So lets be honest. How long are we going to look at our Comic Book Movies through Dark Knight tinted glasses? Why do we fool ourselves into thinking that just because this is the studio that cranked out The Dark Knight and Batman Begins that we are going to always get the same results. I am by no means a complete Nolan fan boy, but you have to admit that he is the reason the Batman franchise has become a franchise again. He is a prolific film maker and all of his movies have been critically successful (his lowest rated movie on rotten tomatoes is The Prestige at 75%). Is that clear? Chris Nolan Has yet to produce a flop yet. He is the complete antithesis of Uwe Boll.
All that being said, It just mystifies me how so many people do not like this movie. I understand the technical aspects as the reason this movie was panned. I noticed the plot holes and the bad cuts. Yet in spite of all its flaws, this movie is really enjoyable.I don't understand how people on this site can say they liked the fantastic four movies better. Here is a look at comic book movies that have a rotten tomatoes scoring of less than 50%.
First Marvel:
Fantastic Four(94)-20%
Fantastic Four-27%
Fantastic Four ROTSS-37%
The Punisher (89)-24%
The Punisher- 29%
The Punisher: War Zone-27%
X-Men Origins: Wolverine-37%
Howard the Duck-16%
Captain America (90)-20%
Blade Trinity-26%
Ghost Rider-27%
Now DC,
Batman Forever-44%
Batman and Robin-13%
Superman III- 24%
Superman IV- 10%
The Return of Swamp Thing-40%
Jonah Hex- 13%
Green Lantern (currently)-26%
Now does anyone here honestly think that Green Lantern is worse than of the movies that are rated 27% to 49%? Ghost Rider? Both FF movies? Daredevil? Even within the DC Franchise this Film is superior than any on both lists.
Users here are saying, "we want more OA and More Corps Members"...isn't that the point of an Origin Movie? Shouldn't leave you wanting more? This movie surprised me in a lot of ways. I thought that Blake Lively could have been much worse. I thought that they were going to use the stupid weakness to yellow. Instead we get a lively putting forth a serviceable effort as Carol and we get the much better explanation of the spectrum's representing different emotions. Did anyone else not think that it would be cool to see the movies head for a corps war? Or think about Blackest Night when they went past the Lantern Graveyard?
I think that this movie will be alot better with a directors cut. There is no reason why it can not be enjoyed in its current form. I think that if this movie had come out before The Dark Knight than it would have gotten much better reviews. Oh and my least favorite comparison is the Galactus Cloud to Parallax.
Parallax in the Comics

Parallax in the Movie
Galactus (as Seen In Ultimate Alliance)
Galactus in ROTSS
Do I even have to explain which one is more disappointing?