FICTION: MetaWar Chapter Fourteen

FICTION: MetaWar Chapter Fourteen

The worst of the worst is finally discussed. He likes to be called Mercury. Those of Olympus call him Zippy or much, much worse. His kill count will never be known. Zippy is random invisible death on a scale that is difficult to imagine.

By TheDarqueOne - Nov 26, 2010 05:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Chapter 14 - Pulsar's update

Nine months since Day One and we were doing pretty well.

Olympus was growing. We were making a difference in human society and even better... they noticed. Overall the coverage of our activities was positive despite constant reminders by the US government that we were all technically criminals and traitors. We had reached a good portion of the MetaHuman population with the Pact and it was working.

There were some battles you never heard about of course but most ended up on the news. A group would pop up somewhere, do some damage, probably kill some people and disappear. Some of us would arrive in town and hunt them down.

Most never took Meta names or thought of themselves as villains. They were just out to use their powers for fun and profit.

We worked hard to avoid combat on city streets. If one of us saw a crime in progress regardless of location we would want to respond but the result of our kind of combat was usually destruction. We weighed the cost of taking action against the danger in front of us. Sometimes you just have to wait. If lives were being lost then we always acted.

It has been alleged that we enjoyed destroying the municipal properties of the very cities we risked our lives to defend. We did not enjoy it. The people we fought did most of that. A lot of them took great pleasure in the chaos they could cause. We operated the way we did because it was the way to reduce casualties. We tried to keep people from getting hurt.

One of the wonders of our times that is not related to my kind is global communications. News travels, anyone can see the news from anywhere, books are published on every possible subject.

Even books by Murderers, Sadists, Rapists & flat-out Monsters.

Even books by cold heartless people who died at my own hand.

Even them.

History is told by the victors eh? Well not anymore. This is our story. Their story has been coming out since Day One actually. The first book that alleged it would tell the true story of the Fateful Four came out 33 days after the actual battle itself.

Question? How many of the scum that we hunted down like dogs had a best selling book?

Answer? Too f------ many.

The only good thing I can say about most of them is that the profits generally go to the surviving families of the lost. They have all of the sympathy and compassion that Psyche and Nova have beaten into my head over the years.

Sadly in well over half the cases it is only distant relatives who benefit from the posthumous publishing of such a work. Immediate families are most often the first victims of a Meta who goes over to the dark side.

If you think we had been sailing along at this point, dispatching our opponents left and right without a worry you would be half right. We were succeeding at a great many things. Those like us who went public in a criminal way found our response fairly quick and very final.

There are people we have not yet been able to stop. Loki had not played any more games with us but he was still out there. We knew of a few Metas who were gathering forces but had not yet made any serious moves. Mostly they were based in Europe or Asia. Something was definitely up in China. We just could not figure out what.

MetaHumans had begun disappearing from North America and appearing elsewhere a short time later. Someone was making money by getting people away from us. One thing it was pretty easy for us to learn was that the people who were leaving had ample reason not to want to meet us.

Olympus had the advantage of having gotten started first, we were far bigger than any other group could hope to be. I intended for it to stay that way so we did a lot of recruiting. Those Metas who did not want to live at Olympus were offered training anyway, most accepted. I built up a reserve force that eventually turned into some of the independent teams.

But there were some that we could not catch or could not beat.

There was Zippy.

He calls himself Mercury but we call him Zippy or something worse. The one rogue speedster.

Speedsters can see each other at about the normal distance. Catching one that does not want to be caught is damn near impossible. So far despite the constant effort of Olympus's speedsters, the bastard is still out there. And if I have been at all successful in describing how much my speedy friends do the phrase 'constant effort' should really mean something.

There is no way to calculate how many deaths Zippy has caused. He ranges over the globe and he kills by accident more often than not. But what does that matter except to make it more horrible. Humans mean nothing to him what a flat phrase but it is the simple truth.

If you analyze automobile accidents you can find spikes that represent his movement in different areas. The longer he is in one place the more people die. We tried to find him this way once. The numbers we eventually attributed to him were too heartbreaking to reveal.

Three years at supersonic speed. I do not mean to sound flip but move over Hitler the new King of the Dead has arrived.

I should have them delete that last part. I am trying to talk about someone who I hate more than I thought was possible for me. If I am walking along with my shield down and a viper bites me I would not hate the snake. It might kill me but it is just being a snake. I might kill it but I would not hate it.

Zippy is a man. A MetaHuman. A superpowered superspeedster, yes, but still a man. He has chosen his path.

Because of him we built the Wall. Geo, with a team of engineers, designed and created it. Huge, thick and dense it was meant to keep Zippy out. The Gates of Olympus serve the same purpose, multiple layers, sensors, defenses, we are not kidding around.

Zippy has invaded Olympus twice both before the Wall. The first time Speed talked to him and ended up chasing him off. The second time he killed two new MetaHumans, six Security personnel and two of the Admin people before Speed and Kid Flash could arrive to drive him away.

After the second invasion we had recruited all the remaining speedsters to bring us to the familiar six you all know so well. I decided that I needed to impress upon them how much I wanted Zippy stopped and by stopped I meant stone cold dead. I don't mess around either.

I had Geo construct six knives with 12 inch blades. They were made of some of that extra hard metal that he creates and had a special surprise in the handle. The most powerful battery we could find could turn the blade into a vicious weapon for 10 seconds. I know that seems short to us but to them it was as perfect.

Speed called 10 seconds “like a hundred round clip”.

The metal was black and double-edged. The hilt and handle were heavy non-reflective black. And when I make something non-reflective I really do it up right. The knives are slivers of midnight, evil looking things. They matched the purpose for which they were forged and I was quite pleased with the result of the work.

When I presented the six with the new weapons I kept it short, as was appropriate.

“I have had these made for each of you because one of the people who was gifted with your power has become our enemy. He is out there right now, killing. He has killed people on our own soil. Take these. Find him. Kill him. Continue with all your other tasks but get him.”

They look and they keep looking. I've lost track of the number of times they have almost got him but those keep happening on a regular basis.

We will get him. They will get him.

But even if it were to happen this very second it would be far, far too late.

An angry god has rained death on the Earth for years. Nothing we can do will ever change that.

Mercury aka Zippy

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Ibz - 11/26/2010, 7:24 AM
so basicly this guy is the joker but with superspeed i like, and when will get chapters narrated by other characters, i am not saying theres anything worng with pulsar i just want to hear other characters perspectives
TheDarqueOne - 11/26/2010, 2:06 PM
Pulsar does most of the Chapters. Thor gets the last one of the current year though. Psyche and Speed are just not good at telling stories so I did not try to do much with them. Psyche's mental state gets increasingly unbalanced over time because of her powers. Speed of course finds it harder and harder to relate to normal people.

Zippy is completely and utterly beyond Human control. This is true for many other Metas but the powers of the Speedsters are just a whole order of magnitude more. He knows that nobody can touch him and he simply does what he wants with no thoughts of the consequences. The vast, vast majority of the deaths and injuries he causes are totally accidental.

To me this makes him more scary that your typical psycho. Zippy will kill you without even seeing your face. Humans matter less to him than ants do to us. There are some people who won't step on an anthill out of respect for even tiny life but they are rare. But almost none of us worry if we accidentally kill an ant.

Future plans...

I originally wrote this wanting to do away with some of the conventions that go along with SuperHeros. I avoided the whole Origin side of things which was one of those. Another was that I did not want to write a story where the Villains were more interesting than the Heros. The stories are supposed to be Hero stories but the bad guys get to have all the fun.

That is why there are no chapters done from the point of view of the Villains. I can do them and make them properly interesting but I wanted to keep the focus on the good guys. So by making the entire Story based on 'transcripts' of people telling the tales I avoid the normal structure of a novel.

But what I have been doing of late is working on little bits of Villain lore. The transcript of the interview of Mad Mongo is one way I can get some of their point of view into the story. I think I will end up doing more things like that and attaching them to the Chapters.

I have one new Chapter in the works that features Shadow and the Team he works with. He is a key member of PsiInt but he is also on a combat Team too.

We will see how much of that actually makes it into the Story.

NEXT UP: Philadelphia

A very dangerous situation. Some Metas literally have the power to destroy the Planet or perhaps just kill every living thing on it. Few have realize this at this point (with one notable exception being Loki) but Pulsar and the Olympians know. This makes some fights a lot more dangerous than they might otherwise appear.

When Pulsar heads to Philly he knows that one of the people he must face is a world-wrecker but there is another that he does not know about.
LEEE777 - 11/26/2010, 3:11 PM
ZIPPY is great... touch!

Fine actor too!

I luv all this SPEEDSTERS stuff thumbs!
Ibz - 11/26/2010, 6:02 PM
great dude keep it coming and cant wait for the shadow chapter
TheMyth - 11/27/2010, 1:50 AM
Pulsar is definitely not a guy who cares much about morality I am starting to see. He plays a dangerous game that is as likely to ignite the very forces of destruction that he seeks to control. At first I liked the guy, but his methods for solving problems border on madness. I'm interested to see the route you take. Honestly I am beginning to crave a point at which Pulsar is taught a lesson in humility because he is dangerously close to crossing the 'villain' line with his murder mandates. I acknowledge that some times, like in the case of Zippy here, there is no other choice, but Pulsar doesn't seem to even want to entertain any ideals beyond killing when it comes to opposition. How many have been killed by his mandate that could have convinced to join Olympus with a bit more effort or at least shown the error of their way and convinced to stop acting like assholes. I know that if I were Meta in this world, I would tell Pulsar to shove it simply based on his ultimatum and for no other reason than that. Darqueone, you'd be proud cause this view has actually gotten me to conceive a character that could do this and whose power set(one that I've not seen you use yet) would allow him to do so and survive against any Meta currently at Olympus, Speedsters and Psychers included, but I digress. I'm really interested to see where this is going.
TheDarqueOne - 11/27/2010, 4:39 AM
Pulsar has been walking the line for a while now. He sees himself in a situation where most of the normal rules simply do not apply ie War. What matters to him in the end is that Humanity gets to go on living. He sacrifices a lot of his own soul to try and ensure that.

I should point out that reaching out to other Metas is actually the #1 priority at Olympus, MetaSearch they call it. Speedsters, Sensors, and Telepaths work together to find each Meta and then make contact. It is hard to conceive of a more effective way to make contact. Telepaths have the best shot at saying what people need to hear to agree to the Pact. Olympus pays people to play nice.

In all honesty I do not see what more Pulsar could do to try and make peace with other MetaHumans.

From his point of view a peaceful meeting is one thing but people in the midst of crime is just another. Meta combat is not like normal SuperHero fights where people constantly get bashed around and then jump up at the end to talk about it. In a Meta fight people are going to die no matter what you do. Exactly like in a gun fight really. So when it comes to that point there is no holding back.

Back when Pulsar said not to leave dangerous Metas alive after a fight? What he was doing was trying to take the blame for what was going to happen onto himself. No matter what the orders if Metas do battle then people are going to die. But with Pulsar's standing order he have given others someone to blame. THEY are not responsible for the deaths they cause it is PULSAR'S fault. I see that as a bit noble on Pulsar's part actually.

Pulsar does get his lesson in humility. Not sure how much it affects him in the end but he gets one.
Ibz - 11/27/2010, 8:48 AM
it is true things would turn out like but i am sure some metas would almost be superman like, that they would not cross the line, believe it or not there are people out there who would oppose pulsar views, i am talking metas not normal humans, it would be great to see a meta like that get introduced some one that basicly does everything differently from pulsar and co
TheMyth - 11/27/2010, 10:56 AM
Darque, I respect Pulsar's method of making contact, especially that he doesn't use the Psychers to alter one's will. The pay-to-play-nice incentive is quite genius in its simplicity as well. It's his treatment of offenders that is so cold. I don't see every negative interaction being one where the offending Meta is causing harm to people. Additionally, not all of those particular Meta's can be convinced to join Olympus. In this regard, what is done with the ones who simultaneously use their power for gain(maybe they feel entitled to more than Olympus offers, but their employment of powers for personal gain are in conscious effort to not cause casualties), use it as lethal force in personal defense(which raises the question of how many are killed in misunderstandings, even with Psychers present), or even those Meta's possibly manipulated by outside means(Psyche is wicked powerful, what of any evil opposites ). I'm aware these are circumstance, but things like this have yet to be addressed, while Pulsar's mandate remains remarkably clear. Then there are those Metas who would reject Olympus solely on the basis that Pulsar will kill to achieve his goals. While these types certainly wouldn't present any issues, Pulsar's methods ensure that they exist.

It just occured to me that these methods are part of the catalyst putting Psyche in her downward spiral.

I really enjoy how each individual is essentially treated as an elemental force within their power set. I don't think it really occurs to even many seasoned comics enthusiasts that many characters powers extend beyond the obvious applications. I could go on forever as to the extent of Gambits mastery of kinetic energy or how every part of Angels anatomy is engineered for flight and you really give that same impression with many characters. Geo and Pulsar have endless application and it's fun to consider them.

By the Way, I want more Geo! I'm sure his intelligence and curiousity combined with his awesome power on par with Pulsar himself could certainly conceive some interesting things.

Ibz, That is basically what I'm getting at. There must be another Meta, at least one insanely powerful one, who operates on a deontological moral compass, as Pulsar is clearly a consequentialist.
TheDarqueOne - 11/27/2010, 12:08 PM

There are plenty of both types out there right now. There are others who are trying to use their powers for positive things. One group gets tagged with the label 'Teen Titans'. Eventually they form an alliance with Olympus but they remain free agents.

On the other side you have met one of those people and there are 4 more major ones that will appear. Pulsar took the public route so Olympus has grown rapidly. The other 5 are working in the shadows and so they have not accomplished as much.

All of those 5 believe that Metas are going to take over anyway so it might as well be them. The degree of Evil varies from one who barely deserves the title to Loki who is as amoral as they come.

TheDarqueOne - 11/27/2010, 12:21 PM

You are correct that Psi manipulation is not used to get people to accept the Pact. The goal is to keep Metas from killing and destroying. Anything less than that is accepted. Some Metas have found jobs as bodyguards and others are finding ways to put their powers to use. The tradtional 'it is wrong to use your powers for personal gain' idea from the comics holds zero weight with Pulsar.

You are correct that accidents have and continue to happen. When many first discover their powers they have little to no control. I think once an Olympus Telepath with their support Speedsters and such are on the scene things usually go pretty well. The Psi takes the lead in the discussion and by then they know exactly how to talk to the new Meta. Nothing is perfect though. I would say that a few first contacts have gone bad. Olympus would learn from those and work hard to make sure the mistakes are not repeated.

I find few people in the real world who do not understand that there is a time when killing is the right thing to do. In the comics that tradition is barely questioned but that is mostly a matter of history. I realize it is not something everyone would easily accept though.

The level of work required of all the Olympus Telepaths is hurting them all. Psyche suffers the most because she has done the most. By the end of the first year none of the girls are free of problems.

Geo is part of the next Chapter.

Ibz - 11/27/2010, 4:49 PM
like i've said before there is a lot of magneto in pulsara , but he does have that cyclops like leadership attitude but i would honestly loved to see a meta or meta group who oppose pulsar method of killing and are actually like super heroes, but i do understand what your saying that a lot of people would resort to killing these villains but there would also be a lot of people who would not cross that line humans are capable of being truly evil but they also have the capacity to be truly good, but a meta could be inspirational, some one people look up to instead of fearing or not being sure about it but anyways keep the stories coming
TheDarqueOne - 11/27/2010, 6:10 PM
I think the one thing that will always separate Pulsar from Magneto is that Pulsar sees Humans as important. He loses much of his own humanity in the MetaWar but he never stops believing in co-existence.

To do MetaWar I spent a lot of time thinking about what superpowers would mean in the real world. Could a SuperHero even exist the way they do in the comics? It is hard to answer that question but it would be far, far more challenging than the comics ever portray. They get by with all sorts of little cheats that I won't use.

Just one tiny example is the Mask. Nothing less than a full face-covering mask will work at all. If your eyes are not behind polarized plastic and your teeth are not behind a mesh you will be easily identified. This has been true for the last decade or so. Give me one picture and a computer and I could identify Batman in a few hours at most.

The masks of Olympus are as I described above and they include varying little extra strips of cloth to break up the exact facial structure as well. Nobody is going to draw a comic with everyone in full identical masks but that is the only way it would work in the real world.

What Pulsar hopes is that once all the existing Metas have been either absorbed, found to be neutral, or defeated that MetaHumans can become the guardians of the planet. There is so much that Metas and Humans can do together if they ever get the chance.

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