Over a month after the Avengers movie premiered in 2012 the highly-liked animated series The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes was supposedly cancelled. A year later it would be replaced by the Avengers Assemble animated series, a show that continued the adventures of the Avengers brought to life on the big screen by Joss Whedon, along with new member Falcon. From what I've seen by reading comments on here many people do not like the series for the simple fact that it replaced The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. However, as someone that has watched every episode of the Avengers Assemble series thus far I am here to give my personal opinion on the show in hopes that maybe more people will watch it.
The best thing about this show is the central plot. To put it simply the Avengers reform to fight the Red Skull, who has seemingly returned from the dead to threaten the world once more. In response to the threat that the Avengers poses to him the Red Skull forms the Cabal which consists thus far of Attuma, Dracula, the Super-Adaptoid, MODOK, and Hyperion.
Personally, I think that the story makes this show superior to Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, because the former made it seem like there was a central plot while showing filler episodes that try to introduce as many characters and use as many comic book storylines as possible. In other words, that show was mainly fan service for fans of the Avengers comics. This show on the other hand keeps the story simple by making the show Avengers vs. Cabal or Avengers vs. Doctor Doom. Also the fact that the main threat to the Avengers is the Red Skull, my favorite villain ever, is a huge plus for this show since its predecessor only used him three times.
While The Avengers: EMH is more guilty of filler episodes this show is not completely innocent of the crime. There are just some episodes that are just random, unnecessary deviations from the story. For example, there's an episode where Hulk is given amnesia by a tentacle monster on the moon, and in another episode the long-forgotten Space Phantoms from Avengers#2 were brought back. In fact, in case you were wondering this show seems to be a continuation of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes as the episode "Molecule Kid" shows.
Second, While the story is great, the way some characters are depicted is is quite bad. For example, Captain America is supposed to be a natural leader who everyone looks to for inspirational speeches, advice, etc. Instead, all Captain America seems to be is someone who is old-fashioned and does not like technology. Also this show seems to take the statement that Bruce Banner's statement "I'm always angry" quite literally since we never see Bruce Banner, and thus we don't see the inner turmoil he is known for in the comics.
Overall, I give this show a 8/10 meaning that I strongly encourage people too check out this show. It is quite possibly the best comic book animated series out right now. Also I hope to see more seasons in the future where the Avengers draws in more members, and more Avengers villains debut. For example, to set up for Avengers: Age of Ultron next season could focus on Ultron as the main threat, and Ant Man and Wasp could be introduced (or return depending on whether you think this show is a continuation of Avengers: EMH). Also I am hoping Kang, Thanos, Winter Soldier, Mandarin, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver among other characters will be introduced.