Final Fantasy X TV Show: Legends of Spira

Final Fantasy X TV Show: Legends of Spira

Hit the Jump to check out my In-depth spin to bring Final Fantasy X to the Small Screen with a complete Fan Cast as Well. BE ADVISED POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD!!

By SupermanFan09 - Mar 25, 2013 12:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic

Legends of Spira working title

5 Seasons with 12 1 hour Episodes each

Each Season would have 2 sub season Story Arc’s (Ep. 1-6 and then Ep. 7-12) with the Overarching Theme of the pilgrimage.



Season 1

Tagline: …This is my Story

Ep. 1-Zanarkand: The Beginning of the Game-Waking up in an Unknown World
Ep. 2-Oui are Al Bhed: Tidus begins to explore the world he’s in and is soon met with fiends as well as Al Bhed where one of them explains where he is. He soon is knocked off the boat by Sin and washes ashore of another island.
Ep. 3-Besaid: Tidus is awoken to a Blitzball to the head where he excitedly shows his skills off to the local team where the captain is amazed and walks him to the village hearing stories of Tidus’ Team.
Ep. 4-Cloister of Trials: Wakka learns that the Summoner has yet to walk out of the temple. Tidus then runs in to help the possible Damsel and is met with puzzles and trickery inside the temple.
Ep. 5-Valefor: Tidus reaches the temple core as Yuna steps out as an official summoner. As she leaves the Temple she summons her first Aeon, Valefor, as Tidus looks on in Awe.
Ep. 6-The Pilgrimage Begins: Tidus Tags along with the pilgrimage which heads to Luca for the Spira Blitzball tournament. Tidus also meets Lulu, Kimahri, and Yuna, who is interested in Tidus Stories.
Ep. 7-The Boat Ride-Tidus continues to talk to Yuna and learn that his Father was her Fathers Guardian on his Pilgrimage. He also confronts his Fears and Attempts a Jecht Shot with his father’s voice bantering him in his mind. Sin Attacks Again.
Ep. 8-The Sending: Once they arrive to Kilika, the small village is in ruins. Yuna performs a sending of the fallen people and Tidus and the others help what is left of the village and journey to the temple.
Ep. 9-Ifrit: Tidus inadvertently is pushed into the Cloister of Trials by Rival Summoner Issaru, and is met with Fire-like Puzzles. Yuna summons her second Aeon, Ifrit.
Ep. 10- City of Luca: Home of the Blitzball Tournament where the group meets the Maesters of Yevon and newest Maester: Seymour Guado. The Opening Ceremonies commence.
Ep. 11-Blizt-Off pt. 1-Just as the first game is about to begin Yuna is kidnapped by Al Bhed. Tidus, Lulu, & Kimahri go after her as Wakka plays the game without Tidus’ skill.
Ep. 12-Blitz-Off pt. 2-With Winning Their First game the Aurochs play the Local Team, Luca Goers until the Stadium is attacked by Fiends. Seymour shows of his Powerful Aeon to everyone’s amazement.

Season 2

Tagline: New Guardians, New Problems

Ep. 1-Auron’s Reveal: After the powerful Aeon is called away the group gets reunited and Tidus see’s Auron for the first time since Zanakand. Auron Reveal a truth about Sin to Tidus.
Ep. 2-Highroad: The Pilgrimage journey’s down the Mi’Ihen Highroad and meets several of Spira’s interesting Characters. Tidus and Yuna share a moment with the sunset
Ep. 3-Chocobo: The gang faces a chocobo Eater as it attacks the Chocobo Stand as they step outside of Rin’s.
Ep. 4-Operation Mi’Ihen Pt. 1: The Gang is stopped by gate for a Military Operation. Seymour lets them Pass and explains Operation Mi’Ihen to the group.
Ep. 5-Operation Mi’Ihen Pt. 2: The Operation Goes into Full Effect as Sin Approaches. Tidus has a Realization of something Auron told him earlier.
Ep. 6-Aftermath: The Gang tends to the wounded and Yuna sends the Fallen. They Journey to the Djose Temple.
Ep. 7-Ixion: Just outside the Temple, Issaru warns Yuna that other Summoners are disappearing from there pilgrimage. Tidus assists with an “Electric” Cloister of Trials.
Ep. 8-Shoopuf-The Journey Continues to the Moonflow where they must travel across on a giant “Shoopuf” The Al Bhed kidnap Yuna again.
Ep. 9-Rikku: The driver of the Al Bhed Machina is revealed to Tidus as Rikku. The Gang with new Guardian Rikku head to Guadosalam, Home of Seymour Guado, who makes an Interesting proposal.
Ep. 10-The Farplane-Yuna Travels to the Farplane to see her Father, Wakka to see his Brother, and Tidus see’s someone he hasn’t seen in years. The group also sees the Unsent of Seymour’s Father. They Travel through the Thunder Plains.
Ep. 11-Jecht Sphere- Yuna Surprises everyone with her decision for Seymour’s Proposal. Auron recognizes a fountain just at the entrance to Macalania. Tidus finds a Sphere of his Father on Braska’s Pilgrimage.
Ep. 12-Revelations: The Al Bhed attacks again but Rikku Calls them off causing Wakka to learn who Rikku is. The Gang, except Wakka, uses Snow Machina to travel to the temple quicker where Tidus learns why Wakka hates Al Bhed. With Yuna inside the Temple Tidus and the rest discover what was on Jyscal’s Sphere and Confront Seymour about its contents. Yuna walks out mid Battle and Assists her guardians with an “Icy” Friend. Before Yuna can send him a Dormant Sin under Ice begins to stir before everyone passes out.

Season 3

Tagline: The Truth is Revealed

Ep. 1-Oasis: Tidus wakes up in an oasis by himself. He replenishes his water and begins to try and find the others.
Ep. 2-Home: Tidus, Wakka, & Lulu find Auron and Rikku but still have no sign of Yuna. Rikku suggest going to the Al Bhed Home where she might be. They find it under attack from Guado.
Ep. 3-The Truth Revealed: The Guardians Help the Al Bhed in their war with the Guado and Break into the room where the other summoners are being held. Tidus learns the Truth about the Final Aeon and Yuna’s Future.
Ep. 4-Fahrenheit: The Guardians and remaining Al Bhed board Rikku’s Fathers New Airship. In an act of Pain and Desperation they destroy Home to kill the remaining Guado inside. Cid then tells the guardians where Yuna is and Tidus Begins a Plan to Get Yuna back out of Bevelle.
Ep. 5-Evrea: As They Advance towards the City of Bevelle, The Guardian Wyrm Evrea attacks, whom Tidus and the rest must defeat.
Ep. 6-Believe in Yuna: As we see the Unsent Seymour attempting to wed Yuna, Her Guardians come Crashing in only to be held at Gun Point by Crusaders. Yuna Throws herself off the Building and summons Valefor to escape. The others use Brute force to escape the advancing crusaders. They meet her at the temple just as Yuna leaves with her new Aeon only to be captured by the Crusaders who followed.
Ep. 7-Trial and Imprisonment: Yuna and her Guardians are Put on Trial with the Other Maesters and find out the truth about the Grand Maester being and Unsent as well. They are then set to be imprisoned in the Via Purifico, Spira’s Most Inescapable Prison. On the Way There Tidus tells Auron that he was right about Sin and his Father. Auron then explain Spira’s cycle of Death to him.
Ep. 8-Escaping the Inescapable: Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku Travel Through the underwater ruins avoiding the Guardian Wyrm protecting it. Kimahri and Lulu find a barrel that Lulu blows up with her mage spell and travel through the unknown tunnel. Yuna picks her cage lock only to come head to head with Issaru in a battle of the Aeons. Auron agrees to fight the guards for his escape.
Ep. 9-Seymour Flux: The Guardians Meet up and Attempt to sneak out of Bevelle only to be met by Seymour, while still an unsent slowly is becoming a monster. They Do Battle
Ep. 10-Broken Faith: After the Battle they leave Bevelle choosing never to return. Yuna chooses to be alone in the Macalania Woods but Tidus follows her to comfort her and apologize. They kiss for the first time.
Ep. 11-Defying Yevon: Auron Rallies everyone to continue to the Pilgrimage even if they must Defy Yevon to do it. Yuna and The Guardians travel through the calm lands and Travel up the Mountain Home of the Ronso.
Ep. 12-Sin Is Jecht: As They Continue to Scale the mountain they are met by another of Seymour’s Monstrous Forms. They Defeat him but he throws himself off the mountain before he can be sent. As they travel they find a Fountain which they examine but choose to move on. Tidus however examines it more closely and Passes out.

Season 4

Tagline: The Pilgrimage Ends and the real Journey Begins

Ep. 1-Dreaming: The Fayth of Bevelle Reveals to a dreaming Tidus who he really is and What Zanarkand is.
Ep. 2-The Pilgrimage Ends: Tidus and the Group reach Zanarkand surrounded by Pyreflies and as they go towards the temple they see past summoners travels.
Ep. 3-Lady Yunalesca Pt. 1: The Party enters the Temple and confronts Lady Yunalesca, the first summoner to defeat Sin, Who reveals the truth about the final Aeon.
Ep. 4-Lady Yunalesca Pt. 2: the Party Decides against the Final Aeon and Fight Lady Yunalesca as she transforms into her true form.
Ep. 5-Spira in Disarray: Cid picks up the Party after they defeat Lady Yunalesca. They Travel to Bevelle to find Spira in Complete mess after what happened.
Ep. 6-Omega Ruins: In a Quest to understand where sin came from The Party travels to the Mysterious Omega Ruins and make a Shocking Discovery deep inside the ruins.
Ep. 7-Prophecy of the Summoner: Yuna Follows her Symbols on the wall which leads to a Cloister of Trials unlike any she’s faced before and faces a Person from her past who she hasn’t seen in over 10 years.
Ep. 8-Prophecy of the Swordsman: Tidus and Auron Travel deep in the Ruins Where they attempt to fulfill the requirements to obtain the ultimate swords.
Ep. 9-Prophecy of the Ronso- Kimahri must confront his troubled past in order to obtain the Ronso’s Ultimate Weapon.
Ep. 10-Prophecy of the Blitzball: Wakka journeys into the Forgery where his customization is told to him by a man from his past to make his Blitzball weapon unstoppable.
Ep. 11-Prophecy of the Mage & Al Bhed: Rikku and Lulu travel into different portions of the ruins to obtain their Ultimate Weapons.
Ep. 12-Jechts Song: The Party regroups at the entrance of the Omega Ruins, with their weapons intact, discuss a way to fight Sin and begin their battle plan. The Season ends with the Fahrenheit and Sin coming face to face.

Season 5

Tagline: The Battle Against Sin…Begins

Ep. 1-Battle of Sin Pt. 1: The Ship and Party Fight Sin above the world of Spira.
Ep. 2-Battle of Sin Pt. 2: After Sin falls from the Sky, He Sprouts wings and Comes Face to face with the Fahrenheit. The Party continues to Battle until they are sucked inside of sin.
Ep. 3-Sin’s Labyrinth: The Party Awakens, Separated, in a Giant Maze, that once escaped leads to the Temple/core of sin.
Ep. 4-Seymour Ominous: The Party begins the climb towards Sin’s core only to be confronted by Seymour’s third monstrous form whose goal is to become the next sin. The Party battles him to stop his evil plans once and for all.
Ep. 5-Braska’s Final Aeon: Once inside the temple, Jecht appears to Tidus and the gang and explains what they must do in order to stop Sin forever. He then transforms into Braska’s Final Aeon whom they fight.
Ep. 6-Battle of the Aeons: Yu Yevon Appears to the Gang after Hecht’s is defeated. He explains he must have an Aeon to continue to be sin. He Proceeds to possess all of Yuna’s Aeons and the Gang Must do Battle with each of them.
Ep. 7-I Love You: After the Defeat of Yu Yevon they rush to escape sin before he crashes. Cid picks them up as they watch Sin Dissolves into Pyreflies. Auron Requests that he be sent as he has fulfilled what he set out to do. As he is sent Tidus begins to disappear as Zanarkand Stops Dreaming. He and Yuna share one last kiss before he jumps off the Ship into the Pyreflies. Yuna Address’s the citizens of Spira on the Eternal Calm.
Ep. 8-2 Years Later: as Yuna continues to live a quiet life in Besaid, Rikku shows up out of the blue with a sphere of someone who looks like Tidus.
Ep. 9-Return to Zanarkand: Yuna, believe that Tidus is alive, heads back to where he is originally from for answers. The Pyreflies reform memories of Yuna’s pilgrimage.
Ep. 10-Zanarkand Abes: Yuna Travels to the ruins of the Blitzball stadium where she sees a memory of a game being played. Jecht Then Appears Before her and tells her that the Fayth will reward her if she can save Spira one last time.
Ep. 11-The Farplane: Yuna believes that Jecht meant for her to find Tidus in the Farplane but is met by Auron. He explains that Generations from now a man names Shinra will harness the power of Pyreflies and use it as a weapon. She must destroy his research or risk the destruction of Spira and her future ancestors.
Ep. 12-This is Our Story: Yuna takes Rikku to meet with an Al Bhed named Shinra who talks about doing research on the Farplane to discover the energy that is inside and with enough research could harness it. And Shows a prototype that absorbs Pyreflies and to light a bulb. Yuna insist that it’s too dangerous and attempts to stop him but he knew people wouldn’t understand so he sends his Machina, Vegnugon Powered by the Pyreflies he defeated Fiends to obtain. Yuna and Rikku Battle this Machina as Shinra escapes. Jecht and Auron assist by voicing what they should target. Rikku blasts the power source which releases the Pyreflies which manifest and ask Yuna if she wants him back. She replies with Yes as tears roll down her face. They scatter as they said he would appear where they first met. Yuna Races to Besaid where she finds Tidus and also meets Wakka & Lulu. Tidus asks to see his Zanarkand, and once arrive for the first time since defeating Sin as Braska, Auron, & Jecht look on as Fayth.



Known Works
The Vampire Diaries

Length of Role
Season 1-5 Starring

I Believe that this young looking actor could capture the Character of Tidus. His hair would be dark with blond highlights instead of completely blond. He has the right build and shape to pull off the sword-wielding Blitzball player. To make him appear younger he would be clean shaven at all times. Tidus’ character would be around 22 instead of 17 to accommodate for this as well.


Known Works
I Am Number Four

Length of Role
Season 1-5 Starring

I Believe this beautiful young lady could capture the innocence of Yuna and dedication to her pilgrimage. Her age has also been changed from 17 to 20 to ensure she looks perfect for the part.


Known Works
True Blood
One Tree Hill

Length of Role
Season 1-4 Starring, Season 5 Starring/Recurring second half

He’s Got a Great Physic that fits a character who’s trailed and played Blitzball. I would have to tweak his character’s weapon but only slightly. He would still have a Blitzball but it would be weaponized with things such as fire, Water, Electricity, Ice, Knives, etc. He would continue to weaponize it as the pilgrimage as well. Unfortunately he won’t have the classic hair swoop or color that was seen in the game.


Known Works
Ghost Whisperer
The Client List

Length of Role
Season 1-4 Starring, Season 5 Starring/Recurring second half

I’d be lying if I said her looks didn’t play heavily into my choosing of this role. However I also believe that she could definitely pull off the Knowledgeable Black Mage of the Pilgrimage. Instead of her Moogle being her weapon she would have a staff to use.


Known Works
Mortal Kombat: Legacy
The Dark Knight

Length of Role
Season 1-4 Starring, Season 5 Starring/Recurring second half

As The Voice of Kimahri I saw no one better. He is the best voice for him. The Character itself would be portrayed via Motion Capture and he would do phenomenal with portraying the emotionless Ronso


Known Works
Mad Men
The Town
Length of Role
Season 1 Guest, Season 2-4 Starring, Season 5 Starring/Recurring second half

One of the hardest roles for me to cast as many of the people I wanted for the role are “To Famous for TV.” However I think Jon Hamm would portray the Sword-wielding Badass to a tee.


Known Works

Length of Role
Season 1-2 Recurring, Season 3-4 Starring, Season 5 Starring/Recurring second half

I believe she can portray the spunkiness that Rikku has as well as the right look for the Al Bhed girl. Her weapon will be more of a gun based bracelet. Picture the Gillionaire (Her Ultimate Weapon) compbined with a machine gun. Also her aged has been changed to around 19-20.

Seymour Guado

Known Works
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Length of Role
Season 1-5 Recurring

I chose him based on one TV Show: Sherlock. He has portrayed Sherlock in such a way to be creepy but a genius at the same time. I want to see him portray an evil genius which is exactly what Seymour is.


Known Works
Friday Night Lights

Length of Role
Season 1-3 Guest

I Chose to Combine Issaru and Dona’s Characters to give them a complete story arc included into the main story. He’ll be portrayed as kind of a dick but he will help the pilgrimage until they betray Yevon and their Teachings

Lord Braska

Known Works
Doctor Who
Fright Night

Length of Role
Season 1-5 Guest (Flashbacks/Memory Sphere appearances)

The Only person I saw as Lord Braska. He could bring a side to Braska that we haven’t seen in Memory sphere’s on the game and bring his Character to life.


Known Works
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Length of Role
Season 1-4 Guest (Flashback/Memory Sphere), Season 5 Recurring
I Chose to go with someone Younger as The Game States that Jecht Disappeared 10 Years ago which in the show would make Tidus 12 making it plausible for Jecht to appear to Tidus as how he last saw Jecht. He would be with Tidus most of the show as the Father who hated him but Tidus will see him become a Father figure who made him the man he is today.

Yu Yevon

Known Works
Length of Role
Season 5 Recurring

Instead of Yu Yevon being a bug to fight at the end of the series I think he should be a physical Manifestation of what he was at the end of the series. So He would appear before the party, infect Yuna’s Aeons, and repeat until all Aeons are defeated.


Known Works
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Theif

Length of Role
Season 1 Guest, Season 3-5 Recurring

He is The Pilot of the Al Bhed Air Ship. Instead of him having a Mohawk I’d change it to a Fohawk instead for simplicity.


Known Works
The X-Files
Sons of Anarchy

Length of Role
Season 3-5 Recurring

As the Father of Rikku and Uncle of Yuna he would try and talk them into quitting the pilgrimage as it is much too dangerous especially after not obtaining the Final Aeon.


Known Works
Rocky Balboa

Length of Role
Guest Star (Memory Sphere/Farplane/Manifestation)

An Important Character to the Progression of Wakka who believe Chappu’s Death is his fault. Chappu will help Wakka move past this and become the man he is destined to be.

Lady Yunalesca

Known Works
Halloween 2

Length of Role
Season 4 Special Guest Star

I Loved her work on Heroes and I’ve always wanted to see her portray a Villainous Character which I thought would happen on Dexter to no avail. I think she’s be perfect for the First Summoner to Defeat sin.

Grand Maester Mika

Known Works
Doctor Who

Length of Role
Season 1-4 Recurring

The Grand Maester of Spira who, With Seymour, Use their power to keep Spira from learning the Truth.

Wen Kinoc

Known Works
Star Trek

Length of Role
Season 1-4 Recurring

One of the Maesters of Yevon that abuse the power they have over Spira with Seymour


Known Works

Length of Role
Season 5 Special Guest Star

I Completely revamped the idea of the Final Fantasy X-2 with Yuna going a journey herself to find Tidus and Discovery that she must Stop a Future event from happening by destroy an Al Bhed man’s Research. Shinra is the ancestor of President Shinra who created the Shinra power company that harvests the Earths Life Force for energy. (A nice Nod to Final Fantasy VII which has confirmed are in the same Universe)


When it comes to the Soundtrack I would use a lot of the same music from the game but would also incorporate music from the indie circuit as well. Songs I would definitely include:

Zanarkand (Partly mixed for Theme Song)
Battle Theme (For Actual Theme Song)
Hymn of the Fayth
Auron’s Theme (For those Badass Moments)
Seymour’s Theme (Cause its creepy and awesome)
The Truth Revealed (When The Truth is told To Tidus)
Start (When they are Headed to an Important Battle)
Decisive Battle (Battles Within Sin)
The Ending Theme (When Tidus Leaves Yuna and the Party to join his Father)

That is all I have out and I would love to hear your guys Thoughts on it and what I could do to improve it if anything. Please let me know in the Comments Below.
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superbatspiderman - 7/29/2012, 10:12 PM
Not bad ,not bad at all. I am not sure about Somerhalder as Tidus but the rest is pretty solid.
DropDeadDream - 4/6/2013, 11:41 AM
This was very well made. I am also currently making a FFX cast, but as a film, not a show. The effort you put into this is very admirable; the article itself is very well made. The only choices I really don't like is Hamm as Auron, he's a little too young and handsome looking. My personal choice is Ian McShane, but I realize you are trying to stick to TV actors. Other than that, I thought this was very impressive. Kudos!
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