Fancast by ager: X-Men: Apocalypse 1997

The finale of my 90's era fancast. X3 stars James Purefoy, Russell Crowe and Demi Moore with Angelina Jolie, Nick Nolte, Ving Rhames and Tony Todd

By ager - Sep 03, 2013 03:09 PM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

You may want to reference the previous fancasts, Descent and Genesis.

The movie starts with Moira MacTaggert tearing up and standing over a comatose Xavier. Banshee walks in and comforts her. "Don't worry, he'll pull through. In the mean time, I'm going to check on the students.

We learn that Banshee and Moira have taken in a few of the small number mutant survivors and are training them just as Xavier trains his X-Men. The young team consists of:

Multiple Man

Xavier squeezes Moira's hand and stands up like nothing is wrong but scares the holy hell out of her and gives an ear-to-ear, evil grin. From the other room, Banshee and the trainees hear a blood curdling scream. When they rush to save her, Xavier is standing over her blood-drenched body. Xavier, aka, the Shadow Thief, turns to Banshee and says "You walked away from the X-Men; from the world, to bed the woman I love. You are a worthless, scared..."

Banshee growls "You are not Charles. I know my friend. You are the one that took h from us."

"You have no idea what I am. I exist because of humanity's hatred for each other. I was tasked to eliminate Xavier but he proved to strong, even for me. However, on the astral plane in which we have been locked in timeless battle with one another, we have learned the true reason why I was paid to kill your mentor. Now, after gaining the upper hand on my foe, I have taken over his form, and I will take the fight to the ones who have double-crossed me. I have unlocked Charles' true potential as a mutant; he possesses far greater abilities. So great are his powers he suppressed and buried them as if he was incapable of such raw terror, afraid of what he may do with that realization. Once I feed off of you insects, and use your strengths to defeat The one you call Sinister, and his master, I will absorb them as well and then nothing in existence will be able to stop me.

I am not Charles Xavier. I am no longer the Shadow Theif. I am this world's greatest threat, I am Legion."

With that, Legion stares at Banshee until he, too, falls, bleeding from the ears and nose before he perishes. He proceeds to decimate the trainees, absorbing their powers, permanently, as they are killed.

The screen shows the next scene takes place 55 years into the future. A woman referred to as Sister Askani protects a 10 year old boy. They call him both the Askani son and Nathan. Rachel, a 30 year old woman in red leather, spikes and covered by spots of controlled fire, attacks Apocalypse, Sinister, Abyss and clan Akkaba, alongside a few nameless Askani fighters and Shard, Forge, Jubilee (teen), and Wolverine (DoFP and a little skitzo from things that have occurred). Their battle seems endless.

Meanwhile back in the present, Sinister bares witness, alongside Ozymandias and Akkabi clansmen, to the rise of the 1st mutant, Apocalypse. Nur and Sinister check on Havok, now encased in an orange containment suit, and Apocalypse grumbles "Once, the misbegotten child of Summers, only to fail later as a weapon of devastation in the hands of Dr Essex. Now, Alex Summers, rise, reborn as my horseman. You will here to be known as The Magistrate.

Then, the 2 walk into another cell, this one holds Angel, appearing in his Archangel form, but referred to as Stryfe.

Abyss is the next to be introduced.

Sinister is led to believe that he is the last horseman, Apocalypse turns on Sinister.

Sinister snaps on Apocalypse. He reveals that their is one that is destined to conquer Apocalypse and that he set the whole thing up. Trevor Fitzroy, a friend he aligns himself with in the future, as they are both enemies of Apocalypse, sought him out in the present to carry out the plans as ordered by his future self.

However, En Saba Nur informs Sinister he is one step ahead. Once he learned of this heresy, he devised his own plans. With Professor X and Magneto deceased, no mutant is strong enough to defy him. To which Sinister argues, he stands before Nur and will stop him long before the one called Cable. It is then that the 2 battle and, in the very instant Sinister gains an advantage. Abyss engulfs the traitor into nothingness.

45 years into the future, Fitzroy delivers baby Nathan Summers to Sabretooth, Blink and Wildchild (AoA style) (on the side of good) and has them promise to protect the child as they have protected each other.

Back to the present, the 4th horseman is met by Abyss and Apocalypse. It is Mystique, or, as she will be known after her transformation, Penance. She is a victim and becomes the tragic figure. For turning on Magneto, even though it was to favor Sinister and save her step daughter and then turning on Sinister to, once again, benefit her daughter, she is being violently experimented on an tortured before she becomes the ultimate shape-shifter. She can take the form if anything and imitate powers as well. Think, physically a mix of Demona of Gargoyles and Spiral of Mojoworld when she's in non-copying, battle mode.

110 years into the future. Cable and the X-Force (Domino, Shatterstar, Boom-Boom, Feral and Douglock) are fighting Apocalypse and allies. It is mentioned that Apocalypse has killed Sinister for failing to kill Cable already and that the X-Force had captured Abyss.

A minor 15 years into the future are Cyclops (Slim) and JEAN GREY (Red), un-aged from 5 years after the Age of Apocalypse has begun. They are sent by a Clan Askani member from the further future. the fact that Jean is there, after we have cone to believe her dead is never explained or even thought of as odd by Cyke.

They build a resistance to Apocalypse, Sinister, Abyss and Akkaba. They find and gather (AoA versions of) Colossus, Beast and Iceman, (DoFP) Kate Pryde, and (Classic Brown/Yellow, no mask) Wolverine. They battle, ongoing for 10 years, Apocalypse. Cyclops loses an eye in battle (introducing his AoA uniform) Iceman is shattered. Colossus and Kitty fall in love before Peter's own brother kills him. Beast is torn to shreds by Wildchild and Sabretooth. Cyke and Jean have a daughter before Apocalypse kills them; they die holding hands. Wolverine is captured and, in a nod to the Fatal Attractions comic, his adamantium is ripped from his body to create the techno-organic virus. He escapes ala Weapon-X but with little memory of much of what has led to this. Kate escapes with baby Rachel.

110 in the future. The scene continues. The X-Force are severely outnumbered and dying. Cable is left with few options.

50 in the future. A 25 year old Rachel Summers creates Clan Askani when Wildchild delivers the 5 year old messiah, Nathan Summers. She asks the savage mutant where Sabretooth and Blink are and he shakes his head no. Says young Cable "Apocalypse made them pay with their lives. Protecting me got them killed. Wildchild never gave up though. It took him 4 years, but he rescued me"

"And what lay ahead for Wildchild?" Asks Rachel. Cable, saddened, says " I suppose now that he is without those 2 and has kept good on his word to save me, he will find a graveyard to let his injuries get the better of him." WC howls, licks the child's face and runs of into the wastelands. Her 1st recruits are Bishop and Shard.

55 in. The scene continues. Shard and Jubilee die. When all seems hopeless, Wolverine says they should die in a blaze of glory but Rachel has a better idea. She says If they retreat now, Forge can place Bishop to the time right before Xavier was killed. With Xavier alive, he should be able to stop Apocalypse's rise. Bishop must find and kill the traitor in order to save the future. Before he leaves, he drills Wolverine one more time for anything he may remember. He is their only link to what once was.The beserker cannot remember. Bishop, once he has arrived in the past, our present, cannot reveal too much from the future. Who has died and how or who is part of the resistance must remain a mystery.

Cable, Domino and Shatterstar (Boom-Boom, Feral and Douglock are dead) retreat. When the trio is back at base, they torture Abyss and then painstakingly use his body as a portal for Cable so that he may arrive in time to kill Apocalypse when he rises in the past before he gains sufficient strength. He too can not reveal more than what is necessary.

Presently, at the X-Mansion, the team is training in the danger room. Bishop enters through a portal and goes apeshit and threatens them before they further the chain of events that lead to the Age of Apocalypse. He tells of a traitor. Immediately, Wolverine targets Gambit as the traitor, while Gambit accuses Cyclops due to duress. Cyke points towards Rogue as a mole.

Nightcrawler speaks privately with Bishop. Bishop hints that his future is directly intertwined with Gambit, Rogue, Illyana and Mystique ... "and frankly, I don't trust any of you." NC is stunned and asks what he means. Bishop says he shouldn't say too much but NC made some questionable decisions that tagged him a coward. He believes Gambit, Rogue or NC to be the traitors.

46 in the future. Apocalypse and his Horseman corner Sabretooth, Blink, Wildchild and the infant, Nathan, in the woods of Africa. In a badass scene that hi-lights their powers, the trio fight to protect the baby. Apocalypse is there to kidnap the Nathan right as the horseman are ordered to kill the trio. Apocalypse gives a great speech about survival of the fittest and references The Chosen comic book and why Sabretooth and his team are forgotten. Before he can kill Blink, wanting Creed to suffer through that 1st, the jungle appears alive. It is an older Storm, who has, by any definition of the word, become one with the jungle. Although she saves Wildchild, the others are not so lucky. Nor is she able to stop the kidnapping as Apocalypse battles her to the death. As time lapses, we see the techno organic virus surge through Cable's young body before Wildchild comes to the rescue just in time.

Presently, Cable enters the mansion. Growls Wolverine, "Not another one. This one, we see how he handles pain." Cable sees Bishop who realizes its young Nathan grown up. Cable explains its now, alongside history's greatest X-Men and Bishop, that they take down Apocalypse. Cable meets Cyclops and tells him who he is.

Colossus and Storm talk of Cyke being the traitor.

Bishop explains that Xavier is alive, although the team tells him the professor died 2 years ago. "Forge never makes mistakes." He teaches Cable that Xavier is the only one that can stop him. Cable says they can do it with out him.

After weeks of training, Legion attacks the city, baiting the X-Men and inadvertently inviting the Horsemen. It takes the combined efforts of every Horseman and every X-Man to defeat Legion since Bishop turns on them to save what he believes is Xavier. Cable ends up being the one to kill Legion as the others subdue Bishop. (So the legend of the traitor that spawns the AoA that creates the need for Nathan Summers, who is contaminated with the TO virus, is Cable, himself)

It's a paradox.

The 4H escape since their goal of killing Legion was fulfilled.

In the final battle, Cable sacrifices himself by telepathically stunning Apocalypse long enough to severe the link that hypnotizes the 4. Angel comes to as he drops Colossus in a pit of fire Havok created. He nose dives in time to save Peter but crashes and is knocked out.

Havok comes to as he's about to kill Gambit and Rogue. He goes mad with anguish and causes an atomic explosion; Nightcrawler bamfs over and latches onto Havok, looks over to Bishop and exclaims "Mein Fruend, it is time to rewrite out future. Afeterseighn." He bamfs to the skies and the 2 due in the explosion that is too far too harm others.

Abyss was never under a spell. His wrath continues. Colossus and Wolverine battle him. Storm freezes Abyss and renders him useless as Colossus and Wolverine give the ol' fastball special move and crush him in pieces.

Kitty and Bishop are losing horribly to Mystique when she comes to. Even as she stops, Bishop does not relent. Kitty pries him off and he screams Raven's name. "Her name is used in my time as the greatest insult. Aside from Apocalypse, even more horrid than Sinister and Abyss, is Raven Darkholme. She has killed more people, human or mutant, in the name of self survival. She would do anything to live another minute." Kitty pulls him off. "She is the one that killed you, Kate. I may have been wrong about Nightcrawler, but she is a cold, calculating killer (as she lie there, beaten 1/2 to death)."

"Then," Pryde, cries, "for Kurt, let his mother live. She must be forgiven, Bishop."

The fight turns to Apocalypse. In the end, Mystique gets up and morphs 1st, into the Askani clansman that brought Scott and Jean to the future, then she molds into Professor X. Able to duplicate his power, she is victorious in stopping Apocalypse. No sooner does Osymandias stab her in the back (a running theme both figuratively and literally in the series). That is enough for Rogue to pummel him into dust. The Akkabi are captured.

So now you have Bishop, who tried to kill Mystique, not do say on account of Pryde's wishes. Since Pryde convinced him that his harsh treatment of Nightcrawler was wrong, he wanted to atone for that and spare Kurt's mother, who, in turn, kills, Apocalypse and puts an end to the Age of Apocalypse. In a way, had Bishop not, treated Kurt the way he had, Kate wouldn't have been able to stop him from killing Mystique, thus the X-Men would not have killed en Saba Nur and would've inadvertently ushered in the AoA.

It's another paradox.

In the end, Cyclops offers Bishop a place on the team as his world no longer exists (that doesn't mean he wouldn't be born). Gambit comforts Rogue over Nightcrawler's and Mystique's tombstones. Mystique's tombstone reads 'Hero, Mother'. Colossus comforts Kitty. Wolverine smokes a cigar. Professor X rolls into the room released from Shadow Thief; behind him are Beast, Iceman, Archangel and Jean Grey. "Is there room for a few more?" Cyclops and Jean embrace.

Over the credits are 2 teams led by Storm and Cyclops respectively. New uniforms where they all match are issued.


Blue Team

Cyclops (team leader)
This is Cyke's trilogy. Down to his triumph in the last scene as we watch him gain back his composure as team leader (of 1 team) and reunite with his true love. He is one of many that has taken the literal journey expressed in the titles. His fall to his 'rebirth' to his rise, or end game.

Played by
James Purefoy
Age: 33
Starring in a few TV episodes and one TV movie it would be a risk that pays off in dividends if Purefoy was cast as the '93 Cyclops. Originally I had Patrick Dempsey but he just wasn't tough enough for me. Cyclops deserves to be treated with respect. Purefoy would prove a winner if they gambled on him.

Hey look! It's an X-Men movie that knows how cool a character Wolverine is but doesn't shove that concept down our throats. Note: As of this movie, Wolverine plays a large part as he is in both the present and the future. His exposure as a character has grown throughout the trilogy.

Played by
Russell Crowe
Age: 33
Originally I was using Mel Gibson, but he's less useful in a trilogy format being of an age where he's going to show it after a few years. Even though Wolverine fights like a mad man in each movie he's going to progressively get more wild in each. Crowe, in The Crossing and Proof, proved he was lead actor material in Australian cinema. In '95 he starred in The Quick and the Dead and Virtuosity. Crowe became a huge actor after that and, as Wolverine, is close to perfect. Not as short as I'd like (neither was Gibson) but then who is. Crowe is more than capable of bringing the ferocity of Wolverine to the big screen.

The torment of Rogue is, possibly, one of the most fascinating parts of the X-Men stories since her arrival. I would even have her utilize the powers of Ms Marvel to include that inner duality as well.

Robin Tunney
Age: 25
Tunney, most popular as the nasty, b!tch in Encino Man in '93, she hit it big in Empire Records in '95. Great movie. She can nail the role and the proof is in that movie and The Craft, a '96 movie that was phenomenal.

The distrust for the Cajun has not gotten any better in this, the finale. What, if anything, will the Cajun do to change everyone's opinion?

Ethan Hawke
Age: 26
My 1st choice was actually Vincent Cassel. At 26 years old ('93) the French actor is perfect. The original Gambit was not the Abercrombie model he is today. He was actually modeled off of John Malkovich. It was his charisma and his grunge appeal that made him a ladies man. Cassel would be PERFECT if I knew that he spoke English. I can assume so as it is likely but that's not playing fare.

If he is out of the question, then without a doubt my go to actor is Ethan Hawke. White Fang and Alive were 2 of my favorite movies when I was young. Truly, White Fang was one of my top 5 childhood favorites.

Beast is glimpsed at in only 2 scenes. It's a relief for fans when, after waiting 3 movies to see him, and then watching him die in his 1st scene, we see him re-team with the X-Men at the end.

Hugo Weaving
Age: 37
His booming, intellectual voice and very beastly features scored him this role. For his costume, I would go old school Beast, ala Avengers/X-Factor in the present and go somewhat closer to Dark Beast for his future self.

Kitty, like Wolverine, has a lot on her plate in this movie. She becomes the sole protector if Mother Askani and is suddenly, no longer in the picture. As you've read, we learn her death was at the hands of the conniving Mystique. Yet, similar to Batman's Jim Gordon, she pulls Bishop off of her future killer and shows that, even though she is the youngest X-Man she is, perhaps, the most mature. To that, it is no wonder she survived, mentally stable, for so much longer than her teammates.

Angelina Jolie
Age: 22
If you are a hater of one of our generation's most talented actresses you are crazy. Finally, Jolie can prove, here, why she is so amazing. Her future self will see her apply some aging make-up to add the effect.

Gold Team

Storm (team leader)
If Cyclops is the epicenter of the trilogy, then Storm is the hub of the team itself. That was true of the 1st 2 movies. Storm has taken a huge step back, but not in a bad way. The end still gives her the role she most greatly deserves; team leader. I imagine that, once Bishop and Cable arrive, they become somewhat of a committee with Cable and Bishop calling the shots only because they're more familiar and Cyke and Storm approving every decision equally. The 2 being equal promotes the acceptance of Cyke that Storm has become a great leader and of Storm that Cyke is ready to become a great leader again.

Storm is a lot tougher this movie than ever before thanks to Callisto.

Played by
Robin Givens
Age: 32
Most significantly, Givens starred in the Comedy Boomerang. Her beauty and command of the scream made her the best choice to play the X-Men's co-leader turned leader in this trilogy.

This movie, and her stepping outside of stardom is a huge reason why I chose her. Unlike Berry's hunger to be in the spotlight in X3, Givens, I expect, will just be glad to be a part of this trilogy.

The most powerful is also the most gentle does mot apply to the muscle if the group in the future. He may very well be the most affected by the reign of Apocalypse in that he is much less the compassionate hero we know him to be. In the future he becomes as much a cold-hearted solder, a tin man if you will, that one would expect from a metallic warrior. In the end, when he embraces Kitty, we can see what she means to him.

Played by
Clancy Brown
Age: 38
He built a reputation as a formidable, battle torn fighter in Highlander. His height (6'4"), his brow, and his booming voice, equal Colossus if you ask me. I know there is a huge age difference in the age between Peter and Kitty but they are the best actors for the parts.

That age difference is less important now, as Jolie is the type of woman that can fit with an older guy. In the past movies, there wasn't even a romantic moment, anyway.

I believe he is fleshed out rather definitively in the storyboard.

Ving Rhames
Age: 38
I opted to go older, and more grizzled, rather than, say, Wesley Snipes or Michael Jai White. Rhames, for my money, is the toughest black actor out there, then and, in the top 5, now. Michael Dorn was a distant second option.

Iceman is glimpsed at in only 2 scenes. It's a relief for fans when, after waiting 3 movies to see him, and then watching him die in his 1st scene, we see him re-team with the X-Men at the end.

Sean Patrick Flanery
Age: 32
SPF is not a top draw, although Powder was his best performance, it wasn't backed by others Some argue Powder should've made him a top draw. SPF carries the swagger needed even if its not a huge part and I think he'd be wise to take it.

Jean Grey
No explanation is the best way to present the emergence of Jean. She is thrust into the future to set in motion Clan Askani by giving birth to Rachel.

Mariska Hargitay
Age: 32
She is absoutely perfect for this role. Her intensity, passion for her roles, and her beauty make her undeniably perfect for Jean Grey.

Punished for nothing, we are, at least, rewarded at the end, when he arrives with Xavier, seemingly healed, having survived everything thrown his way.

Angel, like Cyke, can argue the titles as being a mirror of what he goes through.

(As for the origin of the alias, Stryfe...)
If it didn't occur to you, Stryfe is the clone of Cable and a huge part of the Cable/Apocalypse rivalry. I used code names of actual X-characters as a nod. The idea behind the use of Stryfe is a play on the metallic nature of his new wings and Stryfe's armor.

Brad Pitt
Age: 34
A River Runs Through It, Kalifornia, True Romance, Interview with a Vampire, Se7en, Sleepers and 12 Monkeys. Interview with a Vampire. He is an extraordinary actor.


He is teased as being faithful to the wrong people. His character, the way I read it, in AoA, was very cowardly, for lack of a better word. He would rather avoid the fight and pretend it didn't exist than get involved and save lives but risk death. I hated that. NC is very complicated and I see every choice he makes as the right one. If he did choose to exile himself with his mother, 'sister' and Gambit than he had a good reason. After all, this series explores what family means, be it, as part of a team, lovers, blood or as deeper connection.

He unexpectedly dies as one of the most heroic members of the team to end his journey. He has found a sister in Rogue and a mother he accepts in Mystique.

Played by
Sean Penn
Age: 36
Most notably, Carlito's way would be his ticket to X-Men. It was in '95, by way of Dead Man Walking, he achieved leading man status. From then he has proved himself a heavyweight in Hollywood. Personally, I can't stand him as a person, the hypocritical bastard, but his talent as an actor is undeniable.


What needs to be said that isn't already known?

Tony Todd
Age: 38
Candyman has tremendous height and a voice to match. There are few people who can do the 1st mutant justice and he tops the list.

(The origin of the alias Penance)
If it didn't occur to you, she is a Generation X member. The idea behind the use of Penance here is nothing more than the precise reason Mystique is part of the 4H. Her penance for being so vile is her unwilling alliance with Apocalypse.

She slowly becomes the nail in this story. I cant help but push Mystique in my fancasts as she is the most intriguing Marvel character in my eyes. She is the most repetitive character, aside from Professor X (who acts as the Nick Fury of the X-Men, recruiting each hero in the last scene of their respective movies) in my Giant-Sized fancasts that depict the origins of each G/S X-Man. She plays huge roles in Forge (who replaces Thunderbird), Wolverine and Nightcrawler.




Demi Moore
Age: 32
Moore was definitely one of the screen queens of the late 80's and 90's. It's only fitting that the seductively tough and equally skilled actress don the blue paint, skull headband and white dress.

A wise-cracking egomaniac who wants nothing more than to impress his boss, Apocalypse. He was raised in Mr. Sinister's breeding pens. One day, he was able to break out; but instead of escaping, he murdered one of Apocalypse's Horsemen in order to prove his devotion and willingness to rise to the top. Apocalypse was impressed and, in the future, made Abyss his new Horseman in charge of the Southern Region of North America.

Chris Penn voice/CGI body
Age: 32
Sure, he's a part of one of my favorite B-movies that no one likes, Best of the Best, but the best answer I can give as to why he is Abyss, aside from him being a smartass, perfect for the role, is that Abyss is the brother of Nightcrawler (though never mentioned on screen) so it's only fair, and very fun, to cast Sean Penn's brother as the voice of Abyss

Havok/The Magistrate
(The origin of the alias The Magistrate)
I visually modeled him after Holocaust but I dislike both that name and Nemesis. Neither one strikes the right amount of fear. I was thinking about Chamber, the Gen-Xer, trying to associate him with the likes of the tortured Man in the Iron Mask. I was afraid, however, it wouldn't have been noticed.

I then came up with this. It means the judge of judges; the dude in charge. I felt that echoed Sinister's angst. Sinister thought Javok was second rate, the lesser of the Summers and worth very little. Yet, to Apocalypse, Havok, even as a Frankenstein, was more valuable than Sinister. It makes Sinister more complex.

Again, this is not the route I usually take with Havok. I enjoy making him a member of Sinister's Marauders (see the sequel fancast before this one) but I usually make him the leader. This is also very different from what fans are use to. His relationship shadows, in some ways, the AoA that is published the same year the movie (again, the previous one) comes out.

In this movie, Havok finds little relief as he winds up tragically dying. Not everyone can have a happy/heroic ending

Guy Pearce
Age: 31
Pearce has (had, I guess, since he is a part of the Iron Man mythos these days) great potential as a super hero. I like him, around this time, as an older Dare Devil or better than that, i chose him in my revision/recast of (not Incredible) Hulk back in '03. He would've also made a good Dr Strange, Batman, Mr Fantastic...

Professor X/Shadow Thief/Legion
(The origin of the alias Legion)
Like Stryfe, there's only so much room to fit things in. The finale is already, arguably, very confusing, and to add characters like Stryfe and Legion, further complicate things. What I've done here was simply apply Legion's wealth of powers to Xavier who struggled to bottle them through fear of letting go. Shadow Thief embraces the power he harnesses through, or from, Xavier.

Played by
Chelcie Ross
Age: 55
Untouchables, The Last Boy Scout, Basic Instinct and Rudy were not ground breaking roles for Ross, but he is a fine actor. The reality is that not every actor need be an A-lister in these movies. Originally I had Patrick Stewart as X as it was ideal back in '93, but for the sake of originality, I went different.

Mr Sinister
I love that everything Sinister did had a purpose. As it turns out, everything from Shadow Thief to the future events, was so that Sinister can destroy his most feared nemesis, his ally, Apocalypse. I wonder if, in the end, you can consider him an anti-hero. From his manipulation of Cyke since he was young, to the presumed interference of Jean Grey to everything else, it served a greater purpose: to stop Apocalypse. I don't see him like that but it's worth putting it out there and if David plays him like that it would be spectacular.

Keith David
Age: 39
I don't think anyone will actually disagree with this pick but I may get a 'not origins' comment but he truly is the top option 20 years ago. To that end, he was also great 10 years ago.

A time-jumping do-boy for Sinister.

Robert Carlyle
Age: 36
The Full Monty star who later made Once Upon a Time bearable for a few shows could play a great side character like Fitzroy and make it very memorable.


The ex-cop turned X-Man has retired recently to care for his daughter and reside with his lover, Moira. After the Muir Island disaster, Banshee trains a group of young survivors as a nod to the Muir Island(ers) X-Men and Generation X. It's worth noting how well they work as a team despite being no match for Legion.

Nicholas Clay
Age: 51
Outside of his work on Excalibur, I don't know much about him. I do know the Brit would make an ideal, aging Banshee. If the role was bigger, I would've picked Liam Neeson.

Dr Moira MacTaggert
MagTaggert, in Scotland, has taken on the role of mutant guide, mentor and trainer as inspired by her ex-lover, Charles Xavier.

Cherie Lunghi
Age: 45
Truthfully, because of her chemistry with Clay in the aforementioned movie, I chose her. If the role were bigger, I would've picked Helen Mirren.


To fit the fan favorite in I revised a great deal of the story board. She, Sabretooth and Wildchild have a huge role.

Milla Jovovich
Age: 22
I went back and forth, but, ultimately Mila was miles ahead of any other pick. I just felt that she was the easy choice but given her popularity in '97, having come out with 5th Eliment, it seemed like all the more reason to pick her.

He is, without a doubt, the full AoA version with zero liberties taken.

Dolph Lundgren
Age: 37
Picking Lundgren for this role made me realize how important I can make Sabretooth in this trilogy. I'd also want him to bulk up here and get massive, not just big and cut as I'd expect for the sequel. The bigger, the better here to make it more like AoA.

The pet dog of the 2. He is also exactly like the AoA version and, therefor, completely CGI with no words ever spoken. Theoretically, he's about 5ft tall, if that, and very wirey, so CGI is the way to go.

Rachel Summers/Mother Askani
Mother Askani, like Bishop, is pretty well fleshed out within the story.

Lena Heady
Age: 24
Heady is strong. This character has to bare so much and only a great, strong actress can do that and make it look natural. She has a natural charisma that helps promote her as a leader to be taken seriously. The general public being familiar with her will also make it more believable that she is Mother Askani

The whole movement, since the 1st movie, sets him up as a character. Like his father, Cyclops, and, arguably, Angel, the movie titles are centered around him and his being. Note: Although it purposefully follows Angel, the movies are meant to chronicle both Cable and Cyclops. This is classic X-Force, Cable,not Nate Grey, Cable. Nor, mind you, is this the new, stream-lined, younger Cable who looks to be full gray in his 30's. Nope, I like my Nathan Summers to be older, grizzled, bulky and scarred.

Nick Nolte
Age: 57
A Thin Red Line, Cape Fear, Prince of Tides, 48 Hours:
Whatever Nolte is now, he ruled the 90's as a ladies' man and as a gruff, hardened, grizzled take-no-$hit actor. He really was pretty impressive and, it wasn't until now that I thought he would be a fun addition to Expendables 3.

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ILoveStargirl - 9/3/2013, 3:43 PM
Apocalyptically awesome!

AshleyWilliams - 9/3/2013, 4:51 PM
[frick]ing awesome dude.
FlixMentallo21 - 9/3/2013, 5:27 PM
Bravo, bravo!
ager - 9/3/2013, 6:00 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate it, really.

Question though, did any of you have a favorite character of the trilogy, given who I cast and how they were written?
ILoveStargirl - 9/3/2013, 6:58 PM
Mine. Shadowcat played by Angelina Jolie. I like how well-written her transition from naive newcomer to confident adult heroine is. Of, course incluiding her attraction to Colossus despite their age gap. I hope to see a 05-09 Shadowcat so awesome that Angelina Jolie would give two thumbs up feeling nothing but pride once sitting in the theater. Last but not least, Shadowcat was my first comic book crush before Stargirl.
NovaCorpsFan - 9/4/2013, 12:56 PM
DDD - 9/4/2013, 1:56 PM

Another PERFECT "period piece" fancast!

I'm with @ILOVESTARGIRL, you're KITTY PRIDE is right
on the money for the 90's. She would make a more
well rounded-out KITTY PRIDE.

I loved the idea of using the PENN'S in this capacity!
That is such fun!
Damn, I miss CHRIS!

Some extremely COOL ideas flying around here, @AGER!

But that is the operative word here.....
DDD - 9/4/2013, 2:23 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention....

ILoveStargirl - 9/4/2013, 3:12 PM
I wish that X-Men Apocalypse were real. It would be THE BEST COMIC BOOK MOVIE OF ALL TIME. Alongside your fancasts Amazing Spider-Man ('04), Superman: Man of Steel ('09) and Batman: Dark Victory ('12). Of course, The Avengers, too.

Joel Schumacher would have hanged himself in complete and utter shame because X-Men: Apocalpyse outsold Batman & Robin in every sense. I wonder what you have in store for the '05 X-Men trilogy since DC finally got his act together in your fancast world.
ager - 9/4/2013, 4:33 PM
All 3 of u thank so much, really, I am so glad to see you enjoy.

To DDD@ and ILoveStargirl@

I'm real glad you guys love Kitty (Jolie). I think she, Mystique and Cyke are the 2 most important to the trilogy but I tried to make everyone from Sabretooth to Nightcrawler to Sinister and everyone in between impactful.
ager - 9/4/2013, 4:37 PM

Once I finish up my Cavill DCU films I'm going to squeeze out the last DCAU from MY DCCU (which involved the Superman and Batman fancasts you mentioned). It's a Shazam! Cartoon Flixmentallo21@ and I did together. It's going to take a long time to get those out. After that, no plans...
Kyos - 9/4/2013, 6:35 PM
This pretty damn fantastic! :D


Yeah, I got nothing more to say. ;)
ager - 9/5/2013, 10:33 AM
Thanks. The fewer the words the better :)
MikeZ - 9/6/2013, 2:32 AM
Sorry for being late to the party!

- I think Winona Ryder would've made a somewhat better vintage Kitty Pryde. Angelina Jolie could've been Rogue (although hearing about Robin Tunney's role in The Craft, I'm beaten).
- Clancy's a little old for Colossus, but then again, I couldn't find any actor who stood tall and was young enough to play him.
- Ving Rhames as Bishop did hit me at one point. But back then, he'd have been amazing.
- I think Brad Pitt was considered to play Angel back in the 90's.
- Tony Todd would be perfect for Apocalypse now as well! I caught him in the second to last season of 24, and he put on a convincing African accent as the villain. He could really work well with a Middle Eastern accent.
- Demi Moore would've been perfect for Mystique.
- I think a British actor should play Mister Sinister. But Keith David with some makeup wouldn't matter.
- Glad someone agrees with me with Dolph Lundgren as Sabretooth!
- Nick Nolte doesn't have a proper voice for Cable. I think Ron Perlman would've been a somewhat better choice, even though she played a similar role in Alien: Resurrection at the time.
ager - 9/6/2013, 5:38 AM
Man, you are 100% correct about Ryder nailing Pryde but I would still keep Tunny as Rogue. Oh well, too late but a great choice and being a bigger name at the time, it makes perfect sense, although I'm still happy since Jolie is possible the best actress I her gen.

Yeah, Clancy is a bit old, I said so my self in the 1st fancast but, like you, he was the best I could find

Perlman was too young, 47, and Nolte's voice is disturbingly gravelly. I'm very happy with that one. I did pick Perlman for a current Cable, not sure if you knew that

ILoveStargirl - 9/7/2013, 1:22 PM
Clancy Brown is better as Colossus that Sebastian Shaw. I wonder if Sebastian Shaw and the Hellfire Club would be the Big Bads of the 05-09 X-Men trilogy.
ager - 9/7/2013, 5:36 PM
Thanks. I actually have a 2012 cast so I wouldn't actually make an '05 cast
ILoveStargirl - 9/7/2013, 5:46 PM
Will your 2012 X-Men fancast be a hard reboot? Because the X-Men franchise 64-97 was part reboot/part "requel".
ager - 9/8/2013, 5:17 PM
Nah I'm taking a breather altogether from the XCU. Working on finishing my Cavil/Superman based DCCU and that's going to take months to create and post
thatguywhositsbyhim - 9/18/2013, 4:58 PM
Always good to end on a high note; this installment is my favorite of the three. Lots of new characters, which makes it hard to give them all screen time, but that's just par for the course with an X-Men movie (or TV show, or comic... the team perpetually suffers for having too many characters to give them all their due).

Favorite new cast members are Mariska Hargitay, Tony Todd, Robert Carlyle and Nick Nolte. Rhames is cool too... I almost questioned if Bishop was bald in '97, but then I remembered he was in AoA. Which is good, 'cause I can't see Rhames in dreads!

Great stuff all around!
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