'I dont know what men's problem is,they think they can shove there you know what wherever and that they automatically should get respect!' Wonder woman thought to herself. 'Most of them never EARN it,they just take respect wrongfully,take Flash for instance he's gotten to big for his red suit.Going around bragging about how Women think cause were female we know more than them.He couldn't be any more wrong,I give respect to ALL male minds that prove there smart.Like Batman for instance.' Wonder woman kept her mental rant going. Meanwhile "The nerve of Diana!" yelled Barry Allen. "She told ALL the females in the league that im a pig headed close minded male." "Just cuz of one comment I made about how alot of women think there smarter than guys!" Flash complained to the now annoyed Nightwing who replied with "Well why dont you explain yourself to her and the other moody women of the League?" "Cuz they all listen to Diana like shes freaking Oprah or something!And Diana has HER mind made up!" Flash replied."Why not make a public spectacle of it then? The annual League charity event is still yet to be decided on. You and her could have a televised Knock out match,and the winner gets to claim they were right." Dick suggested. "Thats a fine idea Nightwing!" Wonder woman said just entering that part of the league lounge. "I came here to apologize for possibly overreacting about the comment but after over hearing your RANT about me,I retract that idea. But this I can get into." She said. Soon the league got behind the idea and presented the idea to their charity people,all the television proceeds and live arena ticket sales would goto the Homeless populatian in Metropolis. Now the rules are simple,theres plenty of junker cars,trucks and even small boats,in the arena,the arena is fairly large,they are allowed to throw any object in the arena at there opponent,punches,kicks,tackles,headbutts,and basic gadgets are ALL allowed to be used against their opponent,the winner will be declared when A. An opponent is rendored unconcious for over 30 minutes. B. A participant forfeits either during OR before the match. C. A tie will be called if the match goes on too long or is interrupted by ANY criminal antics in or in close enough proximity to the arena. Now thats the set up lets look at there stats.

Name:Wonder woman
Powers:She has the ability to fly,run at incredible speeds (Not in the same speed ball park as flash),almost unlimited stamina,all around military prowess,and incredible strength (Tho not as strong as supes),and incredible endurance.She has weapons including:The gold lasso,her wristlets,the rest of her costume,and for this match two basic daggers.
Powers:One of the if not THE fastest beings in the DC universe,he has the ability to speed up his particles to the point of phasing through walls and other objects,in some instances the ability to run so fast as to actually fly,the ability to run in circles around his opponent so fast he can produce a wind vortex, and a basic fighting style consisting of speed attacks.He will have a wooden staff and a mini taser in this match as they allow basic gadgets.
I will NOT have a poll on this as in MOST of my articles i ask you to vote in the comment section.
And yes i know flash doesnt generally use a taser or wooden staff. I figured if Wonder woman was gonna have daggers id throw flash a little bone too.
WARNING:If any men and/or women found the set up for this sexist in anyway I apologize but WILL NOT alter any text or other content of this article.