So here are some more heroes for your DC Universe online play ;P
All but Archangel have acrobatics, so I'll start with him!
So here we have flight, gadgets and brawling!
Now for the acrobats;
First up, Nick Fury!
Rifle, and gadgets.
Black Widow!
Dual pistols and gadgets.
Rifle and gadgets.
The Thing
Brawling and gadgets.
Here are two extra heroes, well, technically one, with two appearances. Totally unrelated to Marvel and DC and a God of British Television...well, a Lord of British television...
The 10th Doctor
There's just something a little extra for ya :P
The Doctor is a speedster (for all the running), a staff (the only thing closest to a sonic screwdriver) and, of course, gadgets!
I think that'll be all for a while...if you guys can think of any heroes you'd like to see, comment below with a link to a picture and I'll give it a go!