Previously in the New Marvel Animated Universe:
1. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Season 3
2. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes--Rise of the Thunderbolts
3. The Spectacular Spider-Man, Season 3
And now, on to a hypothetical fourth and final season of:
The overarching story arcs for this season give it the feeling of a '3-act play'. The first third explores the New York underworld in the wake of the prior season's mob war, via the debut of the Crime-Master with a storyline based on the original 80's Hobgoblin saga. The second third is based on 'Spider-Island'. The last third is based on 'Spider-Verse'.
1. Main beats and notable episode plots:
-The Kingpin and the Black Tarantula have emerged the winners of the mob war of season 3, entering into a bit of a detente. During the events of this show's version of "Spider-Island", it's the Kingpin and his resources Spidey and friends reluctantly turn to in order to end the threat posed by the combined forces of Ai Apaec, the Queen, Black Tarantula, and the Jackal.
-A new player known as the Crime-Master tries to disrupt the detente. He brings with him technological genius Mendel Stromm (ex-partner of Norman Osborn) and his group of cybernetic mercenaries (Big Wheel, Hardshell and her husband Strikeback, and Fusion). Two people--Daily Bugle reporter Ned Lee and small-time hood Nick Lewis--are suspected to be the man under the mask. At one point Crime-Master hires the mercenary Chance to assassinate Betty Brant and Spider-Man; Chance finds himself in a bit of a friendly competition with fellow merc Joystick (voiced by a returning Tara Strong; Later on, towards the end of the saga, Betty learns to her horror that the Crime-Master is her own brother Bennett Brant.
-Emily Osborn, now acting as head of Oscorp, tries to put the company back in the good graces of the public with the opening of a new subsidiary in the form of Horizon Labs. Later on, Roderick Kingsley leads a temporary corporate takeover of Oscorp with Jack O'Lantern aka Jason Phillip Macendale as his new top enforcer, after his falling out with Phil Urich. Urich winds up going underground, and as Goblin Knight begins taking in orphans, runaways and other at-risk children to create his own Goblin-themed gang, instead of using Hobgoblin's ex-henchmen. This earns him the attention of Spider-Man and Cloak and Dagger.
-Inspired by the 2005 Spider-Man/Human Torch miniseries by Dan Slott, one episodes sees Peter and Johnny Storm teaming up to stop an out-of-control Horizon Labs experimental robot called the Living Brain.
-A story is featured combining elements of 1988's "The Death of Jean DeWolff" and the late-90's "Identity Crisis" saga. While on the hunt for the mysterious killer known as the Sin-Eater, Jean DeWolff gets jumped by him and her life nearly hangs in the balance, until she is supposedly saved by Spider-Man...Until it's clear this isn't the real wall-crawler, as indicated by Sin-Eater getting seriously hurt in a no-holds-barred beatdown by the imposter Spidey--an act caught on-camera by a news crew on the scene. DeWolff survives, but Sin-Eater (real name Emil Gregg) winds up comatose--a situation that causes Spider-Man to be the object of a citywide manhunt spearheaded by DA Sam Bullit. Only DeWolff and Stan Carter know he's innocent. (A twist, considering Carter's the real Sin-Eater in the actual comics arc.) Peter, with help from his allies, learns that it was orchestrated by the Hobgoblin, with Chameleon acting as the impostor. Until his name is cleared, Peter is forced to adopt four different costumed identities (Prodigy, Ricochet, Hornet, and Dusk) in order to expose Chameleon. Once that's done and over with, the four costumes vanish, only to turn up later in the hands of four teenagers who become the Slingers.
-Joe Robertson, having won the mayoral race from last season, steps down as editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle. J. Jonah Jameson brings onto the staff, on Robbie's recommendation, Joy Mercado, previously the EIC of the Bugle's magazine NOW. Jonah also brings Peter aside to ask him for a favor--showing his new lady friend's stepdaughter Mattie Franklin around town. Peter and Mattie manage to get along well, with Peter unaware of Mattie's own spider-powered alter-ego Redback.
-Peter and friends meet a new exchange student at Midtown by the name of Anya Corazon. Peter later meets her costumed alter-ego Araña during another fight with the Lobo twins. Later, during an inter-school science fair sponsored by Horizon Labs, Peter bumps into his old grade-school pen pal Cindy Moon, secretly the webslinger known as Silk.
-Spider-Man meets a teenage runaway named Jessica Jones, on the run from the mind-controlling Purple Man (returning from AEMH). Her relationship with Purple Man is depicted as similarly dysfunctional to the partnership of Slade and Terra in the 2003 Teen Titans animated series. In the end, Jessica will find a home working with Heroes for Hire after Purple Man's defeat.
-Two of Peter's friends undergo some startling changes: Sally Avril discovers her X-gene when she sprouts a pair of sky blue wings on her back (similar to Angel of the X-Men). [A nod to her Bluebird alter-ego from the comic series Untold Tales of Spider-Man.] She learns from her mom that her biological father was a mutant, and unfortunately he returns to 'say hello'--said real father being one Fred Dukes, aka the Blob. Sally is encouraged to enroll at Xavier's, where in training sessions she adopts the codename 'Bluebird'. Meanwhile, at the Horizon Labs-sponsored science fair, everyone's stunned when Hobie Brown enters with a new type of athletic equipment he developed, revealing his long-hidden knack for engineering. When trouble brews at home courtesy of Tombstone, Hobie puts his gear to use in a new guise, as the Prowler.
-A dangerous situation forces George and Gwen Stacy to go into witness protection for some time, phasing main universe-Gwen out of the series. During this time, Harry begins connecting with Liz Allan, leading to their own budding romance (as in the comics).
-A variation of "Kraven's Last Hunt" will play out, with Stegron in place of Vermin. Sergei Kravinoff's family arrives on the scene to help get Sergei through this 'mid-life crisis' of his.
-Three funny episodes would air at different points during the season just to ease the tension being built up. The focus of each, respectively, would be minor villains Hypno-Hustler and Slyde, and the Spider-Mobile.
-An episode features Spidey teaming up with the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider (renamed Ghost Racer, though his connection to the Riders is mentioned). The episode is based on an unused plot from the 1990's Spider-Man animated series, in which Spidey and the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider would have faced off with Mysterio and Dormammu. In this episode, Mysterio discovers he's dying and intends to do a magnificient swan song with Mephisto's help by torturing Peter and Ghost Racer as a relatively child-friendly version of his horrifying "Old Man Logan" self.
-A special Halloween episode sees Spider-Man join forces with a small team of vampire hunters called the Nightstalkers, made up of Blade, Rachel Van Helsing, Hannibal King, and Abraham Whistler. Their search has led them to NYC to seek and destroy Janus Tepes, the son of Dracula. Turns out Janus is in town to find his long-lost half-brother, who turns out to be Michael Morbius (as a nod to the Ultimate version of the character).
-A 'Goblin War' erupts between the Hobgoblin and a new face in town, a woman by the name of Menace. Menace is later revealed to be Emily Osborn herself, having had the Globulin formula significantly modified to temporarily give her the benefits and none of the drawbacks. She'd taken up the identity on a short-term basis in order to eke out some payback for Kingsley and Macendale's takeover of Oscorp. Emily's assistant Lily Hollister voluntarily takes the fall for Menace's actions, but is then revealed to have been a mole within the rebranded Oscorp, for none other than Norman Osborn himself. This comes into play later in the MC2-themed series finale, where Hollister’s role is combined with that of Elane DeJunae (aka Fury the Goblin Queen).
-Peter learns from SHIELD commander Steve Rogers of a rogue experiment by the mysterious Life Foundation intending to clone symbiotes for use by soldiers in battle. Reluctantly, Spidey calls on Venom's aid in stopping the experiment (which Venom agrees to when he learns his ex-girlfriend Anne Weying is interning with Life Foundation's legal department), which results in the five symbiotes--dubbed Scream, Riot, Agony, Lasher, and Phage--being subdued and taken into SHIELD custody. The symbiotes later come in handy when Manhattan undergoes the events of 'Spider-Island'.
-Peter's two clones (created by the Jackal) wind up back in his life when they return to New York after hearing about Aunt May's latest hospital stay. Peter learns what they've been up to:
1. One went on the road under the name 'Ben Reilly', taking odd jobs here and there while, having not forgetten the idea of 'power and responsibility', adopting his own heroic persona as the Scarlet Spider to help people along the way. (Think a solo version of The A-Team's main shtick.) One of those involved working with scientist Seward Trainer and his daughter Carolyn, the latter of whom comes into play later...
2. The other one, the scarred one, became a mercenary under the name of Kaine, learning the ropes from the Marvel gun-for-hire Paladin.
-Following up on a thread from the prior season's "Amazing Friends" episode is another episode homaging Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, this time a modern-day version of the episode "Mission: Save the Guardstar", where Pixelman contacts Peter, Iceman and Firestar when he finds that Agent Buzz Mason and Lightwave have been brainwashed as part of an attempt to steal an experimental SHIELD satellite. The mastermind behind this is a former SHIELD scientist by the name of Nathan Price, who's become the cybernetic villain Digitek (a reinvented version of Cyberiad from the Amazing Friends episode "The X-Men Adventure").
-A small mini-arc focuses on Doctor Octopus and three of his admirers: Oliver Osnick (aka Steel Spider), who he'd been mentoring while in hiding; and best friends Carolyn Trainer and Angelina Brancale (Carrie and Angie between them), who he'd been corresponding with via email about their research into nanites. The arc sees the latter two take up their identities of, respectively, Lady Octopus and Stunner, while Ollie becomes the victim of Otto's machinations in a story inspired by the 'Dying Wish' story arc. In this case, Otto decides to 'revitalize' himself by hijacking Ollie's younger body, with the help of tech developed by him, Carrie (bearing a jealous grudge against Scarlet Spider for the bond he and her father developed) and Angie (devoted to her friend). The situation humbles Ollie, forcing him to seek out Peter and Ben's help.
-Midtown High gains a new guidance counselor in the the mysterious Charlene Arrowe, in reality Charlotte Witter. Peter finds her suspicious, but it's only later that he learns of her connection to Madame Web, at which point the events of 'Spider-Island' begin.
-Flash Thompson and Sha Shan Ngyuen begin dating. Flash signs up for an ROTC program, while Sha Shan shadows Ms. Arrowe for her future vocational studies (since in the comics she was a physical therapist), and she is the first person to learn there is more than meets the eye with Ms. Arrowe when Peter Parker was sent to her office. Namely that Ms. Arrowe and Charlotte Witter are the same person.
-At some point between seasons 3 and 4, J. Jonah Jameson and his wife Joan have separated. Jonah meets scientist Marla Madison and they hit it off almost instantly. Marla had taken up the position vacated by Miles Warren at ESU after his activities as the Jackal were discovered.
-Spider-Man meets Madame Web again, along with her associate Ezekiel Simms, who both introduce Peter to the idea of the multiverse. They then send him to one particular alternate earth to help out its resident webslinger Miles Morales, who took up the mantle after the death of his world's Peter Parker, in a 2-episode loose adaptation of the miniseries Spider-Men. The difference between this version and the comic is that it serves as the debut of Morlun instead of "The Other", and Miles' uncle Aaron Davis (that world's Prowler, voiced by Gary Sturgis) sacrifices himself to buy Peter and Miles enough time to beat Morlun into retreat. While Peter and Miles are occuppied, a concurrent story (influenced by the Spider-Women miniseries) sees Jessica Drew, Silk, and the newly-introduced Spider-Gwen team up against the psychic 'spider-wasp' known as Shathra, who's allied with the Cindy Moon of Gwen's Earth, the head of the secret organization S.I.L.K. Simms narrates Spider-Men, while Madame Web narrates Spider-Women.
-Prior to the start of this show's version of "Spider-Verse", a multi-part microseries would air on Marvel's YouTube channel (a la the shorts for AEMH), with each short spotlighting a specific alt-Spider from the saga, akin to the "Edge of Spider-Verse" comic miniseries.
-The two-part series finale of Spectacular would bring us forward into the future, as we look in on Spider-Girl (May Parker) and her family, including her kid sister Annie and baby brother Benny. Old rivalries threaten the Parkers when Norman Osborn's last contingency plan goes into effect (based on The Amazing Spider-Girl #28-30). *At one point we see a big wedding photo in the Parkers' living room, showing that Gwen wound up hitched to Ben Reilly.*
2. How Spider-Island and Spider-Verse work in this series
A. Spider-Island will be 70% an adaptation of the comic story, while the remaining 20% add in a bit of a mystical element in that the Queen, Black Tarantula and Jackal seek to also unleash the ancient Peruvian spider god Ai Apaec. A few plot elements from the 2015 Secret Wars tie-in Spider-Island miniseries would also be adapted, in that Peter and Morbius fly down to Florida and beg the Drs. Connors for their help in coming up with a way to fight the spider virus. Things get heated when agents of the Jackal try to steal their research, and the tension causes Curt to turn into the Lizard again. Morbius winds up battling him while Peter tries to get in touch with Hank Pym and Beast of the X-Men for help. Pooling their efforts, they come up with a counter-serum that, while not exactly ridding Connors of his reptilian transformation, does effectively eliminate the reptile brain that takes over (sort of like how he was utilized in the Secret Wars arc from the 1990's Spider-Man cartoon). Morbius and Connors prove instrumental in helping free a number of heroes from the Queen's control:
-The Hulk is injected with a low-grade version of Connors' Lizard serum.
-Ms. Marvel is given a low-grade version of Morbius' serum.
-Captain America (Bucky Barnes) has a shard of the Godstone attached to him (making him the NuMAU's first Cap-Wolf instead of Steve Rogers).
-And Iron Man is given a low dosage of the Globulin Green formula.
-Spidey and friends also are 'loaned' from SHIELD custody the Life Foundation symbiotes, with Scream bonded to Jean Grey of the X-Men, Riot to Luke Cage, Agony to Mockingbird, Lasher to Iron Fist, and Phage to Night Thrasher of the New Warriors. The symbiotes wind up sacrificing themselves to save their heroic hosts.
B. Spider-Verse will work largely the same as the comics version, minus the Superior Spider-Man's role in it.
3. Before the final episode's end credits: "Dedicated to the memories of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko".
#New Heroes and civillians
+Ezekiel Simms - Jonathan Frakes
Ezekiel Sims was a rich businessman who, in his younger years, ritualistically gained powers similar to those of Spider-Man. Shortly after gaining them, he met Cassandra Webb and the two became allies, secretly keeping the world safe from incursions by the Inheritors. Over time, his professional life caused him to become too busy to use his powers on a daily basis. When Spider-Man emerged, Ezekiel contacted Cassandra Webb and told her that Peter was a webslinger to watch. He also became acquainted with the Moon family, training their daughter Cindy in the use of her own new spider powers.
*And now one of the more prominent alums of Gargoyles joins the fray.*
+Gilberto and Sofia Corazon - Jesse Corti and Marabina Jaimes
The parents of Anya Corazon. In their younger years in Peru, Gilberto was a reporter while Sofia was an archaeologist. Sofia was for a time dating Carlos LaMuerto, unaware he was the Black Tarantula and head of an age-old criminal group, as well as a worshipper of the ancient spider god Ai Apaec. When she found out what artifacts he had been asking her to locate and what their purpose was, she contacted Gilberto to expose the group's activities in the paper he worked for. Earning the ire of Black Tarantula, the two fled the country to the United States with the help of both a shaman named Miguel Vespa and Sofia's former college roommate Julia Carpenter. The two fell in love, married, and had Anya later on. In the lead-up to Spider-Island, the two become targets of the Black Tarantula's goons when they learn Sofia smuggled with her a key artifact that would aid in the Ai Apaec ceremony.
*Corti and Jaimes bring a couple of more veterans of Weisman's Gargoyles into the fold, where on that show they voiced Jade and Obsidiana of the Guatemala clan of Gargoyles.*
+Toxin (Patrick Mulligan) - Jerry O'Connell
Toxin's depiction in the series is a combination of the comics version and elements of Agent Venom. The Toxin symbiote was born in the dying moments of the Carnage symbiote in season 3, where it was rounded up by a SHIELD clean-up crew. Since Toxin is Carnage's son, thus Venom's grandson, SHIELD won't want a symbiote with Venom's and Carnage's capabilities running amok in New York City like his father and grandfather did. Thus, Toxin is rehabilitated by SHIELD scientists while a suitable host is selected. Patrick Mulligan is a by-the-book cop who became paraplegic after saving innocents during the mob war from season 3. Toxin is a very childish and playful symbiote, and the result is an interesting "buddy cop" dynamic with the more no-nonsense Patrick Mulligan. Think Lethal Weapon with symbiotes. Patrick Mulligan, before becoming Toxin, witnessed the big battle between the Sinister Six and the Sinister Syndicate. A crowd had gathered when large bits of concrete started to fall. Mulligan lost the use of his legs when he was crushed by falling debris while saving a small child, with only the timely intervention of Spider-Man helping to ensure his survival. (This moment is a nod to George Stacy's death in The Amazing Spider-Man #90.)
+Ghost Racer (Robbie Reyes) - Antony Del Rio
The latest modern-day Spirit of Vengeance, Reyes was trained in the use of his new powers and set of wheels by the motorcycle-riding Ghost Riders (Johnny Blaze, Dan Ketch, and Alejandra Jones). He's met by Peter while the wall-crawler and his class are in LA for a basketball game between the Knicks and the Lakers (or analogues of both teams). The two team against the Mephisto-empowered Mysterio when he begins his 'swan song' by going after the movie studio that originally fired him in the first place, setting him on the path to becoming the criminal illusionist he is today.
+Jessica Jones - Mae Whitman
A super strong teenage metahuman running from the Purple Man after being under his thrall for some time, who reluctantly accepts Peter's help in dealing with him despite putting up a tough exterior. She winds up finding a home working with Luke Cage and Iron Fist in Heroes for Hire, later enrolling at Midtown High.
+Joy Mercado - Virgina Madsen
A colleague of Joe Robertson's during their early days in journalism, she comes with his highest recommendations to take his place as EIC of the Bugle, and proves to be quite the verbal sparring partner to jolly ol' Jonah. She also acts as a mentor to Betty Brant, encouraging her to step up from being Jonah's assistant to becoming a good reporter in her own right.
+Marla Madison - Susan Egan
A roboticist who takes over the position at ESU previously held by Miles Warren, now underground after being outed as the Jackal. She is also the stepmother of Mattie Franklin, having raised her alone after her second husband (Mattie's father) passed away. She and J. Jonah Jameson begin seeing each other and hit it off instantly, getting engaged just before the events of Spider-Island begin.
+Max Modell - William Salyers
The head scientist and CEO of Horizon Labs and an old colleague of Emily Osborn's and Marla Madison's. He proves instrumental in the fight against the Queen during the events of Spider-Island.
+Anna-Maria Marconi - Kate Micucci
Max Modell's right-hand woman at Horizon Labs. She plays a big part in the episode featuring the Spider-Mobile, where she and a visiting Johnny Storm are the ones who built it, asking Spidey to give it a test drive (all amidst the backdrop of Peter actually just taking his first driving exam). She proves essential to helping him master control of the vehicle in a fight with the tech-enhanced getaway driver Overdrive (voiced by Khary Payton) and Man-Mountain Marconi, her half-brother.
+SHIELD Agent Robert 'Buzz' Mason - Robert Forster
A senior SHIELD officer in charge of the organization's Guardstar satellite project, and mentor to the meta-agent Lightwave.
-Lightwave (Aurora Dante) - Ali Hillis
A photokinetic mutant who trained in the same program as fellow SHIELD agent Daisy "Quake" Johnson, and the mentee of Buzz Mason helping to oversee the Guardstar project.
+Anne Weying - Jessica DiCicco
A law student interning with the legal department of the Life Foundation and the ex-girlfriend of Eddie Brock. The two originally split (revealed to have occurred during the events of season one) when Eddie started developing his grudge against Peter, with her wanting no part of it. He winds up back in her life when Spidey and Venom uncover the Life Foundation's very unethical symbiote cloning experiments. When Anne is hurt during the struggle with a mutated Carlton Drake and Karl Malus, Eddie sends a small piece of his symbiote to stabilize her till she can get medical attention. The two later reconcile at the hospital she was brought to, with Anne acknowledging that Eddie is trying to be a better person. As he heads off into the night, we notice that same small sliver of symbiote begin to cover her arm as she sleeps...
+Miguel Castillo-Gaff - Edward James Olmos
A shaman and old friend of the Corazons who offers insight into Ai Apaec as Spider-Island draws ever near.
*The character is based upon Miguel, the Spider Society mage that gave Anya her powers in the first place. His last name is a portmanteau of two iconic Olmos characters, Lt. Martin Castillo from Miami Vice and Det. Eduardo Gaff from Blade Runner.*
+Dr. Seward Trainer - John C. McGinley
The founder and CEO of a tech startup, his relationship with his daughter Carolyn is nearly straight out of the Harry Chapin song "Cat's in the Cradle". During Ben Reilly's time out on the road, he winds up working for Trainer's lab as a gofer at first, until Trainer notes the boy's scientific knack and takes him under his wing, much to Carolyn's chagrin (though Ben did make efforts to befriend her).
+The Nightstalkers - A group of vampire hunters originally formed by Quincy Harker and Abraham Whistler in the 1970's, when Dracula made his return.
-Blade (Eric Brooks) - Aldis Hodge
The legendary Daywalker, a half-vampiric warrior out to exterminate the undead.
*Blade will return in Marvel Superheroes: Ultimate Alliance.*
-Rachel Van Helsing - Sarah Michelle Gellar
Great-granddaughter of Abraham Van Helsing, the doctor who originally defeated Dracula, and a skilled vampire hunter herself.
-Hannibal King - David Boreanaz
A private detective turned into a vampire by Blade's archfoe Deacon Frost, King works with the Nightstalkers to ensure that no one befalls the same fate as him.
-Abraham Whistler - Dean Butler
One of the two original founders of the Nightstalkers and their current leader.
*His depiction in the show would be a blend of his short haircut from Spider-Man: TAS and his beard from Kris Kristofferson's portrayal in the 1998 Blade film.*
**Quite the small Buffy reunion, eh?**
***ILoveStargirl's idea with the Nightstalkers episode is to pay tribute to the Blade movies, since the modern age of superhero movies wouldn't have really gotten off the ground without them. The lineup of the team is meant to be a blend of both the films' group of vampire hunters and the team from the original 70's Tomb of Dracula comic book.***
+Rick Mason, agent of SHIELD - Norman Reedus
The son of the Tinkerer and a top SHIELD agent, he comes into town asking for Spidey's help in bringing in his old man in order to convince him to use his skills for SHIELD.
+The Slingers - a quartet of teenagers brought together by a former WWII-era vigilante known as the Black Marvel with the purpose of both learning from Spider-Man's example and instilling in them the drive to work at making a difference in life.
-Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore) - Ogie Banks
A stubborn loner and high school wrestling champion who acts as the self-appointed leader of the group.
-Hornet (Ernie McDonough) - Logan Miller
A victim of cerebral palsy with a great knack for engineering.
*I changed his name from Eddie to Ernie due to Eddie "Venom" Brock still running around.*
-Ricochet (Johnny Gallo) - Greg Cipes
A mutant with superhuman agility and reflexes (and a 'danger sense') that are greatly enhanced by the Ricochet suit, originally worn by Fancy Dan of the Enforcers but modified by Peter and Hobie Brown.
-Dusk (Cassie St. Commons) - Caitlyn Taylor Love
The Goth daughter of a rich socialite couple who discovers her variety of shadow-based powers.
*Had this and season three aired instead of Ultimate Spider-Man, these are the characters that I'd picture these four actors voicing in lieu of (respectively) Luke Cage, Nova (Sam Alexander), Iron Fist, and White Tiger (Ava Ayala).*
-The Black Marvel (Dan Lyons) - Louis Gossett Jr.
A wealthy history professor who originally operated as a masked crimefighter during WWII, he used his resources to acquire the costumes used by Spider-Man during his 'Identity Crisis' and bestowed them upon the four teens who would become the Slingers. At the end of the episode, Spidey arranges a meetup between him and his old wartime ally Steve Rogers.
*For a show that altered the backgrounds of Liz Allan, Debra Whitman, and Ned Leeds, I figured there wouldn't be a big fuss over altering an obscure hero from Marvel's days as Timely Comics. I made the Black Marvel African-American as a nod to the character's depiction in the 90's cartoon, where the Caucasian Dan Lyons at first volunteered to be the Black Marvel, until his influential senator father kept him out of it, at which point his friend and valet Omar Mosely volunteered to take his place.*
+The Spiders of Multiple Earths
-'67 Spider-Man - Will Forte
The Spider-Man of the 1967 cartoon series that spawned a million memes.
-'81 Spider-Man - Dan Gilvezan
A Spider-Man known for teaming up with a couple of Amazing Friends.
-'94 Spider-Man - Christopher Daniel Barnes
The first major dimension-hopping Spider-Man who saved the multiverse from being destroyed by the mad Spider-Carnage. He acts as something of a mentor to (Spectacular) Spidey. His 'Edge of Spider-Verse' short resolves his lingering plot thread from the end of the 90's cartoon by showing him and his Madame Web journeying to a world akin to Victorian-era London [which turns out to be the world of Lady Spider]. There, the two of them, Spec-Spidey and Lady Spider find '94 Spider's Mary Jane Watson (missing since the season 3 finale of the 1994 cartoon) being hunted by Jack the Ripper, who turns out to be their world's Carnage. Towards the final fight against the Inheritors, '94 Spidey suits up in something he recovered from one fallen Spider-Man: the nano-costume from Spider-Man Unlimited.
-'03 Spider-Man - Neil Patrick Harris
A wall-crawler from a world loosely-inspired by the Sam Raimi movies, the events of Spider-Verse give him the slap in the face he needs to pick up the webs again (after his harrowing experience with the Gaines twins in the series finale of Spider-Man: The New Animated Series).
-Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) - Yuri Lowenthal
Of the two clones of Peter, Ben is his sunnier side in the flesh.
-Kaine - Travis Willingham
Compared to Ben, Kaine is Peter's brooding, cynical half personified.
-Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) - Vanessa Marshall
Returning from season 3, she's revealed to be a disciple of Madame Web alongside Julia Carpenter, and the mentor of Mattie Franklin.
-Arachne (Julia Carpenter) - Brooke Shields
Also returning from season 3 and revealed to be a disciple of Madame Web, much to the surprise of her student Peter Parker.
-Redback (Mattie Franklin) - Zelda Williams
The stepdaughter of Marla Madison and best friend of Anya Corazon who, prior to the events of the season, gained her spider powers after she and Anya stumbled onto a ritual being conducted by the Black Tarantula Clan's allies the Sisterhood of the Wasp in an attempt to siphon the abilities of Anya's family friend Miguel Vespa.
*Mattie's costume in the show would be based on the one worn by the Ultimate Universe Jessica Drew (after she took on the Black Widow name) in the colors of her 90's costume. Her codename is derived from a species of spider found in New Zealand, Australia, and Southeast Asia.*
-Araña (Anya Corazon) - Alejandra Reynoso
A Spanish-American webslinger and new transfer student to Midtown High, and is best friends with Mattie Franklin and Julia Carpenter's daughter Rachel. (Julia also acts as her mentor.)
-Silk (Cindy Moon) - Stephanie Sheh
Peter Parker's grade school pen pal who, unbeknownst to him, was at the same lab demonstration he was attending and was bitten by the same irradiated spider. Her family unsure of what to do, they were approached by Ezekiel Simms, who offers to train her in the use of her new powers, which they accept. She and Peter run into one another when they both participate in an inter-scholastic science fair competition. She also goes through her own multiversal gauntlet where she (along with Jessica Drew and Spider-Gwen) face off with an older version of herself from Gwen's Earth who's the head of the HYDRA-like S.I.L.K.
-Spider-Woman (Gwen Stacy) - Lacey Chabert
The drumming Gwen Stacy of a world where her Peter Parker died after becoming the Lizard.
-Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Tyler James Williams
The Spider-Man of a world where Peter died stopping the rampage of that world's Green Goblin. He is the first alternate Spider-Man that (Spectacular) Spidey meets in the series.
*Adding to the Weisman/Gargoyles connection, Miles's parents Jefferson and Rio Morales are voiced by Keith David ( and Salli Richardson (*
-MC2 Spider-Man (Peter Parker) - Nicholas Hammond
Peter's older adult self from a future where's he's 'retired' from the webs and passed them on (with some trepidation) to his daughters May and Annie. He works as a forensic scientist for the NYPD and is married to Mary-Jane Watson.
*No way was TV's first (serious) live-action Spider-Man going to be left out of all the fun.*
-Spider-Girl (May 'Mayday' Parker) - AnnaSophia Robb
The eldest daughter of Peter in the future, her powers emerged at 15 and she decided to follow in her father's footsteps, having heard the mantra of great power coming with great responsibility, a lesson she tries her best to instill in her younger sister...
*This is May's second appearance in the NuMAU after appearing in my finale for AEMH.*
-Spiderling (Annie Parker) - Perla Haney-Jardine
The middle child of the Parkers in Peter's future, Annie began developing her powers during Mayday's second year under the mask.
*Haney-Jardine played Sandman's daughter in Spider-Man 3 (2007).*
-MC2/Future Mary-Jane Watson-Parker aka Spinneret - Jennifer Tilly
The future version of MJ and wife of Peter, she helps her family against Norman Osborn's final contingency plan utilizing a prototype suit built and gifted to her by Hobie Brown, adopting the alias of Spinneret. She appears strictly in the MC2/Renew Your Vows-inspired series finale.
*Brought to my attention by ILoveStargirl, Jennifer Tilly as it turns out was originally in the running for the part of MJ in the 1994 animated series before losing out to Sara Ballantine.*
-Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) - Jay Hernandez
The webslinger of a far-off cyberpunk-type future, scientist Miguel O'Hara became Spider-Man after an attempt to purge the drug Rapture from his system infused him with spider DNA. Donning an old Dia de Los Muertos costume, Miguel was inspired by stories of the 'heroic age' to take up Spidey's crimefighting mantle.
-Spider-Man 2211 (Max Borne) - Chris Edgerly
Dr. Jamoff "Max" Borne, a member of the Time-Spinners, an organization dedicated to preventing disruptions in the time stream.
*Edgerly was the voice of Spider-Man for the Universal Studios theme park ride "The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man".*
-Spider-Man Noir (Peter Parker) - Rino Romano
The hardboiled wall-crawler of a pulpish universe.
*Romano voiced Spider-Man in the TV series Spider-Man: Unlimited and in the 2000 video game.*
-Spider-Ham (Peter Porker) - Bob Bergen
A webslinging swine from a world where everyone's a cartoony funny animal.
*Bergen is the current longtime voice of Porky Pig. Simply picture that voice without the speech impediment.*
-Mangaverse Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Spider-Woman (Mary-Jane Watson) - Ryan Potter and Jamie Chung
The Peter Parker and Mary-Jane Watson of a world akin to Japanese manga and anime, where they're members of a spider-based ninja clan.
-Supaidaman (Takuya Yamashiro) - Brandon Soo Hoo
The Spider-Man of a world where he's more akin to a 'Super Sentai'-type hero, complete with his own giant robot named Leopardon.
-Spider-Man India (Pavitr Prabhakar) - Kunal Nayyar
A Hindi Spider-Man given his powers by an ancient Yogi to fight evil.
-Spidey-Man (Not Brand Echh) - Drake Bell
The webslinger of a world with a very....comedic nature.
-Spider-Man 1602 (Peter Parquagh) - Robbie Daymond
A Spider-Man from a Shakespearean-era universe.
-Spider-Man (Aaron Aikman) - A.J. Locascio
A young scientist using a gadget-laden suit of high-tech body armor.
-SP//dr (Peni Parker) - Tania Gunadi
The middle school-aged pilot of a psychically-powered mech suit, which is also partly piloted by a radioactive spider that shares a mental link with her.
*Since SP//dr is heavily based off of the classic anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, Peni's Aunt May and Uncle Ben are voiced by, respectively, Tiffany Grant ( and Spike Spencer (, two principal cast members of the show's U.S. dub.*
-Lady Spider (May Reilly) - Hayley Atwell
An alternate version of Peter's Aunt May, she is a young woman in a 19th-century steampunk-inspired New York. Her father studied animals, and one day when she let a spider out of a cage to get it comfort and to pet it, she got bit and learned that it was important not to let anyone cage her. After her father died she used spare parts to create a suit with four mechanical arms that allowed her to climb walls and web shooters. While attending a ball the mayor was kidnapped by the Six Men of Sinestry, allowing her to debut as the Lady Spider. Though the villains manage to get the mayor's plans, she defeats them and causes them to retreat.
*An MCU actor is a good addition to a story like this, and the fan-favorite Atwell is a great choice for voicing this webslinging suffragette.*
-Spider-Ben - Paul Eiding
The Ben Parker of a world where he accompanied Peter to the lab demonstration and was bitten by the spider instead of Peter.
-Spider-Punk (Hobie Brown) - Charlie Duckworth (who voices the regular version of Hobie)
A punk-rock version of Hobie Brown who takes up the Spider-Punk moniker to stand against the corrupt administration of his world's U.S. President, Norman Osborn.
-Spider-UK (Billy Braddock) - Thomas Sangster
A British webslinger and a member of the interdimensional Captain Britain Corps.
-Aracnido Jr. - Andy Pessoa
The son of a Luchadore who died after being betrayed by his tag team partner. This version of Spider-Man protects the streets of his Earth's Mexico City and wears a costume inspired by that of his father.
*And with that, the three main humans of Transformers: Prime are all swinging webs.*
-Kwaku Anansi (from Spider-Man: Fairy Tales) - Carl Lumbly
The trickster god of African myth.
*Lumbly's casting is a nod to his previous run with the character on Static Shock.*
-Spider-Monkey - Tom Kenny
A simian webslinger from a world ruled by sentient apes and monkeys.
*Kenny would be using a voice akin to his character Jake Spidermonkey from My Gym Partner's a Monkey.*
-Spider-Woman (Paige Parker) - Michelle Ruff
Having never lost her Uncle Ben and Aunt May, she became an egotistical wrestling diva and movie star [in a riff on the likes of Dwayne Johnson and Gina Carano, though those two aren't as egotistical]. But she is still a superheroine, is still dedicated to doing the right thing, and honestly seems to care about her world and her girlfriend, Carlie Cooper (Tara Strong). She's essentially a female version of the billionaire armored Spider-Man from the '94 animated series. When we first meet her, she's finishing up her title bout with longtime rival Edie "Venomous Vixen" Brockell (voiced by pro wrestler AJ Lee).
*The character is visually based on this above-pictured fan art ILoveStargirl brought to my attention, and her real name is a play on former WWE wrestler Paige. In casting Ruff, I was inspired by both her work in the recent Street Fighter games and the English dub of the 1994 female pro wrestling anime Metal Fighter Miku.*
-Assassin Spider (Peter Parker) - Milo Ventimiglia
A Peter Parker from a world where he's taken in by Wolverine and trained to be a top wetworks operative. *Think The Professional (1994) mixed with the source comic What If? Spider-Man vs. Wolverine.*
-Madame Web (from Spider-Man: The Animated Series) - Joan Van Ark
Cassandra Webb's counterpart from the universe of '94 Spider-Man, a cosmic entity and ally of that universe's Beyonder. It is she and the Master Weaver who bring the Spiders of multiple worlds together in order to stop the threat of the Inheritors.
*Joan Van Ark voiced Spider-Woman in the character's 1979 animated series, and is the mother of Vanessa Marshall. Here she takes over for the character's original VA Joan Lee, the wife of Stan the Man himself.*
-Master Weaver - Paul Soles
An interdimensional spider deity who acts as a "Watcher" of sorts over all the spider-men, -women, and -animals of the multiverse, it is he and Madame Web ('94) who, along with Ezekiel Simms, Cassandra Webb (Spectacular) and Kwaku Anansi, bring together the Spiders of the multiverse to stop the Inheritors.
*Paul Soles of course is a big part of the proceedings, seeing as he is the very first actor to voice Spider-Man in a cartoon series--in this case, the 1967 cartoon that started it all for the webhead on television.*
*Cameos from Captain Spider (Flash Thompson), Spider-Girl (Betty Brant), Spidernaut (John Jameson), and Spider-Raptor.*
#Minor Antagonists
+Sam Bullit - Christopher McDonald
Bullit is a district attorney candidate who often riles up Mayor Robbie Robertson with his angry "law and order" rhetoric to push the narrative that it is Spider-Man's mere existence that draws the super villains into the city, and that the people of New York would be safer without him. He has major prominence during the 'Identity Crisis' arc. Yuri Watanabe gets caught up in his fervor, much to her regret.
+The Prowler (Aaron Davis) - Gary Sturgis
Miles Morales' uncle and the Prowler of his Earth, their familial connection made it difficult for Miles to ever bring him in to the authorities. Davis redeems himself in his family's eyes when he sacrifices himself to give Peter and Miles more time to come up with a way to send the Inheritor Morlun on the retreat.
#New Villains
+Ai Apaec - Robert Davi
An ancient punisher deity from the Moche pantheon of Peru, Ai Apaec is the power behind the Black Tarantula clan, empowering their leaders for centuries. Black Tarantula, Queen and Jackal's plan of turning Manhattan into 'Spider-Island' was meant to give the returning Ai Apaec a proper seat of power to rule from.
+The Queen/Charlotte Witter - Claudia Black
The granddaughter of Cassandra Webb, she was the first female Marine in combat during World War II. She and a number of other soldiers were exposed to radiation at Bikini Atoll in an attempt to create more super-soldiers like Captain America. All but Charlotte died during this experiment. The mental strain of the experiment unhinged her mind and she was placed in a military asylum and forgotten, until she was broken out by Black Tarantula decades later; she became a loyal Ai Apaec cultist as a result. Seeking to bring Spider-Man into their fold, Witter took on the alias of Charlene Arrowe and seduced her way into becoming Midtown High's new guidance counselor. After Sha Shan voices her concerns to Peter about Ms. Arrowe being more than she let on, he winds up bringing it to the attention of SHIELD commander Steve Rogers, who upon seeing her photo recognizes her as a woman he dated before he enlisted in the army in 1940. He then brings her up while meeting with Madame Web, seeing as she's long-lived, who reveals her familial connection to Witter.
*Witter, the villainous Spider-Woman, is combined with elements of Adriana Soria, the Queen of the regular comics.*
+Vincent Chesbro - Carlo Rota
A liaison to Black Tarantula from the Sisterhood of the Wasps, armed with the power of "magic stingers" which don't do physical damage but make his victims feel like they're been stung by a swarm of thousand agressive wasps from under their skin.
*The character is a blend of Vincent, a mage for the Sisterhood of the Wasps that fought Anya Corazon, and Chesbro, an assistant to Black Tarantula.*
+The Kravinoff Family
-Vlad Kravinoff - Keith Silverstein
The eldest of the three Kravinoff siblings, who uses the alias of the Grim Hunter.
-Alyosha Kravinoff - Sean Donnellan
The middle Kravinoff sibling who goes by the moniker of the Rabid Hunter.
-Ana Kravinoff - Hynden Walch
The youngest of the three Kravinoff siblings, with the handle of the Swift Hunter.
-Sasha Kravinoff - Kate Mulgrew
The matriarch of the Kravinoff family, she and her children approach a brooding Sergei to help him get over his losses to Spider-Man by helping him orchestrate a gauntlet for the wall-crawler (inspired by the events of Kraven's Last Hunt). She has a slightly antagonistic relationship with her husband's current lover Calypso.
*Another Gargoyles alum in the mix, who'd do well to resurrect her Red Claw voice from Batman: The Animated Series for this character.*
+Stegron the Dinosaur Man (Vincent Stegman) - Joey Camen
A Horizon Labs bio-paleontologist who, inspired by the Connors' research (and Curt's transformation into the Lizard), develops a similar serum derived from Stegosaurus DNA (from a specimen brought over by SHIELD from the Savage Land), giving him a monstrous appearance and the ability to telepathically control saurian life.
+Jack-O-Lantern (Jason Macendale) - Robert Carlyle
A former CIA psy-ops specialist turned corporate shark who aids Roderick Kingsley in a short-lived takeover of Oscorp, who uses their newfound resources to locate another of Norman Osborn's stash of Goblin gear, which he uses to adopt an alter-ego of the Hobgoblin's enforcer Jack-O-Lantern.
+Steel Spider (Oliver Osnick) - Scott McAfee
Ollie is a year older than Peter, due to being held back in kindergarten due to "immaturity". His mother forces him to study hard giving no regard to his emotional health, but she can't stand him being the second best of the class, always being outdone by Peter. Since Peter is Spider-Man, Ollie fashioned the identity of Steel Spider to prove once and for all that he is SUPERIOR and Peter is inferior. Ollie exists to highlight that Flash Thompson will become a friendlier character with Peter and to point out that not all bullies are thuggish lunkhead jocks. In season 3 he was the protege of an in-hiding Otto Octavius, the two forming an almost father-son bond. In season 4, however, an increasingly-frustrated Otto betrays that bond when (with the help of Carrie and Angie) he uses a device to hijack his protege's younger body, an experience that proves extremely humbling to the young genius. With the help of Peter, Ben, and Anna-Maria Marconi, he manages to regain his body while Otto falls into a coma. Ollie then offers to make amends by working for Horizon Labs, effectively buring the hatchet with Peter.
+Lady Octopus (Carolyn Trainer) and Stunner (Angelina Brancale) - Summer Glau and Alyson Hannigan
Best friends since childhood, Carolyn and Angelina (known affectionately by their respective parents as Carrie and Angie) are a pair of college roommates and scientists, with Carrie specializing in robotics and Angie in athletics. They protected and supported one another throughout most of their academic careers, with Angie usually picked on for her weight and Carrie for her status as the class brain. The two found themselves corresponding with the fugitive Otto Octavius after stumbling upon some of his old research, and each decided to follow in his footsteps in their own way, with him offering his virtual consultation. Carrie built a stronger streamlined set of mechanical tentacles, while also helping Angie design a special type of nanite that, once injected into her body, set about 'rebuilding it' into peak superhuman perfection. Taking the names 'Lady Octopus' and 'Stunner', the two acted as his field agents, including among other things breaking out the members of the Sinister Six. During the 'Dying Wish' arc, the two 'meet' Otto (controlling the body of Steel Spider) in-person for the first time, and help him get his revenge on Spider-Man. After his defeat and fall into a comatose state, the two spirit his body out of Horizon Labs' custody and, using a variant of Stunner's nanites, restore him to vitality, along with presenting him with a new costume (similar to his comic version's but with a pair of red shades).
+The Living Brain - Rob Paulsen
A robot built by Horizon Labs scientist Hyman Petty that goes out of control thanks to a subtle bit of sabotage from Mendel Stromm.
*Who better to ironically voice a character called of all things the Living Brain than the guy behind the voice of beloved lab mouse Pinky?*
+Menace (Lily Hollister) - Heather Hogan/Cree Summer
Lily is introduced as Emily Osborn's new personal assistant, but is later revealed to be Norman Osborn's mole within the rebranded Oscorp. She also has been infused with a modified Goblin formula to allow her to take up the Menace identity.
*Part of Lily's character design for the show would be based off of the early Steve Ditko look for Gwen Stacy.*
+The Crime-Master's Gang
-Crime-Master (Bennett Brant) - Mark Pellegrino
A new upstart in the NYC underworld who tries to upset the tense balance between the Kingpin and Black Tarantula. He is revealed to be Bennett Brant, the older brother of Betty Brant. He is a shrewd planner, with substantial resources and many henchmen. After his defeat, a later scene possibly hints that the the Crime Master identity goes back centuries, and that the bearer of it is chosen by an enigmatic criminal empire.
-Mendel Stromm - Martin Jarvis
The bitter ex-business and scientific partner of Norman Osborn, acting as the gang's chief armorer.
-Big Wheel (Jackson Weele) - Patton Oswalt
The transportation expert of the gang and an expert mechanic.
*Oswalt would do well to draw upon his Specs character from Static Shock.*
-Strikeback (Anthony Davis) - Dave Annable
An engineer who with Stromm designed a suit that was capable of energy projection (in the form of rings, as a nod to his prior identity of the Ringer), teleportation, and levitation.
-Hardshell (Leila Davis) - Odette Annable
Strikeback's wife and a skilled getaway driver, armed with an armored suit originally designed by Abner Jenkins (formerly the criminal the Beetle and currently the Thunderbolt Mach-1).
-Fusion (Bart Markley) - Paul Scheer
A master linguist with the power to manipulate people's perceptions, armed with a small voice-controlled wand that can take on different shapes depending on what he persuades people it is.
+Chance (Nicholas Powell) - Wentworth Miller
A criminal mercenary incorporating his love of gambling into his work. Anyone who hires him would, instead of directly paying, bet his fee against him actually completing the mission. If Powell (calling himself "Chance") is successful, he receives his fee; if not, he lost the "bet" and owes that amount to his contractors.
+Carlton Drake - Julian Sands
The unethical founder and CEO of the Life Foundation.
-Karl Malus - Armin Shimerman
Lead scientist at the Life Foundation who injects himself with a serum derived from symbiotes, giving him similar powers.
+Xarus Tepes - Peter Faccinelli
The hotheaded youngest son of Dracula, lord of the vampires, bored with the way his father ruled and out to do things a bit differently. He seeks out Michael Morbius to develop a means of scientifically destroying his father and his inner circle--said method being digitizing the legendary Montesi Formula.
+Cindy Moon, head of S.I.L.K. - Julia Kato

The head of a nefarious spy organization called S.I.L.K. Cindy of Earth-65 almost had a similar spider bite accident to the main one, but a teacher swatted it with a newspaper. Dissatisfied with her life, she joins S.H.I.E.L.D. as a researcher in spiders. There was a spider-related incident in which Jesse Drew was nearly killed, but Cindy's research saves his life and gives him spider powers, with Agent Drew making it up to Cindy by becoming one of her top agents. She eventually recovers the altered spider back from S.H.I.E.L.D. with Jesse's help and releases it into the open, where it bit Gwen Stacy and led to her becoming Earth-65's Spider-Woman.
-Agent Jesse Drew - Greg Ellis
Jesse is married with a wife and two children, a son and daughter, who is unaware he is actually Agent 77 of the criminal organization S.I.L.K. It is revealed he is the son of two S.H.I.E.L.D. astronaut spies, sent up to the moon to live on a secret base for ten years, during which they gave birth to Jesse. His father turned out to be a Russian double agent, who is then killed by his mother. Joining S.H.I.E.L.D. after high school, Jesse is sent back to the moon to renovate the base where he and his crew were attacked by the the psychic 'spider-wasp' known as Shathra. Jesse makes it out alive, but the Shathra's spit starts poisoning his blood and turning it into black goo. He is saved by the head of S.I.L.K., Cindy Moon, who uses her spider formula to fix his blood and grant him spider powers. She deceives Jesse into thinking he needs two doses of the formula a day to survive, but it is discovered by Gwen that he is already cured and the doses are just maintaining his superhuman powers. After learning of this, he quits S.I.L.K. and escapes the state with his family, but not before he aids the three Spider-Women by giving them access codes to Earth-65 Cindy's home base.
+Shathra the spider-wasp - Cassandra Peterson
A psychic insectoid creature and sometime-ally of the Inheritors who works with Earth-65's Cindy Moon against her regular universe counterpart and Jessica Drew and Spider-Gwen.
+Digitek (Nathan Pryce) - Neil Grayston
A former SHIELD cyberneticist who had robotic parts bonded to him in an accident during a raid by A.I.M. Having gone mad over his condition, Pryce (under the moniker of Digitek) begins taking over SHIELD computer systems and brainwashes agent Buzz Mason and meta-agent Lightwave to help him take control of a SHIELD satellite called the Guardstar.
*Digitek is a reimagined version of Cyberiad, a villain from the Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends episode "Mission: Save the Guardstar!".*
+Sin-Eater (Emil Gregg) - Crispin Glover
A mysterious killer on the run, his near-fatal beating by an impostor Spider-Man is what sets off Peter's 'identity crisis'. His capture is something of a personal mission for NYPD officer Stan Carter, who lost a relative to Emil Gregg years ago.
*A bit of a role-reversal here for the two nemeses of Back to the Future.*
+The Spot (Jonathan Ohn) - Danny Jacobs
The Kingpin's mole inside the rebranded Oscorp, using a suit that gives him the power to open dimension holes that he can traverse through easily.
+Scorpia (Elaine Coll) - Rachael MacFarlane
Elaine Coll is a Daily Bugle reporter who acts more like a paparazzo than a journalist, and often does what she can to get herself famous. The last straw for her co-workers comes when it's revealed that she callously places bets on the fates of her co-workers. Jameson permanently blacklists Elaine for her lack of journalism ethics and she decided that instead of reporting the news, she'll making the news NO MATTER WHAT. With the help of Kingpin scientist Farley Stillwell (voiced by Larry Cedar), she is transformed into Scorpia and sets out to pick a fight with a webslinger; she settles on Redback since Mattie has less experience than Spider-Man. When Jameson and Marla finally walked down the aisle, Scorpia decided to crash their wedding, only to get into a brawl with, of all people Mac "The Scorpion" Gargan, who didn't take too kindly to someone stealing his act.
+Blackwing (Joseph Manfredi) - Joaquim De Almeida
The estranged son of Silvermane, who ran away at a young age to join the circus--which turned out to be the Circus of Crime. He became their animal trainer under the name of Blackwing, specializing in birds and bats. Hearing of both his father's imprisonment and his foster sister Sable reclaiming her true heritage, he decides to return to NYC, with the Circus in tow, to take over the remnants of the Manfredi branch of the Maggia.
+The Circus of Crime
-Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt) - Dwight Schultz
The leader of the Circus of Crime, armed with a hypnotic hat and skills as a mesmerist.
-Princess Python (Zelda DuBois) - Juliet Landau
The snake charmer of the Circus, always seen with her 20-foot python Pythagoras.
-Gibbon (Martin Blank) - Bob Joles
The simian-like acrobat of the Circus, and Princess Python's husband.
+Hypno-Hustler (Antoine Desloin) - Jay Pharaoh
A funk singer and Danny Ocean-level thief who with his band have an MO of robbing the venues they perform in blind, using specialized equipment to keep the audience and staff in a trance long enough for them to make off with their loot, leaving their victims none the wiser.
+Slyde (Jalome Beacher) - Dule Hill
A chemical engineer who created a non-stick coating that could be applied to anything, only to be fired by his employers. He created a costume coated in the substance and decided to use it to rob banks. His all-white bodysuit allows him to slide across floors with relative ease, and renders him impervious to Spider-Man's webbing. The suit has pads on the gloves so that Slyde can grip objects without them slipping from his grasp.
+Overdrive - Khary Payton
The self-described best getaway driver in NYC, he comes with the nanite-powered ability to convert any vehicle into a high-powered upgrade. Man-Mountain Marconi hires him to make a quick smash-and-grab over at Horizon Labs and finds himself in a race against the Spider-Mobile.
+Mephisto - John Noble
One of the many devils of the Marvel Universe, Mephisto makes the terminal Mysterio an offer to give him enough power to go off in a last blaze of glory.
+Spider-Monster (Patton Parnell) - Sam Witwer
In this version of the character, he's Spider-Man's own "Superboy-Prime". A sociopathic version of Spider-Man who made the opposite decisions that Peter had, such as becoming a cannibalistic serial killer instead of a superhero after gaining spider-powers. He is aware that he is a fictional character and that all his victims around him do not really exist, and therefore are not alive in the first place. After learning about the existence of the Web of Life, he realized that these same rules also apply to him, meaning that he could be easily killed at the whim of a sinister and unknowable higher power he refers as the "Wise Man" (Greg Weisman). When he first meets the other Spiders, Patton manipulated them into believing that the Inheritors were sent by the "Wise Man" to kill them and billions of others spiders through the Multiverse for nothing but entertainment. Unbeknowst to the spiders, whenever the Inheritors seem to be at a disadvantage, Patton joins their side to even things out. Patton has no loyalty to anyone, except himself. He is only interested on satiating his thirst for deadlier and more exciting challenges after years of feeling bored with living in a universe where he could embark on an uninterrupted murder and cannibalism spree with zero repercussions. Since his victims are fictional as him, they can't fight back Patton, because they just exist to being killed by him. He wants to defeat the Inheritors so he could prevent them from unravelling the Web of Life because he wants to do it by himself and obliterate both the spiders and the "Wise Man"at the same time. To do so, he even powers himself up further with the creature known as the Synoptic (the monster from Spider-Man Unlimited). After the defeat of the Inheritors, Patton Parnell tries slitting the Master Weaver's throat, only to end up killed by Assassin Spider. However, Master Weaver still ended up mortally wounded and transferred his abilities to repentant Inheritor Karn.
+The Inheritors
A family of interdimensional vampires who feast on the life energy of totems, people with animal powers--and in their case, primarily spider-powered folk are their main diet. Among their initial victims seen are most of the alternate Spider-Men seen in the two-part finale of Spider-Man: The Animated Series (such as the six-armed Spider-Man and the Spider-Man using Doc Ock's tentacles), and the Spider-Man of Spider-Man Unlimited (which Marvel, in the wake of the first Spider-Verse comic, deemed to be a separate continuity from the '94 show).
*Most of the members, as you'll notice, are voiced by either Buffy or True Blood alumni.*
-Solus - Anthony Head
The patriarch of the Inheritors, who commands his children to bring Spider-Men and -Women from across the multiverse as tributes.
-Morlun - Stephen Moyer
The favored son of the Inheritors who is the first encountered by Peter and Miles Morales during the events of Spider-Men.
-Verna - Eliza Dushku
The eldest of Morlun's sisters and a strict traditionalist.
-Brix and Bora - Chris Bauer and Kristin Bauer
The younger twin siblings of the clan, who treat the hunt for spider-totems as if it were all sport.
-Jennix - Alexis Denisof
The sibling with more of a scientific bent, preferring to spend most of his time with his experiments.
-Daemos - James Marsters
An erudite brute with a tendency to prolong his prey's suffering before devouring them. He also is a jealous type, of Karn for being their mother's favorite and of Morlun for being their father's favored son.
-Karn - Patrick Seitz
Having never really fit in with his family, Karn only hunted as did they in order to survive - all the while secretly despising such murderous ways, preferring to create rather than destroy. Blamed by his father for his mother's death, Karn was thusly condemned for eternity to wear his mask. He winds up turning on his family when some of the Spiders sympathetic to his plight make him a better offer. After Master Weaver is mortally wounded, he transfers his powers to Karn, allowing him to take up the role in order to atone for the atrocities his family committed.
Next time, in my hypothetical expansion of the New Marvel Animated Universe:
1. Wolverine and the X-Men, seasons 2 and 3.
2. Crossovers with the world of another Greg Weisman-helmed show in Young Justice, based on the classic DC/Marvel crossovers Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man (1978) and Batman & Spider-Man: New Age Dawning (1998).
3. Marvel Superheroes: Ultimate Alliance, a miniseries uniting all three shows in a story based on the 2006 video game Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.
4. The conclusion of the NuMAU, based on one of the greatest Marvel stories written: Marvel Superheroes: The Infinity Gauntlet.
Rest in peace, Stan and Steve--thanks for all the greatly-spun Amazing and Spectacular tales. Excelsior!!