises him in within the walls of the Prison. He takes to protecting Bane and helping the Child survive and hopefully escape the hellish prison. 

     Danny Trejo [Height: 5’ 6”, Age: 75, Notable Works: Desperado, Spy Kids, Machete Kills]: Aside from appearing in just about All of Robert Rodirguez’s works, Danny is a wonderful actor and his role in the Halloween remake is exactly what I was looking for in Trogg. Danny Trejo is a legend at this point and would certainly be welcome in a role like Bane’s mentor. He’s a fantastic actor and has all the chops to play the role well.

Bird [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 30’s]: An American arms dealer who was arrested by the Government Police of Santa Prisca. When he was sent to Pena Duro, he quickly discovered who was the “head dog” and seeks an alliance with Bane. 

     Austin Amelio [Height: 5’ 11”, Age: 31, Notable Works: Song to Song, The Walking Dead, Mercy Black]: Austin is a fun actor and a role like Bird requires someone who can be fun, menacing, and dramatic. Austin is certainly an actor that checks off all the boxes and stands out as a fantastic actor perfect for Bird.

Zombie [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 40’s]: A prisoner who was brought in during Bane’s youth. He became a forced lab assistant and infirmary worker in the Prison. He found something unique in Bane and joined the child’s crew of protectors. 

     Clifton Collins Jr [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 49, Notable Works: Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, Star Trek, Westworld]: For Zombie I wanted a great character actor that would add some energy to the movie, someone that could stand out as both intimidating and the funny guy the way Pesci did in Goodfellas and that’s where I landed with Clifton Collins Jr. He’s a remarkable actor who has played loveable and sinister character. He Stands out as a perfect choice for a role like Zombie, in a movie like this. 

Chango [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 30’s]: An ally of Bane, often sneaking him items and being genuinely friendly towards him. 

     Daniel Kaluuya [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 31, Notable Works, Get Out, Black Panther, Widows]: Daniel’s career has really Launched off and stood out as something unique. He’s an actor that has benefitted from attaching himself to interesting and well-developed films and there’s no doubt he can continue that trend. He’s a strong actor and could really bring some levity and relief in a role like Chango, while adding a little variety to his resume. 

Damocles [Height: 6’ 0”, Age: 40’s]: Bane’s rival. Having spent most of his life in the Prison, he has challenged become Bane’s most hated enemy, this brings Damocles to the Warden’s favor who brings him into the fold of the Pena Duro Drug Empire.

     Diego Luna [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 40, Notable Works: Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Narcos: Mexico]: Diego is one of the most charismatic actors working He’s fun to watch and instantly steals his scenes. He’s developed a small fallowing having stood out very well in Rogue One and in Narcos. He’s a great actor and would be a perfect addition to Bane. 

Puerco [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 40’s]: A Prisoner who participates in the Pena Duro Fights. He is chosen by the Warden to try and Kill Bane, in Bane’s first pit fight.

     Amaury Nolasco [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 49, Notable Works: Prison Break, Max Payne, Edge of Fear]: He’s a great actor. He’s always given great performances and really plays up the serious and killer instincts of his characters, perfect for a character that lives in sense of ruthlessness as Puerco does. 

Dr. Ruger [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 50’s]: A scientist forced to work on a Super Soldier serum, named project “VENOM.” He becomes mad and torturous in his attempts to create the serum, gleefully testing it on pit fighters and eventually… BANE.

     Jordi Mollà [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 51, Notable Works: Colombiana, Riddick, Speed Kills]: He’s a stand-out and a wonderful actor. His work in Jack Ryan season 2 was excellent and really made him the perfect candidate to take an ambiguous role like Dr. Ruger and make something of an actual character out of it. He’s a fantastic actor and would be a stand out in the role.

Warden Ramon Limon/Carcelero [Height: 6’ 1”, Age: 60’s]: Warden of Pena Duro. He had been in control since Del Pais took over the country. He began to run the Prison like his own personal castle, often torturing any inmate that challenges him. He is brought opportunities and creates a massive Drug and fighting empire inside the walls of the Prison. He takes a particular hatred towards Bane, making a project of killing the inmate.

     Jimmy Smits [Height: 6’ 3”, Age: 64, Notable Works: Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Bluff City Law]: After seeing him in Dexter Season Three, I just want to see him play more villains. Smits is a wonderful actor and has a little bit of a cult following as he’s stepped into different roles with much success. He’s great and to see him play a vicious Warden like Ramon would be absolute treat. 

Hector Gomez/El Beato [Height: 5’ 8”, Age: 40]: A Drug Kingpin who masquerades as a Jesuit Priest. He has built connections inside the Prison with the Warden allowing him to hold and stream fights between prisoners as well as use the Prison as a lab to flood the world with various drugs.

     Rick Gonzalez [Height: 5” 8”, Age: 40, Notable Works: Coach Carter, Illegal Tender, Arrow]: He’s fun on Arrow and frankly he has a lot he can really do as an actor, while this may not be an Oscar-bating role, it’s a role that would let him expand and show a little muscle as an actor. He’s a perfect fit to take a relatively obscure character and do something unique with it.

Quincy Lord [Height: 5’ 9”, Age: 60’s]: An Arms Dealer who sells weapons to the Santa Priscan Rebels and Government. He holds connections and cares very little for the country itself. He’s all about Money and Power, aiming to place the Rebels to take out El Jefe Del Pais so he can get an opening to take over. 

     Antonio Banderas [Height: 5’ 9’, Age: 59, Notable Works: Desperado, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, Pain and Glory]: Few actors are as charismatic or intimidating onscreen as Banderas has proven. He is an absolute legend and putting him in a Bane movie would give him an opportunity to have a fun and insane adventure as an actor, something the recent Fox/Disney merger has robbed him of. As he was slated to appear as Mister Sinister, this is a role that gives him some flexibility and plays to his strength of charisma and intimidation. Banderas would be perfect for this role.

El Jefe Del Pais [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 50’s]: Dictator of Santa Prisca, ruling the country with an Iron Grip, quick to throw political rivals in Pena Duro. He’s a sadistic individual and holds nothing sacred but his own life. 

     Damian Bichir [Height: 5’ 10”, Age: 56, Notable Works: A Better Life, The Hateful Eight, The Nun]: After the Hateful Eight, it’s really an easy call. He’s a wonderful actor that has shown quite a bit of range and flexibility in his performances. He stands out as an intimidating figure and would be perfect for Santa Prisca’s Castro-Esq Tyrannical ruler.

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Havenless - 4/1/2020, 10:25 PM
OptionFour - 4/1/2020, 10:33 PM
Not at all what I'd want from a movie about Bane.
NotoriousWolf23 - 4/1/2020, 10:56 PM
Damn you wrote all this? Props dude.
VicSage - 4/1/2020, 11:02 PM
I'd like to read it. But the font. The font makes it impossible. Can't read Courier unless it's for a script. On this site? The walls of text?

It's a no can do, man. Can you edit it?
BobGarlen - 4/2/2020, 7:04 AM
@VicSage - Edited
VicSage - 4/2/2020, 6:40 PM
@BobGarlen - Much easier. Thank you
BobGarlen - 4/2/2020, 6:52 PM
@VicSage - The least I could do if it get's another person to check it out
EjBro - 4/1/2020, 11:52 PM
I like it and would definitely watch!
FlixMentallo21 - 4/2/2020, 6:30 AM

Also, fitting inclusion of Trejo, considering he’s also voiced Bane (in Young Justice).
MikeZ - 4/2/2020, 5:12 PM
Boy, this cast is Mexican AF! Also great, BTW!

Also, it's nice to know some people are still doing fancast in spite of a global pandemic. Keep up the good work and positivity.
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