Captain America: The First Avenger in Part 1, we will dive into Part 2 with
Iron Man, though there aren’t many I can recollect other than the Nick Fury cameo after the credits. This was obviously the beginning of
The Avengers build up, which was further developed in
Iron Man 2. The biggest thing fans saw in was the Captain America shield, although not many fans would think about too much about it, a fellow CBMer brought up the question as to why Tony had this shield lying around (as seen in both Iron Man movies) perhaps he or Howard were trying to reproduce a shield for future Super Soldiers (as seen in
The Incredible Hulk) it may have been for the US Agent. There are many different things that it could be, although I think it may be that Tony idolized the stories of Captain America growing up, and tried to build a version of the shield for the sake of it.

The most memorable Easter egg, at least for me, was the map during the debriefing between Nick Fury and Tony Stark. In this one scene Kevin Feige, President of Production of Marvel Studios in case you were wondering, managed to foreshadow future movies and appearances, as well as force the entire comic book community to have a nerdgasm at the possibilities of certain characters. First let’s examine the western hemisphere. We have Iron Man in California, Thor in New Mexico, Hulk in New England and Cap in the Arctic. Simple enough right? Depends on your definition really, because we still have the blimp in the middle of the ocean, obvious signs point to Namor but do we really know? Obviously not because Kevin Feige likes to make us drool and speculate before he announces the future of Marvel Studios property, well played Feige, well played. I believe it is the one and only Namor, his company Oracle was featured on a dome at the Stark Expo in
IM2, and he was heavily rumored to make an appearance in
TFA until something happened somewhere and we will never know the true story behind the matter.
The eastern hemisphere has only two blimps, one near Norway and one in Africa. Black Panther is in Africa, there on to the Norway blimp right? WRONG‼ Well not completely wrong, just wrong for assuming. This blimp could be Ant-Man as he could be studying Vibranium, maybe I am stretching here, but they could go the route
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes went when introducing Ant-Man, only Feige knows for sure. Safe bet is definitely Black Panther though, as they will need Vibranium to make another Cap shield eventually. Onto Norway, well this one I believed to be either Bucky or Red Skull originally but after the events of
TFA I was completely stumped. Why you may ask? Well if they go the Winter Soldier route, then Bucky would need to fall off the train near Russia which isn’t close enough to Norway for coincidences. As for the Skull he was sucked into another dimension via the Cosmic Cube at the end of
TFA so he wouldn’t be technically on Earth right? Well both of these thoughts have had arguments brought to the table by fellow CBMers.
For Bucky, he could have been tinkered with by Arnim Zola while under Hydra captivity, as he was repeating his Army information when found by Cap. But if they did the WS saga wouldn’t he be in Russia and not Norway? I don’t know to be honest Feige could do anything he wants. As for the Skull, if he acquired the Cube in Norway and was sucked into the dimension the Cube originally came from, if he were sent back would he be sent back to the same location where he found the Cube? Once again, I don’t know and I am too unsure to speculate at the moment because it could be a new Hydra base, it could be Zola, it could be anything from
Captain America: TFA. Why just
TFA you ask? Well because during the Jon Favreau commentary for
IM2, when this scene appears he states that two will be linked to
TFA. However with that in mind,
IM2 did come out before filming began for
TFA, and the commentary was recorded before the World Premiere which
could mean that Namor is the blimp in the ocean, that he was supposed to be in
TFA but was dropped and that the blimp in Norway could be anything or anyone blowing a giant hole in the theory of my last paragraph. It bugs me that I haven’t been able to find any solution that is more than plausible, I guess that means Kevin Feige’s better than we thought.
Part 3 we will dive into
The Incredible Hulk and