In the begining a new D.A. is on the rise,Oswald Cobblepot(The Penguin). Cobblepot became the new D.A. after Harvey was apparently killed by Batman, and Cobblepot said he would never stop when it comes to the task of stopping Batman.
Meanwhile, Cobblepot has made a deal with the mob. Penguin lends the mob money to hire an assassin called Deadshot, to protect the drug traficing, in return for the head of Batman.
Meanwhile, Bruce is dealing with a lot of stress while being tracked by the mob and police. so he hires Dr.Hugo Strange to help with the stress. Hugo becomes obsessed with Batman, and begins to suspect that Bruce is Batman. Hugo uses a series of questions and finds out that Bruce is Batman.
So in order to get to him, Hugo strikes. While Bruce is gone he kills Alfred, and goes to he police. Hugo tells the police Bruce killed Alfred because he figured out Bruce was Batman. Search warrants are sent out for Bruce. Penguin becomes interesed and meets with Hugo. The Penguin see the potential in Hugo and puts Hugo at head of the Mob.
The Penguin and Hugo now lead the mob, and are still the most influential people on the Gotham public. Penguin sends Deadshot out on a manhunt to kill Bruce. He also puts him as the head officer og the police depatment.
Now that Penguin has control of Gotham, he has the public after Bruce and drugs flowes into the city.
Batman realizes he has few options, so strikes quickly. He captues Hugo and questions him. Having evidence he is crazy, leaves him outside th Gotham police station, and he is sent to arkham. The public begins to notice something strange, and charges are taken off Bruce. The Penguin panicks and strikes. He has Deadshot go into Wayne towers and arrest Bruce, and hold him for trial.
Bruce digs up the evidence that Penguin leads the mob, and Penguin is about to be arrested. Before he is arrested Deadshot shoots down everyone in the court, and Bruce escapes.
The Penguin and Deadshot are wannted for arrest, so take action. They begin a series of strikes against Gotham. Deadshot holds comisoner Gordons family hostage, and paralyzes Oracle. Batmans stops him and saves the rest of his family. Penguin tries to escape Gotham, but is caught and arrested. The stroy ends,and charges are taken off Batman and placed on Joker.
Deadshot:Tom Hardy
The Penguin: Philip Seymour Hoffman
Hugo Strange:Ben Kingsley