In the absence of superheroes, criminals run amok, and a gang called the Mutants terrorize a future Gotham City. Bruce Wayne has been retired from crime fighting for ten years following the death of Jason Todd, the second Robin. Despite Wayne's funding the rehabilitation of Harvey Dent (Two-Face), Dent returns to crime. Wayne puts on the Batman costume again to apprehend Dent, but the populace debates whether Batman is a savior.
Carrie Kelly, a 13-year-old-girl whom Batman rescues, buys a Robin costume and searches for Batman to aid him. Kelly finds Batman at the city dump, where he is fighting the Mutants. The Mutants' leader defeats Batman in combat, but Kelly distracts him and pulls Batman into the tank-like Batmobile. Kelly attends to Batman’s wounds as the vehicle drives toward the Batcave. Once home, Batman takes Carrie on as the new Robin against his butler Alfred's objections. With Gordon's cooperation, the leader is allowed to escape from jail, and Batman beats him in front of the assembled Mutants gang, which then disbands.

The Joker convinces his psychiatrist that he is sane and regrets his misdeeds. Seeking to discredit Batman, the psychiatrist appears with the Joker on a late-night show. While the police attack Batman, the Joker murders everyone in the television studio and escapes. Batman and Robin find the Joker at a county fair, where Batman defeats Joker in a violent showdown. Batman stops short of killing the Joker, who twists his own broken neck, intending for the police to charge Batman with murder.
After Superman diverts a nuclear warhead which then detonates in a desert, millions of tons of dust and debris fill the atmosphere, and Gotham descends into chaos during the resulting blackout. Batman and Robin train former Mutants who now call themselves the Sons of the Batman in non-lethal fighting to stop looting and ensure the flow of needed supplies. Gotham becomes the safest city in America, and the U.S. government, seeing this as an embarrassment, orders Superman to take Batman down. the rest you'll just have to buy the epic mini series and see for yourself.
Remember, this is not regular DC Universe, this is Elseworlds Frank Miller style. Cast below:
An older made up Josh Brolin as Batman:
Batman: Bruce Wayne gave up the Batman identity ten years prior to the beginning of the story. When he sees violence running rampant and his personal demons can no longer be denied, he is forced to return.
Well i would have used Michael Keaton but i've used him in my Kingdom Come cast, but then again, i think Josh Brolin is near perfect for this Batman version. Josh will own the part.
Mark Harmon as Superman:
Superman, aka Clark Kent, is now simply a pawn for the US government. His internal monologues show that he detests having to be a government weapon and is only doing so to prevent war between humans and superheroes.
Well Mark Harmon from NCSI screams an older Superman and not only is he a great actor, just imagine him and Josh Brolin going toe to toe with each other in a battle like no other.
Mark Hamill as The Joker:
The Joker: Batman's archenemy, who awakens from a catatonic state upon learning of Batman's re-emergence. His brutal return to crime sets in motion a final confrontation with Batman.
Yeah, Mark Hamill is the only serious choice for an older Joker ever, perfect.
Dakota Fanning as Robin:
Carrie Kelly/Robin: A 13-year-old girl who becomes Batman's newest sidekick. During the creation of the series, fellow comics writer/artist John Byrne told Miller "Robin must be a girl", and Miller complied. Comics historian Les Daniels commented, "In retrospect the imperative seems less than inevitable, perhaps no more than trendy gender bending or possibly just a response to the homophobia inspired by [Fredric Wertham] more than thirty years earlier."
You may no the face but not the name. Fanning was the little girl in "Push," amazing young actress that would play the female Robin perfectly.
Faran Tahir as Two Face:
Two-Face: Now middle-aged, Harvey Dent's face has been repaired with plastic surgery and his doctor gives him a clean bill of mental health. He is still Two-Face in his mind, however, and terrorizes the city with his face swathed in bandages.
Well not only is he a good actor, he starred as the baddie in "Iron Man." he makes a great villain and it doesn't hurt he looks just like Miller's Two Face.
The Mutant Leader will be CGI and voiced by legendary voice actor Clancy Brown:
The Mutant Leader, head of the Mutants. He is a strong, savage brute who puts a hit on Gordon, brutally beats Batman in their first encounter, goes to jail, kills the Mayor (while still in jail), escapes, and is beaten by Batman.
Ellen Yindel as Jodi Foster:
Ellen Yindel, James Gordon's successor as Commissioner. A captain in the Gotham City Police Department, she starts off as Batman's fiercest critic, but doubts herself after the Joker debacle and comes to terms with his involvement, realising that he is 'too big' for her to judge.
Sorry could find a pic of Ellen, but anyone who's read the book knows Jodi would steal the character, plus she's never done a comic book movie which is a big bonus in my book.
LEEE777 - Well hoped you liked it, this movie should also be done by the guys that done "Watchmen" to truly have the essence of Miller's Dark Knight Returns and of course Frank Miller should be a big part of the adaption too.
If you want to see any or all the other castings, their altogether up the top in order, just click the
Hulk Finger thanks and thanks for reading.