So i have always been a huge fan of the Resident Evil video game franchise. the film franchise, on the other hand isn't very good. my biggest issue is that the films have absolutely nothing to do with the games. they just pick a few charters from the games and throw them in there mindlessly. i have always thought that the franchise would be better suited as a TV series that fallow the story lines from the games. so i decided to create a fan-cast for the resident evil TV universe.
because of the large universe that this is, i will be casting this by season by season, with each game being a season, with each season having its own title like Spartacus did. i tried using actors that are very familiar with TV series as apposed to film actors.
now this is just for fun and i obviously don't think this will ever happen. so lets keep the negative comments to a minimum, but i would like to hear opinions.
Here is a layout of the seasons.
Season 1 - S.T.A.R.S.
Season 2 - Raccoon City
Season 3 - Nemesis
Season 4 - Code Veronica
Web Series - Zero
Season 5 - ???
Season 6 - ???
Season 7 - ???
i feel that some of these would work better as spin-offs and run simultaneously instead of having seven seasons.
now on to the cast
Season 1 - S.T.A.R.S
Chris Redfield - Todd Lasance (Spartacus)

Besides Spartacus, Todd Lasance hasn't really done much. but based on his performance on the show alone, he has shown to be a very solid actor. although his character Cesar is completely different from Chis Redfield, i think he would be a perfect actor for the role. and lets face it, anyone would be better than Wentworth Miller.
Jill Valentine - Evangeline Lilly(Lost)
Evangeline Lilly is a very solid Actress, as she proved on lost. she was able to be a stand out among very good actors on that show. for jill i wanted someone who could play the complete bad ass that she is and i think that Evangeline Lilly could portray that with ease.
Albert Wesker - Jonny Lee Miller(elementary, Dexter)
I know many of you will probably want to slap me in the face for this one, but hear me out. Wesker is probably the most complicated character in the franchise and i wanted an actor that would have no problem with portraying that. I know miller is the furthest thing from an ideal choice, but i honestly think that he would be amazing in this role. he has the ability and experience to do this role justice.
Barry Burton - Jeffery Dean Morgan(Supernatural, Greys anatomy, Magic city)
To be honest, i think Burton is the only character that the film franchise got right. i thought that Kevin Durand did a very good job in that role. with that being said, my number one choice would be Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Morgan is one of those actors that is everywhere and anywhere, and there's a reason he is. Morgan is such a good actor with a wide range of ability. i think that he would be able to bring a much more laid back vibe to the character while still being a bad ass.
Brad Vikers - Jamie Bell
although i haven't seen Jamie Bell in any tv show, i though he was perfect for this role. and this role would be very small, probably only appearing in the first and last episode.
Joseph Frost - Dylan O'Brian(teen wolf)
This role would be fairly small and he would be first to be killed in the show. i wanted Dylan because i wanted him to be the comic relief at the start and also so there could be a surprising tragedy to show the extend of the series.
Rebecca Chambers - Ashley Greene
I haven't seen her in anything else other than the twilight films. but her character in twilight kind of reminded me of Rebecca Chambers.
Enrico Marini - Benito Martinez (Sons of anarchy, The Shield)
This role would be very minor but i still wanted a strong actor to portray this character.
Richard Aiken - Milo Ventimiglia(Heroes, Chosen, Mob city)
Another minor, but crucial role. i think Milo would be prefect for this small role. i think he would be able to capture the essence of the character in the short amount of screen time the character would have.
Well that my fan-cast. please let me know what you think and ill try to get the second fan-cast as soon as possible.